Aptitude Online Test
General quantitative aptitude online test is more important for the various examinations, such as SSC, Railways RRB, PSU, State PSC, IBPS Banks, and other Government notifications, The aptitude questions practice make sense in the examination purpose, candidates should practice as many of questions and different models of questions.
Q1. What is the sum of this series 1 + 1 + 2 + 8 + 3+ 27 + 4 + 64 +_______10 + 1000?
- 308
- 3008
- 3800
- 3080
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Q2. There are 20 people in a party. If every person shakes hand with every other person, what is the total number of handshakes?
- 150
- 170
- 190
- 210
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Q3. Let x, y and z be distinct integers. x and y are odd and positive, and z is even and positive. Which one of the following statements cannot be true?
- (x – z)^2 y is even
- (x – z) y^2 is odd
- (x – z) y is odd
- (x + y)^3 z is even
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(x – z)^2 y is even
Q4. What is the value of M and N respectively? If M39048458N is divisible by 8 & 11; where M & N take integer values from 0 to 9, inclusive?
- M = 7; N = 8
- M = 8; N = 6
- M = 4; N = 6
- M = 6; N = 4
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M = 6; N = 4
Q5. The Ratio’s Of Akash & Vinesh Age Is 9:7.If The Difference Between The Present Age Of Akash & The Age Of Vinesh 5 Years Hence Is 3.Then Find The Sum Of Their Present Ages?
- 32
- 64
- 28
- 42
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Q6. If the ratio of ages of A and B is 7:2 while the sum of their ages is 45 years. What is the age of B?
- 10 Years
- 20 Years
- 30 Years
- 40 Years
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10 Years
Q7. A Women’s Age Is 120% Of What It Was 15 Years Ago, But 75 % Of What It Will Be After 15 Years. What Is Her Present Age?
- 32
- 65
- 37
- 67
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Q8. Find x and y so that the ordered data set has a mean of 42 and a median of 35.
17 , 22 , 26 , 29 , 34 , x , 42 , 67 , 70 , y
- x = 32 , y = 66
- x = 16 , y = 55
- x = 36 , y = 77
- x = 46 , y = 88
[su_spoiler title=”Answer” style=”fancy”]
x = 36 , y = 77
Q9. If Arun’s birthday is on May 25 which is Monday and his sister’s birthday is on July 13. Which day of the week is his sister’s birthday?
- Sunday
- Saturday
- Monday
- Tuesday
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Q10. At what time, between 3 o’clock and 4 o’clock, both the hour hand and minute hand coincide each other?
- 3:16 4/11
- 3:16 11/4
- 3:16 7/11
- 3:30
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3:16 4/11
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