RRB Group D Question Paper 9 October 2018 3rd Shift
Railway Recruitment Board RRB conducting RRB Group D in the month of September 2018 from September 9th to October 31st, 2018 and each day RRB conducting three slots. Candidates can download the Railways RRB Group D Slot Wise Questions Asked in the prelims examination. As per RRB Group D exam pattern, the RRB Group D Exam consists of 100 questions in English, Hindi, and other languages, with these 75 questions candidates can complete the exam within 100 minutes (1 and half hour) and PWD candidate has added additional minutes as per reservation.
RRB Group D 9 October 2018 Examination
- Number of Questions in RRB Group D Exam: 100 Questions.
- Time Allotted for RRB AP Exam: 90 minutes
- Types of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).
- Negative Marking: 1/3rd for every incorrect answer.
Section | No.of Questions |
Mathematics | 25 |
GI & Reasoning | 30 |
General Science | 25 |
General Awareness and Current Affairs | 20 |
RRB Group D Question Paper 8 October 2018 2nd Shift
Important for RRB Group D Candidates
- Download RRB Group D Admit Card 2018
- Download RRB eBooks for Quick Practice/ Reference
- Download RRB Group D Standard Book – 411 Pages PDF
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RRB Group D Question Paper 9 October 2018
- 1 Female blade runner in India Kiran Kanojia
- Ambassador of India to the plurinational state of Bolivia Shri M. Subbarayudu
- The Magadhi language used in Bihar also known as Prakrit
- who got the Padma bhushan in Art painting in 2018 Ilayaraja
- Jasvir Singh related to which game kabaddi
- Indian women Grandmaster in chess Subbaraman Vijayalakshmi
- which language is used in Upanishad Sanskrit
- Year of poona pact 1932
- Amir khusrao play in the court of which Mughal emperor? Akbar
- Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
- sahitya academy in Hindi award
9 October 2018 1 Shift Paper
- Who was the founder of Sun TV? Kalanithi Maran
- What is the budget allotted to Krishi Sinchai Yojana? ₹53 billion
- What is the real name of Yogi Adityanath? Ajay Mohan Bisht
- Brand Ambassador of Rajasthan? Ranveer Singh
- Who discovered Bifocal Lens? Benjamin Franklin
- Who is the PM of Bangladesh? Sheikh Hasina Wazed
- Indian Railways stands on which position in the world in terms of size? Trans-Siberian Railway
- Which is the biggest river in South Africa? Orange River
- Who is the CEO of Twitter? Jack Patrick Dorsey
- Which planet is known as the Red Planet? Mars
- What is the capital of South Korea? Seoul
- Which sea separates Australia from New Zealand? Tasman Sea
- Who is the CM of Goa? Dr. Manohar Gopalkrishna Prabhu Parrikar
- Who is the Foreign Minister of USA? Mike Pompeo
- Where is the Cape of Good Hope situated? South Africa
- What is the currency of Switzerland? Swiss franc
- Opium war was fought between China and ____? British Empire
- Who is the Governor of Assam? Jagdish Mukhi
- Who is 5 times Gold Medalist in Boxing? Mary Kom
RRB Group D Question 9 October Shift 3
Most commonly formed by reaction of acid and alcohol
- Force due to everybody in the universe attract each other
- most commonly formed by reaction of acid and alcohol
- Common passage sperm and urine in male
- remains unchanged when sound travel in medium
- gmass is 1/6 of gmoon
- direct question of capictance
9 October 2018 1 Shift Paper
- How many Atoms are there in Sodium Carbonate?
- What is the measure of current?
- 1 numerical related to Resistance?
- How many Radioactive elements are there in the Periodic Table?
- What would be the Resistance of an ideal volt meter?
- What are the suicidal bags in cells called?
- What substance makes the tomato red in colour?
- What is the unit of Force?
- How many chambers are there in Human Heart?
RRB Group D Exam Analysis 9 October 2018 Shift 2 Mathematics
- Geometry(Triangles & Quadrilaterals) 2Qs
- (721)^2
- LCM of (4.5,2.5,3.5)
- Present Population of a village is 88200. The population increases @5% per year. What was the population of the village 2 years back?
- LCM of (112,24,48)
- P= Rs. 50,000, R=4%, T=1 year, find the Quarterly C.I?
- If sugar price increases at 10%, then how should one cut down the consumption of sugar so that the expense doesn’t change?
- Speed,Time & Distance -2 Qs
- HCF/LCM 2-3 Qs
- CI/SI 2-3 Qs
- Time & Work 2 Qs
RRB Group D 9 October 2018 Shift 2 General Intelligence and Reasoning
9 October 2018 1 Shift Paper
- odd one out – VENM,OLFU,WDHS,XCGU?
- If 10th Feb 2003 was Monday, then what day was 17th April 2003?
- If TIGER=20 9 7 5 18, then what will be the code for LION?
- V,S,P,M__?
- When will the calendar of 2011 repeat itself?
- Calendar – 2 Qs
- Statement and Conclusion 5 Qs
- Classification 3 Qs
- Figure counting 5 Qs
- Analogy 4 Qs
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RRB Group D Question Paper 9 October 2018 3rd Shift in Hindi
- भारत में 1 महिला ब्लेड धावक किरण कोंजिया
- बोलिविया के बहुराष्ट्रीय के लिए भारत के राजदूत श्री एम सुब्बाराडू
- बिहार में उपयोग की जाने वाली मगधी भाषा को के नाम से भी जाना जाता है प्रकृति
- 2018 में कला चित्रकला में पद्म भूषण किसने प्राप्त किया इलाराजा
- जसवीर सिंह किस खेल से संबंधित है कबड्डी
- शतरंज में भारतीय महिला ग्रैंडमास्टर सुब्बरमान विजयलक्ष्मी
- उपनिषद में कौन सी भाषा का प्रयोग किया जाता है संस्कृत
- पूना संधि वर्ष 1932
- अमीर खुसरो किस मुगल सम्राट की अदालत में खेलते हैं? अकबर
- हिंदी पुरस्कार में साहिता अकादमी
Check Out shift Paper in Hindi
- सन टीवी के संस्थापक कौन थे? कलानिथी मारन
- कृषि सिंचई योजना को आवंटित बजट क्या है? ₹ 53 अरब
- योगी आदित्यनाथ का वास्तविक नाम क्या है? अजय मोहन बिष्ट
- राजस्थान के ब्रांड एंबेसडर? रणवीर सिंह
- बिफोकल लेंस किसने खोजा? बेंजामिन फ्रैंकलिन
- बांग्लादेश के प्रधान मंत्री कौन हैं? शेख हसीना
- कहा भारतीय रेलवे आकार के मामले में दुनिया में किस स्थिति पर खड़ा है? ट्रांस-साइबेरियाई रेलवे
- दक्षिण अफ्रीका में सबसे बड़ी नदी कौन सा है? ऑरेंज नदी
- ट्विटर के सीईओ कौन हैं? जैक पैट्रिक डोरसे
- कौन सा ग्रह रेड प्लैनेट के रूप में जाना जाता है? मंगल ग्रह
- दक्षिण कोरिया की राजधानी क्या है? सियोल
- कौन सा समुद्र ऑस्ट्रेलिया को न्यूजीलैंड से अलग करता है? तस्मान सागर
- गोवा के मुख्यमंत्री कौन हैं? डॉ मनोहर गोपालकृष्ण प्रभु पर्रिकर
- संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका का विदेश मंत्री कौन है? माइक Pompeo
- केप ऑफ गुड होप कहां स्थित है? दक्षिण अफ्रीका
- स्विट्जरलैंड की मुद्रा क्या है? स्विस फ्रैंक
- ओपियम युद्ध चीन और ____ के बीच लड़ा गया था? ब्रिटिश साम्राज्य
- असम का राज्यपाल कौन है? जगदीश मुखी
- बॉक्सिंग में 5 गुना स्वर्ण पदक विजेता कौन है? मैरी कॉम
RRB Group D Question Paper 8 October 2018 2nd Shift
Railway Recruitment Board RRB conducting RRB Group D inline examinations from September 2018 to December 2018 in various locations in India, those who already appeared RRB Group D examination, you have to check the cutoff marks for selections, which has be listed below and those who are not given RRB Group D exam and waiting for exam date, they have to check regular RRB Group D questions, which are updating in this blog regularly.
RRB Group D Cut off Marks 2018
Those who candidates already gave the RRB Group D online exam have to check the RRB Group D Cut off marks 2018, the cutoff marks are given based on RRB Vacancies and a number of candidates appeared examination and these RRB Group D cut off marks may vary little with RRB Group D original cut off marks.
Name of the Reserve Category | Expected RRB Group D Cut off Marks (100 Marks) |
OC Reserve Candidates | 70 to 85 Marks |
OBC Reserve Candidates | 65-75 Marks |
SC Reserve Candidates | 55 to 63 Marks |
ST Reserve Candidates | 51 to 58 Marks |
Subscribe the Regular Mail Alerts for RRB Questions
Those who are waiting to give RRB Group D and RRB ALP Mains examination have to subscribe the regular mail alerts, the RRB questions reach you directly to your mailbox/inbox. Candidates have to register below mail alert box with the name and working email id and click submit. That’s all.