TS TRANSCO JPO CUT OFF MARKS: Telangana State Transco conducting offline OMR based examination. Check the JPO Cut off marks as per reservation wise, the candidates have to check the detailed cutoff marks and JPO qualifying marks. Selection should be based on higher marks in the examination and reservation wise call for document verification in 1:1 ratio process.
If a candidate secures higher marks then he/she are eligible for Job posting in anywhere of Telangana State.
Telangana State Transco JPO exam has final cut off marks based on the candidates performance in JPO examination, Those who get higher marks as compared to other candidates (who competitor), the higher mark secured candidates can call for document verification followed by the job posting place, As we know that TS TRANSCO Made official announcement, candidates should be called for 1:1 ratio only.
- OC Candidates: Higher Marks by Candidates: round to 80-90 Marks
- OBC/BC Candidates: Higher Marks by Candidates: round to 76-81 Marks
- SC Candidates: Higher Marks by Candidates: round to 71-75 Marks
- ST Candidates: Higher Marks by Candidates: round to 67-72 Marks

The below TS Transco qualify marks are not important for the selection process, it just passing the JPO examination, candidates should get the maximum marks in JPO examination Who secure higher marks, then they will be called for further document verification based on reservation wise (Vacancies available in reservation wise).
The below given tabular form has TS TRANSCO Qualifying marks for notification, these marks not required for selection of process, selection should be above the qualifying marks. candidate must aware this information before giving the final exam.
OC | – 40% |
BC | – 35% |
SC/ST | – 30% |
PH | – 30% |
Passing the examination is not guarantee to get the TS Transco JPO job, the candidate must get the higher score in the JPO examination based on the candidate reservation criteria wise. If a candidate has any questions can comment below comment box with detailed questions and queries.TS TRANSCO JPO Hall Ticket
How did you decide those highest marks? What is the criteria?
Hello Think_Ind,
The TS TRANSCO JPO Cutoff Marks based on the previous years cutoff only, but TRANSCO updating cutoff marks every year, pls wait for Transco update on this. Thanks
what is the criteria you have taken for mentioning higher marks?
Hello Madhukar,
The consideration of highest marks is based on a number of vacancies and number of candidates appeared for the examination. Which are not final… wait for TRANSCO Update
Notify me about the new posts
Hello Aishwarya,
Sure, We will inform you via our regular mail alerts. Thanks
how many students written this transco jpo exam any idea on 14-10-2018
I am getting 69 marks as per preliminary key. . Is there any chance to me.. .
Bc_d from Karimnagar
Wait for the final cutoff marks from Authorities
No one will get above 70 marks
I GOT 73
You have a chances
I got 77
Category bro
Chances unnei
You have a chances
Hi.. M lavanya I got 41 marks as per key I belongs to sc I chance r not
for SC Grp candidates have a lot of scope of selections. Wait for next update.
Check once number of vacancies Vs Number of candidates qualified of same category, then you will an idea of selections.
I got 66 according to preliminary key general do I have chance
Do I have chance can anyone tell me
You will get jpo don’t worry
You have chances laxmi
Always check Vacancies Vs Number of candidates qualified on same category
Hi,I got 53 Marks and my details are appearing in Qualified list with BC D category….Any chances
Is there any second round of selections or 62 members who are selected are final
Iam getting 50 Marks as per Preliminary Key BC-D,do i have any chance
Verify Posts wise and competition wise.
I got 44 marks I have seen my name in qualified list BC B any chances anyone reply
If competition is less then you have a chance, Verify is there any other candidate in the same category according to posts vacancies.
We cannot say, for this marks, wait for final decisions from TRANSCO.
Hai am Rekha I got 37 marks bc-b any chance is there
Please cross-check, Number of vacancies in BC-B women category Vs Number of Qualified candidates in same?
I got 51 marks north zone ;in OC women category..is there any chances pls tell me
Hello Saroja,
Once cross check number of vacancies in OC Women category and Number of qualified candidates in the Qualified list.
I got 40 marks BC-D
wait for final cutoff marks.
i got 48 marks and iam from OC category is there any chances of getting a job.
Hello Suresh,
For OC Category Candidates must have at least 70%-75% above marks for final selections.
Sir, I got 39 marks and i belongs SC CATEGORY . DO i have any chances for job from hyderabad.
Hello Sangeetha,
Pls check once number of posts in SC Women category and List of qualified candidates in Same category.
Sir, good afternoon
I’m getting 43 Mark’s in Ts Transco jpo exam, is there any chances to me SC from Khammam,so job say yes/no.
Please reply sir
Hi Dileep,
Greetings from Team Examdays. Well, just cross check the number of vacant posts in SC and Number Candidates who qualified in the same category. Write the list of all the candidates in paper and arrange marks wise. You will get to know your selection.
Team Examdays
I got 40 marks in ts transco jpo exam. BC – B from nalgoda. I have any chance?
Hi Samantha,
Greetings from Examdays. Just cross check the number vacancies in BC B( G and W) and a number of qualified candidates as per category wise.
What’s the next rounds after the exam for the selection
Hi Mounika,,
After selection in exam, they called for certificate verification only.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
the exam can have nagetive marks plz inform me
TS TRANSCO cutoff not available as of now.
plz inform me the jpo exam can contain the negetive marks