Are you looking for the Chandra Grahan Lunar Eclipse date and time in India? The complete details are available on this page for the candidate’s reference purposes; these details are important for certain good works. Most Indians are waiting for the Chandra Grahan Lunar Eclipse date and schedule.
Based on Chandra Grahan Lunar Eclipse date and time schedule, Indians will plan their work because they believe it severely impacts their work and health.
Chandra Grahan Lunar Eclipse Date
Chandra Grahan Lunar Eclipse began on November 8, 2022, from 09.21 AM to 06.18 PM. Chandra Grahan’s time is started before 9 hours of actual time.
The Chandra Grahan lunar is shown in the following cities;
- Delhi
- Patna
- Kolkata
- Guwahati
As for the above cities, the partial lunar will be shown in Delhi, and other places is shown completely full.
Chandra Grahan 2022 Sutak Time Kaal In India
Indian people must take care between November 8, 2022, from 09.21 AM to 06.18 PM.
Small Kids, Old People, and Pregnancy people will take additional care during Chandra Grahan Lunar Eclipse time.
Chandra Grahan Lunar Eclipse Watch
People can watch under the precaution of Government announcements and instructions. Never see directly to Grahan; it will affect the eyes, always use precautions.
The next lunar eclipse will occur on March 14, 2025.
Chandra Grahan 2022 in India date and time November 8 Telugu
Chandra Grahan occurred in India from November 8, 2022, from 09.21 AM to 06.18 PM. Check the further details for the safety side.
Below Persons should not come from Home
- Pregnancy women
- Children’s
- Old people
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