Electromagnetic Waves Equation Properties Wave Theory


Electromagnetic waves were first proposed by James Clerk Maxwell and later confirmed by Heinrich Hertz. Electromagnetic waves are created due to vibrations between electric and magnetic fields. The highest point of a wave is called the ‘crest’ while the lowest point is called the ‘trough’. Electromagnetic waves can be divided into a series of frequencies. This is called the electromagnetic spectrum. EM waves are radio, infrared, microwaves, X-rays, gamma rays, etc.

Electromagnetic waves are also called EM waves. Electromagnetic radiation consists of electromagnetic waves produced when an electric field comes into contact with a magnetic field. Electromagnetic waves can also be a combination of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves are solutions of Maxwell’s equations, which are the fundamental equations of electrodynamics.

Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves, or EM waves, are waves created from vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field. In other words, EM waves are composed of oscillating magnetic and electric fields. Energy is continuously emitted from a source in the form of radiation and is called radiant energy. Radiation consists of electric & magnetic fields that oscillate perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of radiation propagation. 

Electricity is as constant as the force that keeps your hair standing. Magnetism is as stable as a refrigerator magnet. The changing magnetic fields induce a changing electric field and vice versa – the two are connected. These changing fields form electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic differ from mechanical waves because they do not require a medium to propagate. Electromagnetic waves can travel not only through solids and air but also through the vacuum of space.

electromagnetic waves properties

  • A charged particle produces an electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic field exerts a force on other charged particles. +ve charges accelerate in the direction of the field, and -ve charges accelerate in the opposite direction to the direction of the field.
  • Moving charged particles produce a magnetic field. This field exerts a force on other moving particles. The force of these charges is always perpendicular to the direction of their velocity. Therefore, the only changes are the direction of the velocity, not the speed.
  • So, an electromagnetic field is produced by an accelerating charged particle. Electromagnetic waves are nothing but electric and magnetic fields traveling through free space at the speed of light. An accelerated charged particle is a charged particle that oscillates about its equilibrium position.
  • If a charged particle’s oscillation frequency is f, it produces an electromagnetic wave with frequency f. The wavelength of this wave is given by λ = c/f. Electromagnetic waves transfer energy through space.

Electromagnetic Wave Equation

  1. The electromagnetic wave describes the propagation of electromagnetic in a vacuum (or) through a medium.
  2. The electromagnetic equation is a second-order partial differential equation.

Electromagnetic Waves Applications

  • Electromagnetic radiation can transmit energy in a vacuum or without using a medium.
  • Electromagnetic waves play an essential role in communication technology.
  • Radars use electromagnetic waves.
  • UV rays are used to detect counterfeit notes. Actual notes do not become fluorescent under UV light.
  • Infrared radiation is mainly used for night vision, and it is used for security cameras.

 Mathematical Representation of Electromagnetic Wave:

  • An Electromagnetic plane wave traveling in the x-direction is of the form.
  • Here E is the electric field vector in an electromagnetic wave, and B is the magnetic field vector.
  • Maxwell gave the basic idea of ​​electromagnetic radiation. Hertz experimentally confirmed the existence of an electromagnetic wave.
  • The direction of propagation of an electromagnetic wave is given by the vector cross-product of the electric field and the magnetic field. It is given as follows. 

Electromagnetic Wave Theory

This theory was proposed by James Clark Maxwell in 1864.

The main points of this theory are:

  1. Energy is continuously emitted from any source in the form of radiation and is called radiant energy.
  2. Radiations have electric and magnetic fields that oscillate perpendicular to each other, and both are the perpendicular direction of radiation propagation.
  3. Radiations have wave characteristics and travel at the speed of light. This radiation is called electromagnetic radiation (or) electromagnetic waves.
  4. These magnetic waves do not require any material medium for propagation.

 Limitations of the electromagnetic wave theory:

It could not explain:

  1. The phenomenon of black body radiation.
  2. Photoelectric effect.
  3. Variation of a solid’s heat capacity as a temperature function.
  4. Line spectra of molecules with particular reference to hydrogen.


Electromagnetic waves can be classified by amplitude (brightness), wavelength, frequency and duration. By the equation E=hν. We have seen how the frequency of a light wave is proportional to its energy. In the early twentieth century, the discovery that energy was quantized revealed that light was not just a wave.

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