SCCL Online Application Form 2022: Singareni Collieries Company recruitment team has released SCCL Recruitment Notification; candidates have to check the detailed notification and submit the online form before the last date.
The SCCL recruitment board has to accept the online application forms for various posts; the detailed posts are given in the notification and the notification.

SCCL Online Application Form
SCCL will provide the jobs for both External and Internal candidates, so the candidate cab uses the apply online option to submit the online application form before the last date/deadline.
Personal Details
- Select the Post Name
- 33 – Foundry Man / Moulder Trainee
- 44 – Junior Staff Nurse
- 55 – Turner / Machinist Trainee (Category 1)
- 63 – Motor Mechanic Trainee (Category 1)
- 91 – Welder Trainee
- 95 – Fitter Trainee (Category 1)
- 96 – Electrician Trainee (Category 1)
- Surname and Name
- Father Name
- Identity Card Type
- Identity Card Number
- Gender (Male / Female)
- SSC / Equivalent (Regular / Private)
Basic Data
- Local / Non Local
- Native State
- Native District
- Caste
- Is SCCL Employee
- Self Employee Code
- Is Your Parent / Relative An SCCL Employee
- Parent / Relative Employee Code
- Date of Birth
- Please Enter Captcha (Displayed on Screen)
Address for Communication
- House Number.
- Street
- Village / Town / City
- District
- State
- Pin Code
- Enter your Mobile Number
- Re enter the mobile Number
- Email ID
SCCL Online Apply
Qualifications: Enter the qualifications
Other Information: Enter the Employee related information if any.
Upload the following documents
- Upload Photo and Signature
- Qual 1
- Qual 2
- Place
If you are looking for the sccl employee id card, it is important for the SCCL internal candidates at the time of online application submission.
SCCL Recruitment 2022 Apply Online
Candidates have to visit the official link and navigate to the career page, in that select the Recruitment tab and then choose the Clerk post online application form and followed by the application submission. Once the application form is submitted, then take the printout for the form for future reference purposes.
Declaration on the application form and submit the final online application form.
Once the application form is submitted, then take the printout for reference.