Aptitude Online Test
General quantitative aptitude online test is more important for the various examinations, such as SSC, Railways RRB, PSU, State PSC, IBPS Banks, and other Government notifications, The aptitude questions practice make sense in the examination purpose, candidates should practice as many of questions and different models of questions.
Q1. The magnitude of the area of a circle is seven times that of its circumference. What is the circumference (in units) of the circle?
- 98
- 86
- 75
- 65
- 88
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Q2. 15.002 ×? × 25.0210 = 7113.018
- 17
- 18
- 15
- 19
- 21
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Q3. Krishan has some hens and some cows. If the total number of animal heads are 59 and the total number of feet is 190, how many cows does Krishan have?
- 32
- 36
- 34
- 38
- 40
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Q3. The height of a room is 5 metres and its length is twice its breadth. If 240 metres of paper of breadth 50 cm are required for papering its walls, find the area of the floor.
- 32 m2
- 30 m2
- 28 m2
- 26 m2
- 28 m2
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32 m2
Q4. A bottle contains 3/4 of milk and the rest water. How much of the mixture must be taken away and replaced by an equal quantity of water so that the mixture has half milk and half water?
- 25%
- 75%
- 33.1/2%
- 54%
- 52#
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Q5. I. 10×2 + 15x + 5 = 0
II. 4y2 + 17y + 15 = 0
- x > y
- x < y
- x = y
- x = y
- Relationship between x and y cannot be established.
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x > y
Q6. The average weight of boys in a class is 56 kg and the average weight of girls in the same class is 41 kg. If the average weight of the entire class is 47.25 kg, then find that the number of girls constitutes what per cent of the total number of students in the class?
- 58
- 56
- 45
- 59
- 68
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Q7. 13 16 24 39 73 98
- 71
- 75
- 73
- 77
- 79
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Q8. Equal sums of money were invested in scheme A and scheme B for two years. Scheme A offers simple interest and scheme B offers compound interest (compounded annually) and the rate of interest (p.c.p.a) for both the schemes are same. The interest accrued from Scheme A after two years is Rs. 2560/- and from scheme B is Rs. 2688/-. Had the rate of interest (p.c.p.a) of scheme A been 6% more, what would have been the interest accrued from Scheme A after two years?
- Rs. 4006/-
- Rs. 3096/-
- Rs. 4096/-
- Rs. 4016/-
- Rs. 2096/-
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Rs. 4096/-
Q9. A & B started a business together by investing Rs. 36000/- and Rs. 42000/- respectively. Both of them invested for one year whereas after 6 months from the start C joined them by investing a certain amount. If they earned an annual profit of Rs. 39,200/- out of which C’s share is Rs. 7350/-. What is the investment of C?
- Rs. 32000/-
- Rs. 34000/-
- Rs. 31000/-
- Rs. 36000/-
- Rs. 38000/-
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Rs. 36000/-
Q10. By what per cent is Rajesh’s salary more/less than Mangesh’s?
I. Salary of Rajesh is Rs. 12000/-.
II. Salary of Rajesh and Mangesh together is Rs 28000/-
- The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone not sufficient to answer the question.
- The data in both the statements I & II together are necessary to answer the question.
- The data either in statement I alone or in statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
- The data in both the statements I & II together are insufficient to answer the question.
- The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
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The data in both the statements I & II together are necessary to answer the question.
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