English is an evolving language perfection is an endless process. While practice takes time & effort, a daily dose makes the process effortless and amusing.
How to use three words An An The in every English sentence:
Any English paragraph should start with any one of (A An The) term, and we cannot expect a paragraph without it.
For example#1: A Man walking on the road (Singular)
Example#2: A person watching Television (Singular form used)
Example#3: A group of players ready to play in the ground (Action form and Not singular or not plural form).
Above all examples are used A
use a/an with singular nouns:
I have a bothere
That was an excellent meal.
Use of Singular words, likewise below sentences are given
Use of THE:
The can be Used when Place or Thing or Person:
I think the former should sell rice at fixed rate and the Poor can buy it.
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