BOI PO Admit Card 2023: Bank of India recruitment board is scheduled to conduct the probationary Officer job notifications for the financial year 2023-24, in that recruitment will be conducted for 500 vacancies in that credit officer has 350 vacancies and the IT officer in the specialist stream has 150 vacancies. These 500 vacancies will be filled through online examination and interview process. The examination will be conducted on 19th March 2023, and admit cards are available ten days before the examination date.
BOI exam date is scheduled across the national level; those applying for the probation officer in Bank of India jobs have to use the application registration number and date of birth details, download the admit card, and attend the examination accordingly.
BOI PO Admit Card 2023
Name of the Authority | Bank of India |
Post Name | Probationary Officer Posts |
Number of Posts | 500 Vacancies |
Exam Date | 19th March 2023. |
Category | Admit Card |
BOI PO Admit Card Date 2023 | 10 days before exam date |
Selection Procedure | Written Exam & Interview |
Official Website | bankofindia.co.in |
Bank of India Credit Officer Admit Card 2023
- For the Bank of India probationary officer admit card, candidates must visit the official link bankofindia.co.in.
- Once the link is opened on the Chrome browser, then navigate to the probation officer admit card for the examination of 19 March 2023.
- Once the link is live, the aspirants have to enter the application registration number and date of birth details and click on the submit button.
- Once the Bank of India probationary officer admit card is displayed on the screen then, check the candidate details, exam details, exam venue location details, Candidate photo and signature details, and other examination instructions.
- Once all the details are correct and valid, then take the black and white printout and attach any government ID xerox copy and attend the examination as per the exam date wise.
BOI IT Officer Admit Card
The Bank of India it officer examination date is a finalizer and is scheduled on the 19th of March 2023, and those who are looking for a hall ticket for IT officer, then you have to download the admit card 10 days before the exam date. IT officer exam will be conducted across India for the 135 vacancies for the financial year 2023-24. This is important for the Bank of India probation officer, which is your it officer will be conducted on online basis examinations and the results will be released at least ten or fifteen days after the exam date.
19th March 2023 across the nation.
500 Vacancies
Both Credit Officer and IT exams are conducted on same date.
10 days before exam date.
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