Prochesta Prakalpa Scheme 2020: West Bengal State Government has launched Prochesta Prokolpo Scheme for the poor people and daily wage laborers in the state with financial assistance Rs.1000/- during the COVID19 virus lockdown crisis. The scheme is applicable across the state and strictly for the state domicile residence only.
Mobile Scheme anroid app is available for the eligible candidates, they can download directly and check the status of the scheme. The Rs.1000 will be credited in the given bank account during the WB lockdown. No need to panic for the payment from WB govt. Amount will be transferred to directly applicant bank account in first week of month.
If still payment Rs.1000/- not received then check the status of the scheme application on the mobile while entering the applicant details. the details are available on the android app. Those who are still not applied for the scheme then apply using Android app directly to the Govt app, the online application will be scrutiny by Govt officials and get the approve your scheme application form and get the payment directly to bank account.
The account will be in the name of applicant, which is linked to ration card. The ration will be available across the WB state, applicant can collect the ration from the nearest dealer.
Scheme payment will be available for the BPL applicants and migrant work across the WB state. applicants can check the eligibility as well as payment status.
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রাজ্য সরকার সিওভিআইডি 19 ভাইরাস লকডাউন সংকটের সময় রাজ্যের দরিদ্র জনগণ এবং দৈনিক মজুরির শ্রমিকদের আর্থিক সহায়তায় 1000 / – টাকা প্রচেষ্টা প্রকল্প চালু করেছে। এই স্কিমটি রাজ্য জুড়ে প্রযোজ্য এবং কঠোরভাবে কেবল রাজ্যের আবাসনের জন্য।
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ হিমালয় এবং বঙ্গোপসাগরের মধ্যে পূর্ব ভারতের একটি রাজ্য। এর রাজধানী কলকাতা। রাজ্য দরিদ্র লোকদের তাদের নিয়মিত অভাবীদের কাটিয়ে উঠার জন্য অনেক সুযোগ সরবরাহ করছে। লকডাউন সময়কালে দৈনিক মজুরি শ্রমিকরা খাদ্য আইটেমগুলির জন্য সরকারের আর্থিক অর্থ প্রদান করতে পারে।
West Bengal state government providing financial assistance for the poor and daily wage laborers. West Bengal government paying monthly Rs.1000/- (bank transfer). Eligible candidates will receive payment to direct bank account. Eligible candidates can check the Prochesta Prakalpa payment status and registration status verification online. All eligible candidates will get payment from West Bengal State Government.
The State is providing many opportunities for poor people to overcome their regular needy. Daily wage laborers can use the Government financial payment for food items during the lockdown period.
- The scheme is strictly applicable for POOR People and DAILY WAGE labor in WB State.
- No other state applicants are eligible for the Prochesta Prakalpa Scheme.
- Eligible applicants will get paid directly to a bank account.
- Eligible applicants can check the Bank Statement for the payment confirmation.
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- Scheme Status is available on the android app, those who are applied, verify the payment status.
- Scheme Android application form is updated and download Mobile App and apply for the scheme and Also check the Status of the Scheme.
- Looking for the Prochesta Mobile App, then it available on this page for the direct link, use the below secure link and get the online APK file.
- Install it and available WB Govt benefits.
- Use the official link for the payment verification prachestawb.in
- Every eligible applicant will receive payment Rs.1,000/- per month during the WB lockdown.
- In India, the lockdown will be imposed till May 17th, 2020 (17.05.2020).
- The official website www.prochesta prokolpo.gov.in for the payment status.
- For the payment process use the process.prachestawb.into
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রাজ্য সরকার দরিদ্র ও দৈনিক মজুরির শ্রমিকদের আর্থিক সহায়তা প্রদান করে। পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার মাসে 1000 / – টাকা (ব্যাংক ট্রান্সফার) প্রদান করে। যোগ্য প্রার্থীরা সরাসরি ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্টে অর্থ প্রদান করবেন।
Prochesta Prakalpa Registration
দ্রুত রেফারেন্সের জন্য নীচের সারণী ফর্মটি অনুসরণ করুন। অনলাইনে আবেদন বন্ধ হওয়ার আগে যোগ্য আবেদনকারীদের অনলাইনে আবেদন করার জন্য স্কিমের বিশদটি নীচে তালিকাভুক্ত করা হয়েছে।
Name of the Authority | West bengal State Government |
Scheme Name | Prochesta Prakalpa |
Financial Assistance | Rs.1,000/- per family |
Approval Procedure | Eligibility wise |
Age Limit | No such a limit |
Financial help | Help for Daily workers |
Official Website | prochestawb.in |
The Scheme details are available in below, follow the instructions and apply accordingly.
Prochesta prakalpa apply online link
The detailed information were listed for the eligible candidates to get the eligible payment from Rs.1000/- WB goverment. The prochesta prakalpa online application is available in the specific applicants ((only for the Poor People and Daily wage labours). Check the detailed eligibility and apply online and offline mode (whichever is applicable).
- Eligible candidates should register themselves at the prochestawb.in official website wb.gov.in.
- Navigate to the new page link “Prochesta Prokolpo Apply Online”.
- Fill the required details and submit the application form accordingly.
- After submission of online Prochesta Prokolpa application form, take the print out for the future reference purpose.
prochesta prakalpa online apply west bengal
Use the offline and online methods to submit the application form with supporting documents.
- Aadhar card
- WB Domicile Certificate / Resident Certificate
- Passport Size Photo copies
- Bank Account Details
- Mobile number for payment alerts
আধার কার্ড
ডাব্লুবি ডমাসাইল শংসাপত্র / আবাসিক শংসাপত্র
পাসপোর্ট সাইজের ফটোকপি
ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্ট বিবরণী
অর্থ প্রদানের সতর্কতার জন্য মোবাইল নম্বর
How to Submit the Document
Eligible candidates download the application form, which we given below, and attach the document and submit the nearest Panchayat office for the payment process. Inquiry in the Sachivalayam / Panchayat office for the more payment status details and verification process. Also always eye on the bank statement (if you’re received payment then the applicant gets the account statement from the bank). Also, check the Bank payment SMS status verification. if payment received then the applicant gets the SMS for the payment received status.
Grama Panchayat/ Sachivalayam office will give you further details on the payment status and it do verification for payment process.
www.prochesta prokolpo.gov.in
The official website for the scheme availability in the West bengal State, candidates can check that payment status. The detailed information were listed in the official website prachestawb. in
prochesta prakalpa form download
- Eligible candidates can download the detailed prochesta prakalpa form from below and register with available details and attach the equired documents and submit the details.
government of west bengal prochesta scheme online apply
prochesta prakalpa form download
Prochesta prakalpa app download
The mobile app is available for the download, use the below direct link and get the scheme benefits. Download APK from below.
Use the wb.gov.in official website and follow the screen instructions.
Monthly Rs.1000/- will get during the lockdown period.
Use the prochestawb.in and wb.ov.in
Above mentioned link for official for the Payment from WB Government.
Follow the Scheme guidelines to apply online/offline mode for the financial assistance from WB government.
Use the registration ID/ reference number for the payment status and verification.
Use the official website prochesta prakalpa west bengal
Contact the officials and know the status of the payment.
Use the above APK link and download from available download link and install as a 3rd party app.
After above APK installation, Click on the WB application form and submit with accrate details.
Yes, the status of the payment is available on the app.
If any questions regarding the payment process or Scheme related bank transfer payment issues. Discuss in the below comment section with other West Bengal applicants for the prochesta prakalpa scheme and check other payment received or not. The complete details is available on the official website wb.gov.in and also refer to the other direct link for the prochesta prakalpa scheme.
Webst bengal applicants will utilise the payment process from Government and discuss with other for the payment process. any difficulties, we try to fix./solve the issues soo. Every applicants should receice the payment before the last date. Also contact the bank official for the payment status. prochesta prakalpa status is available on the bank account status.
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