TS ePass: Telangana State Scholarship TS ePass department is inviting online applications from eligible candidates from the State of Telangana for Postmatric Scholarships For Fresh Registration FY 2023-24, FY 2022-23 and 2021-22 and Post matric Scholarships For Renewal Registration on or before the date. Those eligible for the Post matric Scholarship can apply online before the last date, and those who are already availing of scholarships can renew their applications before the last date.
For TS ePass Online application was to be ended soon. Those who have not applied yet can apply as soon as possible. The complete application procedure is available in this post below. Students can aware of this last date of the online TS ePass form. Students can download the Fresh and Renew form for fresh applications.
TS ePass
For TS ePass registration for the academic year is available for the new and extended online application purpose. Those still not applied then submit the online scholarship form before the last date. The detailed information is available below details.
TS ePass Scholarship 2023 and Ts ePass Telangana, registration and status information are available online for both Pre and Post scholarship candidates. Eligible candidates have to provide sufficient details while registering for new registrations. The details are available online for new and renewal registrations.
తెలంగాణ ప్రాంతలో చదువుతూ మీ చదువుకై స్కాలర్షిప్ మరియు ఫీజుల కోసం గవర్నమెంట్ నుండి సహాయం పొందాలనుకుట్టునరా!!!, అయితే మీరూ తెలంగాణ రాష్టా ePass లో మీ యొక్క విశ్వవిద్యాలయం లేదా కళాశాల యొక్క మరియు మీ పూర్తి చదువుకి సంబందించిన పూర్తి సమాచారం ePass వెబ్సైట్ లో ఉచితంగా రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ చేసుకోవాలి, రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ చేసుకునే ముందు కళాశాలలో అడ్మినిస్ట్రేషన్ డిపార్ట్మెంట్ లో తగిన సమాచారాన్ని తీసుకొని మాత్రమే ePass లో రిజిస్టర్ చేయాలి. అలా చేసిన తర్వాత, అప్లికేషన్ ఫామ్ ని ప్రింటౌట్ తీసుకొని, తగిన అకడెమిక్ డాక్యుమెంట్స్ అన్నీ జత చేసి కాలేజీ అడ్మిన్ డిపార్ట్మెంట్ లో సబ్మిట్ చేయాలి.
అంటే కాకుండా, మీ యొక్క TS ePass స్కాలర్షిప్ మరియు ఫీ రీయంబర్స్మెంట్ పూర్తి సమాచారం ఎప్పటికప్పుడు TS ePass వెబ్సైట్ లో తెలుసుకోవాలి. అయితే ఇక్కడ కొన్ని విషయాలు తెలుసుకోవాలి.
- ఫీ రీయంబర్స్మెంట్ మాత్రం కాలేజీ కి వెళ్తుంది
- స్కాలర్షిప్ మాత్రం విద్యార్ది బ్యాంక్ అక్కౌంట్ కి వస్తుంది.
అయితే ఈ స్కాలర్షిప్ నెలకొసరి లేదా కోర్సు సెమిస్టర్ ఒక్కసారి మాత్రమే వస్తుంది, ఆ విషయాలు మాత్రం కళాశాల అడ్మిన్ డిపార్ట్మెంట్ లో అడిగి తెలుసుకోవలసి ఉంట్టుంది.
కొన్ని ముక్యమైన ప్రశ్నలు మరియు వాటి సందనలు.!!!
ప్రశ్న1: నేను ఇంత వరకు ఫీ మరియు స్కాలర్షిప్ కి TS ePass లో రిజిస్టర్ చేసుకోలేదు, కానీ ఇప్పటికే చివరి తేదీ అయిపోయినది, ఏమి చేయాలి ఇప్పుడు?
సమాదనం: హైదరాబాద్ మసబ్ టాంక్ లో ఉన్న ఆఫీసు కి వెళ్ళి ఒక request లెటర్ ఇవ్వండి, అలా 50 మంది విద్యార్దులు ఇచ్చినచో, రిజిస్టర్ లింక్ మరలా ఓపెన్ చేసేదరు కానీ అదికూడా తగిన సమయకి మాత్రమే సుమా!.
ప్రశ్న2: నేను నా స్కాలర్షిప్ అమృఊ ఫీ ని రేనేవల్ చేయలేదు, ఎలా చేయాలి.
సమాదనం: ఇచ్చిన లింకులను ఉపయోగిస్తూ రేనేవల్ ని చేసి మరలా ఆ డాక్యుమెంట్స్ ని కళాశాలలో సబ్మిట్ చేయాలి.
ముక్య గమనిక: స్కాలర్షిప్ విషయం కంగారూ పడనవసరం లేదు, కింద ఇచ్చిన కొమ్మెఙ్క్త్ సెక్షన్ లో ప్రశ్నలు అద్గినచో మేము వాటికి తగిన పరిష్కారాన్ని సూచిచెదము.
Telangana ePass renewal is the last date for the online scholarship form submission; the details were listed for the students. The complete information was available for the ts scholarship’s last dates 2023-24, 2022-23, 2021-22, and 2020-21.
Candidates can apply for the Post metric scholarship before the link expires; as an earlier year, the team again activated the scholarship renewal link for the pending students. Those still not renewing their earlier ePass scholarship application can submit the form before the last date. TS scholarship, the last date, is still available for nonsubmission students.
TS ePass Scholarship 2023
- Postmatric Scholarships Fresh Application
- Postmatric Scholarships Renewal Application

Email received from TS ePass Scholarship department.

Join in Telegram Group and Decide a Date to Visit TS ePass for Date Extension – ONLY REQUEST THEM & Provide the Valid Reasons to them.
Note: TS ePass Telegram Group created as per many students’ requests, don’t make Spam and other things – Strictly for TS ePass related issues discussions only.
- TS Prematric Scholarships SC/ST/BC/Disabled Fresh Registration (2020-21 and 2021-22)
- TS Prematric Scholarships SC/ST/BC/Disabled Renewal Registration (2020-21 and 2021-22)
- Other State Scheme Fresh Student Registration
TS ePass Renewal 2023-24 Last Date
Authority Name | Telangana State e Scholarship |
TS ePass Scholarship Type | Pre – Matric & Post – Matric Scholarship |
TS ePass Covered | Fee Reimbursement & Scholarship |
TS ePass Eligibility | 10th for Intermediate/Intermediate for UG Courses/UG for PG Course |
Scholarship State | Telangana |
ePass Renewal 2020 last date | Submit the application before the last date |
Age Limit | No Age Limit |
Official Website | telanganaepass.cgg.gov.in |
Years Covered | 2020-21 and 2021-22 Academic Year |
Those eligible for Telangana ePass Scholarships must utilize the Government funds for college fees, Library fees, and other academic books fees. The Telangana government will financially support both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh candidates. Check the below appropriate application and apply before the last date.
ePass Telangana
ePass Telangana scholarships are now available for both Postmatric fresh and renewal applications for both new and already availing students. The Telangana Government has already started providing financial aid to local and non-local candidates as per ePass Telangana rules and regulations. TS ePass scholarship renewal.
TS ePass Application Form
Fresh Student Registrations (2021-22 and 2020-21) (Other State Students) | Apply |
Andhra Pradesh State Students Registration | Apply |
TS Postmatric Scholarships Fresh Registration | Registration |
TS Postmatric Scholarships Renewal Registration | Renewal Link |
TS Postmatric Print Application | |
TS Postmatric Application Status | Status |
TS ePass Status
Those who applied for TS ePass various scholarships in Telangana State (TS) must check the ePass status online by visiting the TS ePass status link – Check the Status of an application Check Status. If candidates have difficulty checking the ePass status can comment below with valid questions and doubts. Our team will assist you soon.
TS ePass Scholarship
ePass scholarship students check the official blog for regular updates on Postmatric scholarships for fresh and renewal online applications. The below online applications are open for registration until the last date. All eligible candidates apply for the ePass scholarship before the last date.
TS Prematric Scholarship 2021 | Apply |
TS Postmatric Scholarship 2021 | Apply |
TS Overseas Scholarship 2021 | Apply |
Skill Upgradation GRE, TOEFL, IELTS | Registration |
TS Kalyana Lakshmi Scheme | Registration Link |
Intercaste Marriage Scheme | Registration |
TS ePass Application Number
Andhra Pradesh State Government opens for various scholarships and invites online form AP state candidates; one of AP ePass listed overseas scholarships for foreign status students under Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi for Spring Season. Skill Upgradation(Coaching for GRE, TOFEL, GMAT, IELTS) Registrations are now open.
TS ePass Overseas Scholarship – Click Here
Ambedkar Overseas Vidhya Nidhi Online Now
Those how facing any difficulties on online applications for fresh, renewal and checking ePass status can comment below with valid questions and doubts.
TS ePass Corporate College Admissions
Telangana ePass corporate college admissions process is started in TS ePass; eligible students can fill the admissions under the corporate admission application window.
TS e Kuber Status 2023
Those who are waiting for the TS eKuber 2023, can check the complete details here – Check eKuber Status
TS ePass renewal last date
Many TS ePass students have not submitted applications; candidates can check the official ePass website and submit the scholarship registration before the deadline.
Submit the TS ePass form for ePass ts renewal application. Last date
TS Scholarship Renewal Last Date
For Engineering college scholarships and fee reimbursement, application deadlines are fixed; JNTU students also submit the scholarship form before the link expires. Later there is no chance for the application form extension at any cost.
Those who are eligible for the TS Scholarship form for renewal, apply accordingly.
Yes, Students should keep the application for future reference.
As per TS ePass guidelines, If any students missed for the application registration, He/She should Visit the PMU Office, Masab Tank, Hyderabad and submit the application equest letter.
Yes, We have Telegram Group for the Students, there you can ask/advice/discuss with other TS ePass Students – Join Here
We advise to visit the PMU office and Submit the request letter for the same.
Suppose candidates still have any questions or doubts regarding TS ePass. In that case, candidates have to use the below comment box for solutions and read the comments for any information that will be found. Earlier, a few of candidates faced certain problems and issues while applying for TS ePass Scholarship 2023; it will help you before registering for TS ePass.
What if the last is over is there any other way?
Did you find a way to apply? i also missed the deadline… ;(
even i missed it we will request ktr in twitter with tweets my id is @chkusuma01 i already tweeted you support by retweeting okay???/
Can I know when will get the edit option
iam from ap but studing ts .how can apply epass scholarship
I got an sms from vk-aepass saying your aadhar details are found to be incorrect for my application no. and it says, “Upload your aadhar details on the epass website.” But i already uploaded my aadhar card. do i need to update my aadhar card and then put it upload it on the website and also there is no edit documents option on the website. please help.
thanks in advance.
I’m getting my status as (application pending at college) processing .what does it mean?
It is problem at in your college ask in your scholarship office head
I’m getting my status as application pending at college/processing
Nice Post tq for explanation
Sir can this date will extended.
Why do you want to extend the date, any reason?
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
How I will edit fresh registration of 2019 there was no edit option for 2019-20.
Edit option available only for 2014-18
for edit, you have to visit the scholarship dept office of your located.
Mam plz extend the date
what is the last date epass renewal 2019-20
(Fresh Registrations will be Closed on 31-10-2019).it may be varied, fill the online application form as soon as possible.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
when should rejoining students wants to apply for scholarship?
You have to opt the Renewal application form link.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
what is the last date to apply this scholarship
Sir, what is the last date to apply for fresh scholarship 2019..?
31.10.2019, it may be varied fill the application form asap.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
What is last date to renewal schloorship, please give replay sir to my comment I need closing date to renewal or it my be extended haaa
extend date is not yet announced, students can fill the application form asap.
Last date 31 /10/2019 ….idhe nijamee naa ….plez reply
Maybe, We are expecting extension of date
Sir scholarship renewal last date kya hai for up scholarship post matric ke liy
Abhitak last date nahi aya, apply before this month asap.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
what are th requirements for sholar ship application
I haven’t applied for scholarship in my MBA 1st year.can i apply now freshly for 2nd year..pls rply..
enquiry same on college scholarship dept first/
I haven’t applied for scholarship in my MBA 1st year..can I apply in my 2nd year freshly
enquiry in college dept. then proceed
What is the last day schoralship for MBA
Pre or Post matric schlorship.? in question.
What is the last date of fresh application of M. Pharmacy 2019?
There is no date yet given.
Sir what is the last date of freshers degree scholarship apply
Good evening mam..iam swetha of mbbs 3rd yr ,iam one among the ppl who didn’t renewal for scholarship 2019 .The reason I didn’t renewal was not due to my negligence mam….its due to delay in informing me regarding the last date mam…as I didn’t go to clg for more than a month due to health issues and other personal problems.Now if I don’t get this scholarship I had to pay my clg fee which I cant afford ..,due to which Iam not allowed to write my final exams mam.This will be my first and last delay mam.Plsssss consider my request and extend the date for atleast 15 days mam plssssssssss
Only, one solution, you have to visit the TS ePass department and submit the request letter.
Office Address: DSS Bhavan, Opposite, Chacha Nehru Park Rd, Owaisi Pura, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Telangana 500028 and Contact Number: 040 2339 0228
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Dear Sir/Madam
Kindly extend the date for applying fresh scholarship for 2019-20, as we still did not get our income certificate.
Please madam kindly help us by extending the dates.
Please extend the date madam
I didn’t have my bank account, may I give my father account.
Sir please extend the date sir, I didn’t get my migration certificate till now, it will take more 10 days plz sir extend the fresh scholarship application date sir, plz.
please extend the date ..still we didn’t get our income cerificates.
Tell me last date
for renewal application last date 31.10.2019 and for fresh applications last date is not yet announced.
sir, my daughter CBSE 10th details showing not available what to do please answer urgent
I have one year gap .Right now i dont have gap certificate from mro. can i aaply epass fresh schlorship application for mba without gap certificate???
No, Gap certificate is must, You should upload a document on Gap option.
What is the last date for ts scholarship (fresh)? We can apply on 31-10-19.
As of now, the information what we have is 31.10.2019.
Scholarship renewal date may extend or tmmrw is the last date as announced?
Scholarship renewal last date is tmmrw or it may extend.?
maybe chances for the extension but it was not sure.
When was the last date to apply ts scholarship (fresh) for pg students
As I didnt get my gap certificate
So try to extend the date plz
No such a date is given by TS ePass, better you can submit asap.
Please let me know what is the last date to apply for scholarship.Without gap certififcate can we apply
last date is not released yet.
date entend info is not yet released. we will update if any info from TS ePass
My brother’s 10th CBSE details are not shown. we submitted the scanned copy at BC welfare office and they told they will update and call us but it isnt done. will they do it?
you have to follow up the dept official for immediate update.
What is the Last Date For Fresher’s Scholarship Application 2019-20 Plz Tell Me Iam in Tension
no information on the last date as of now.
I’m an re admission student when I’m applying scholarship there is no showing list of the college how to apply
it maybe college list not added, confirm in college admission dept once.
What is the last date and time for applying fresh scholarship for btech 1 year ???
as of now, no information on the last date
Can we give the bank pass book afterwards not with the application
Can we seperately give a update of bank pass book
you can update it later in the edit application form but if you give now, it much better for one-time application form submission, there is no hold for college fee.
I have a gap in getting it tomorrow can I apply tomorrow for scholarship or will I get any problems of server busy for late submission???
We cannot predict the server issues, because official not yet confirmed for the last date. If it is tomorrow last date then server definitely in peak mode.
can we apply for scholarship with income certificate application receipt if we doesn’t get our income certificate yet.
If you’re are confirm with Actual income number (like 2 lakhs or 3 lakhs as printed in the certificate), then you can apply.
Madam when I went apply application form the server is yet coming. Then can you plzz it how
Server load is in peak due to heavy traffic, try once again.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Previously I have registered for schlorship in mba 1 yr 2012but i didn’t got schlorship I discounted from sem1.. Now im pursing b Ed how can I cancel previous registration.. And apply freshly
Yes, there are so many students had done the same (example: If student joined in one college in 1st year but later withdraw their admission due to certain issues and later joined another college).
How to FIX: Visit the Scholarship welfare department and tell them the same with a written letter and ask them to delete the previous records from database.
After deletion, you can apply as a fresh.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Good morning ma’am …as we didn’t received the income certificate please extend the fresh scholarship date.
We expect, there will be extended date but still, it was not confirmed yet, We will inform if any update from officials.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Plz extend the scholarship date as we didn’t get our caste certificate till now , it may take a week
We will inform you further update on extension of the last date…
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mam plz extend schlorship date I didn’t got my gap certificate till plzz mam
We will inform you a further extension of the last date (if any).
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Extend the date
Please extend the date
I have a gap but I don’t have a gap certificate to apply for the scholarship please extend the last date
Plz extend the last date I didn’t get my income certificate plz mam extend the last date
Plz let me know the extended date of scholarship renewal application
As of now, no information on last date
I missed to upload gap certificate while applying scholarship how can fix it again, will I get any problem???
Use edit option.
How and when??
2019-2020 acadamic year not show why madam plz rply me.madam
Immediately contact the College Admission dept to fix the issue from college end.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Not show the 2019-2020 acadamic year in edit option why madam plz rply me
College Admission will suggest you on which option should select for the scholarship submission process. Ask in College Admission dept or ask your friend who submitted earlier.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I want to know Postmatric scholarship date have been extended or not because I came to know that it has been extended till 21dec is it right plzz rply me mam
extended to 31 Dec 2019
For pg courses renewal date is also till 31 dec ???
Plzzz reply mam???
Plzz rply mam
Plzzz rply mam
It did not mention for UG or PG. The last date is 31.12.2019.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
How to use edit option and. When
Check same official website, there are few option available for edit application.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mam ,
while applying for scholarship ,I’m not getting options under ‘SELECT COURSE’ dropdown .what i need to do?
Use latest browser and always remember clear the cache.
while applying for scholarship,I’m unable to get sub-options under “select course” dropdown .what i need to do?
clear cache and update the browser and then apply
Please can u increse the time of scolarships please …please
it already increases to 31.12.2019.
Can you please tell me What might possibly be the last date for biometric aadhar authentication..
No info available on Biometric
I am applying for other state renewal post matric scholarship. After uploading all documents and pressing submit button,a blank page appears on the screen. The page is not loading after submission. Is it a website problem?
Yes, due to the high volume of data, website sometimes stuck. You have clean the complete browser history and cache and submit the with high-speed internet.
Mdm iam study 2016-2017 Pg 1st year ,2 years gap and this year 2nd year so my can apply scholarship pls reply
Mdm /sir iam study 2016-2017 Pg 1st year,2years gap ,this year continue 2nd year so i can apply scholarship possible plz tell me
Replied same to other earlier comment.
Mdm iam study 2016-2017 Pg 1st year ,2years gap, this year continue 2nd year so i can apply for scholarship possible tell me plz
For gap students, contact the college management for the accurate information from them for the TS ePass scholarship.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
What is fresh scolorship apply last date?
Mdm Dec 20ki fresh application chesokovacha ?server busyga untudha, income apply chesanu
Srivalli says,
Chesukovachu, no issues.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Plz tellme mdm
You can apply on 20th Dec 2019
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I’m not getting my scholarship status @epass status .. It’s blank when I open that..How can I know renewal application status then ? Please let me know
Clear the browser cache and try again with high-speed internet and let me know the further status of the application form.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mdm Pg 1st year chadhivaka one year gap thisukoni epudu 2nd year chadhuvthunanu
Memos emmana upload cheyala fresh scolarship applyki plse tellme mdm
In such a scenario, pls visit the Scholarship department and write a letter and request them.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Medm nenu epudu fresh ga scolarship apply chesanu .Naku 2 years gap vochindhi,gap cetificate uplode chesanu,but 1st year memos upload cheyaledu, upload chesukovala freshki
You should contact the college management for the Gap if more than 1 year, then apply online accordingly.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Medm edit option lo memos upload chesukovacha
Mdm biometric tummb imprints date plz mdm for pg fresh
Hi Sri,
For the Biometric impression date’s available at college principle.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Hey there is there any chances of date extending for applying scholarship 2019-2020.
No, it already extended to 31.12.2019. No more extend dates as of now.
I had 1year, Shall i need gap certificate.
Yes, you have to upload gap certificate.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I had 1yr gap after degree…shall i need gap certificate..?
Yes, it required.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Medm gdmrg
Nadhi student manage hostel ithe , system lo a option ledhani dayscoler type chesaru, edit lo chesukovacha plzetellu mdm
Hi Sri Says,
Please visit the Scholarship Welfare dept office and submit the Letter of Hostal option, submit the application form & College ID card for proof. It will be rectified in a week.
Note: There are many students are having a lot of issues in the Scholarship form. In the BC/SC/SST Scholarship Welfare dept, there will be a Help window for students who are facing issues.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mdm nadhi private hostel ,form ela thisukovali? department office ekkada undhi?epudaina change chesokovacha plz tell me mdm?
Hi Mdm .. my cast is OC ,so Private hostel,andhukani dayscoler lo type chesaru, nenu epudu change chesukovali,iam tenction, please tell me mdm solution?
Pls visit the welfare dept and submit the college fee receipt documents and ask them to include the hostel option.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mam can we submit status form on 2nd
last date is 31.12.2019.
Sir,please extend the scholarshop registration date .Me along with some of my friends didn’t applied for it as we get to know it late. We tried a lot to apply it on last day,but the server was totally busy on that day .please kindly extend the date sir
Hi Aishwarya,
Post metric scholarship 2019 applications are closed (previous it extended from Oct to December), I don’t think it will be extended again. Only Post Metric Scholarships are open.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Hello sir…..sir could u plss extend the renewal schlarship 2019 date …bcz I and some of my friends didn’t apply as we got to know regarding it very late (on the last date)…we have tried a lot for it sir but,as the server is down or busy…we unable to apply sir….today also we tried (if there is any chance)but no use sir….plss possess extend the date sir….plsssss plsss
As we didn’t apply for schlarship now…do we also not get our fee reimbursement money (in addition to schlarship money)also na sir??….if it is yes …sir plssss extend the date ..as we are in such an economic condition that we can’t pay our clg fee sir….next time we won’t repeat this again sir….but as of now plssssss extend the date sir plssssss
Hi Ramakrishna,
The TS ePass Scholarship already extended from 31.10.2019 to 31.12.2019. And you requesting now, it already late. I think TS ePass official not to extend again. You can request in the college dept for any help.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Clg department said to meet bc welfare office lakdikapool mam….I went there…they said that any extension of the dates will be announced within 2-3 days….but mam plss extend for a week plss mam plsss….actually iam out of station for more than 20 days mam as my grandmother is not well & then she died out of suffering…..& our clg staff didn’t give the intimation regarding this to out of station students….that’s the reason y I was late mam…..iam regular everytime mam….this is my 1st delay mam…& iam sure that this will be last mam….but for now plssssssss plssssss mam plssssss extend the date mam plssss….
Hi Ramakrishna,
I understand your current situation then wait for the 2-3 days, Let see that TS ePass will take action on this. Please refer the thi spost regularly for the update info.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mam. I have to apply fresh. But i didnt gotmy gap certificate… So what i shd do now. Suggerst me if there is any chance
Hi Rushitha,
Submit the GAP certificate in the college and further details will be updated by college management.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Dear madam please extend scholarship renewal date I got my income certificate late plzzzzz I hope you understand the situation of a backward class students please madam only last and final extension of renewal date
Please madam last and final extension of post matric scholarship renewal
Please madam replay me
Dear madam,
I was in hospital in ICU due to health problem while ePass new registration is going on and we didn’t get any intimation from college about last date of registration. Today college management called us and asking to pay tuition fee. I am belongs to SC and we are very poor, we can’t afford that much amount to pay. Please please give us a final chance to apply ePass post matric scholarship.
Hello Madam
This is S. Manish S/o S. Ramakrishna
Studying intermediate first year.
I missed out to apply post matric scholarship due to server maintenance and got income certificate from Revenue Department on last day I.e 31/12/19
And tried to submit the application but Server is coming busy.
I belong backward class and poor family
Request you to extend the submission date
Good ofter noon madam..nenu VKavitha..B.ed 1st year.. munduga scholarship applying date teliyaka povadam, health bagaleka hospital lo undatam valana, in time lo apply cheyaleka poyanu..30,31 dates lo server busy ga undi apply avaledu.. ippudu malli post metric scholarship applying date eamaina extend chestara…dayachesi date podiginchandi..pls..chala mandi apply chedukoleni vallu unnaru.. please madam…
Hi Kavita,
The request is under discussion, We will update further info on this.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Submit the request letter in the following welfare department.
DSS Bhavan, Opposite, Chacha Nehru Park Rd, Owaisi Pura, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Telangana 500028 OR make a call and inform the same at 040 2339 0228.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Date podiginche avakasham , unda , leda madam..
College fees katte stomatha ledu..anduke adugutunnanu…
Hello madam .This is swetha of 3rd yr mbbs,one among those students who didn’t renewal for scholarship 2019 in time .I didn’t apply for it bcz I was not informed regarding this till the last date mam.That is bcz I didn’t go to clg for more than a month due to my health issues and personal problems which I can’t Express..plss try to understand .So it happened out of bad time I could say…bcz I was the one who will complete all my work In time .This was my first delay which occurred not due to my negligence mam…as i don’t know regarding the last date previously. I request u to plsssss extend the date of renewal of scholarship 2019 mam. If I don’t get this scholarship I had to pay the clg fee which I can’t afford mam.If I don’t pay fees iam not allowed to take my final exams in January mam.I secured this seat with utmost hardwork mam.This will be my first & last delay mam….it won’t be repeated again & iam sure abt it.Like me they were so many other students who didn’t apply for it for various reasons & among them most of them are belonged to poor economic condition…So plssssssss consider our request and give us a last chance mam…..plsss extend the renewal scholarship 2019 date mam….atleast for any 15 days mam.I hope u understand my situation and iam waiting for your postive reply mam.This help means a lot to me mam.
Replied earlier comment.
Please visit the TS ePass Office and submit the request letter.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Namaskaram madam Garu.Naa peru anusha…nenu mbbs 2nd yr chadvutunnanu .Madam Garu nenu postmatric scholarship 2019 renewal cheyinchukoleni paristitilo vunde madam Garu.Maaku chepadame dec 2nd week lo cheparu….apatike maaku exams vunde madam.Ah tension lo exams avagane cheskundam anukunnam.ah tarwsta maa ammammaki arogyam baakaleka ooru velalsivachindi. Avida condition chala serious gaa vundatam tho ee vishayam gurtuledu.mem 31st ki vachesarki ah roju chala varku internet centers anni open levu ….vunnavatillo kuda server busy vastunde.Epudu nakem cheyalo artam avatledu madam Garu.Exam fee kattakapote menu final exams rayalenu….Katte stomatha maaku ledu.Nen chinnapatinundi telugu medium lo chadukunna ….chala kashtapadi mbbs seat sampadinchanu madam Garu.Ee okkasariki naa yandu daya chupinchi….okka avakasam evvandi plsssssss.Nenu epudaina CRT time ke apply cheskuntanu madam esari ela avtundi ani asalu oohinchaledu madam Garu.Ee okkasariki malli registrations open cheyandi madam Garu. Miku chala runapadivuntanu madam Garu.Ee okka sahayam cheyandi madam Garu….plsssssss madam garu plsssssss……
Please visit the TS ePass office and submit the request letter: DSS Bhavan, Opposite, Chacha Nehru Park Rd, Owaisi Pura, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Telangana 500028 before contact them via 040 2339 0228 and proceed accordingly.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Nenu request letter lakdikapool bc welfare office lo echanu madam garu vallu mail chesta annaru masab tank office ki….epudu ela madam garu…edi okna??
Ee number ki call cheste not in service ani vostundi madam garu…..
Try to visit the office.
Madam garu nen lakdikapool vellanu akkade letter echanu….malli masab tank ki velli letter evvala madam??
Pls mam date extend cheyandi Pg 1st yr valladi site open kaledu ayina kuda servour busy mam andhulo gap certificate lekha apply cheyyaledu Chala Mandi unnaru mam plz extend cheyandi
Hello mam.
I’m mounika.,since college administration has not informed it prior we ( me and my college students) are unaware of the notification mam,and getting all the certificates in the last was remained hardly possible.,and last 2-3 days the server was also busy mam.,can you kindly extend the date,please please please.,please try to understand our financial conditions mam., i didn’t even receive my UG scholarship yet mam,.,please understand and EXTEND POST – METRIC SCHOLARSHIPS DATE mam with our sincere request. please make it possible mam as many students are literally begging for that.,please mam.,please……..
please mam many students are expecting a positive reply from you.,please make it possible mam and save our lives..give us last one chance mam…
Hello mam,this is anjali.,our college has informed about this scholarship date in the month of december.,that too in the last week.,i didnot get all he certificates in the last moment .,please mam extend the date naa.,atleast for 1 week .,please .,please .,please mammmmmmm
Madam meeru ichina numbers panicheyadam ledu.
Please maaku help cheyandi..
Office visit cheiyandi.
IAM K.Sravani studying bsc nursing 1st year due to my health issues I was admitted in hospital and got operation so iam unable to apply scholarship mam please extend the date and inform us it’s a kind request mam IAM unable to pay my fee I belong to ST mam Plzzzzzzzzz mam gives us a solution
Mam can we expect a positive reply from you .,please….
Hi Mounika,
We’re escalated request to TS ePass officials, After the response, we will post further updates here.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
please respond mam.,please give us a positive reply mam…we are awaiting for your positive words…
replied earlier comment.
Is there any update mam…please reply mam ?
Please madam , దయచేసి post metric scholarship date podiginchandi
మా విద్యార్థుల అభ్యర్థనలను, మీ పై అధికారులకు తెలియ జేయండ్డి.
Examdays nundi mail pampinchamu, response vachina ventene teliya chesthanu.
you also try to request here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fNJe8VsSvY_X3I3n_AU6a4vgqyZPgPd4
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
This link is showing that session had expired & also as unauthorized service mam…..could u plssssssss share the email I’d mam so that we can also mail them ….
Link is updated now: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fNJe8VsSvY_X3I3n_AU6a4vgqyZPgPd4
Mam. Please extend d date.. Atleast for a wk will help us a lot. Many people wil suffer if there no extention of date.. We tried our level best till d last minute but due to surver we loosed chance…..hence i request u kindly… We wil request by giving letter at epass office.. But pls respond positivly
Mam. Please extend d date.. Atleast for a wk will help us a lot. Many people wil suffer if there no extention of date.. We tried our level best till d last minute but due to surver we loosed chance…..hence i request u kindly… We wil request by giving letter at epass office.. But pls respond positivly
Mam. Please extend d date.. Atleast for a wk will help us a lot. Many people wil suffer if there no extention of date.. We tried our level best till d last minute but due to surver we loosed chance…..hence i request u kindly… We wil request by giving letter at epass office.. But pls respond positivly
We have already escalated an mail for the request of date extension. I will post further updates if any.
you also try to request here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fNJe8VsSvY_X3I3n_AU6a4vgqyZPgPd4
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Hello mam….iam shivani rathod studying dental 2nd yr….mam I also missed the renewal application for scholarship 2019 …..I have given a letter at bc welfare office lakdikapool…..I have seen in your previous comments that to visit masab tank…..so let me know that I had to go to masab tank also& submit a letter there ??
Mam a huge request to you ,that how much ever u can plssssssss try to pass on our messages to higher officials and extend the date of ts renewal schlarship 2019 mam…..it will be surely helpful to lot of students mam….just give us a last chance mam…..atleast for a week if possible plsss extend the dates ……
They were students who r very poor & iam one among them….I don’t even have a smart phone…iam doing this from my frds mobile….plsss try to understand our situation & status ….and plssssssss help us mam…..
I have submitted my letter at pmu office….but my frd had submitted her letter at bc welfare office lakdikapool ….soo let me know mam whether she had to visit masab tank and submit her letter….??
So that I can inform her…………Thank you
Hello mam,
we are all waiting for your positive reply mam….please help us extending the post matric scholarship date mam.,please help us
hello mam ,this is hareesha.,i have also not applied for scholarship due to health issue mam.,i just got discharged from hospital yesterday evening.,can you please extend the date ., it will be helpful for many students,please mam …please…
Hello mam….this is swathi & iam studying mbbs 2and yr….I also failed to renewal schlarship 2019 mam…due to stress of exams and some personal reasons and also due to late information regarding the last date ,it happened mam…..could u plssssssss help me by extending the date…..I will very much thankful mam for this help….I belong to very poor family & my caste is also SC mam…..I can’t pay my clg fee….plss try to understand my situation & give me a last chance mam…otherwise I will not be allowed to write my final exams mam….& they r cmg soon mam….plssssssss help me mam….
Submit the request letter at TS ePass office
Address and contact no#: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fNJe8VsSvY_X3I3n_AU6a4vgqyZPgPd4
Mam the email Id is also not valid it is showing “server ip address is not found “….and the numbers are also out of service ….now what to do mam….plssssssss help us
Madam masaab tank ki velli , akkada అభ్యర్థన లేఖ ఇచ్చి , అక్కడే scholarship application తీసుకుంటారా? Request accept చేస్తారా మేడమ్…
request accept chestharu.
Gd evg mam…..this is ravinder doing b.sc 2and yr,I also didn’t renewal my scholarship 2019 in time ….I also came to know abt the last date very late I.e.,on 30th dec & I tried to apply for it till the last min but I was in my village at that time there where they were no internet facilities & lastly I found an internet but the server was down during that time….so the time is out ….which was unfortunate….so I request u to plssssssss extend the date mam…..iam also an sc poor student plssssssss help me mam…..
Guys what I heard is if the request letters are many then only govt will consider this issue ….so who ever is going to masab tank try to collect as many letters as possible from your frds atleast 10 per person and submit it….& also do as many mails as possible to official website (to which mam has kept the updated link )….I hope you guys get my point !? At present this is the only option we have….don’t make late guys….if each person can submit 10 letters (of diff persons & if among them if they are sc & st means it will me more considerable)& if like that 10 persons went also 100 letters will be submitted…so think abt this & don’t make any delay …go today only…..let us try together….let me know how many of you do this….
Ok….it seems to be working,bcz I also heard such type of news…I will go today & try this bro….
Mam are they giving reply to your mails?? Till what time can we expect their reply ???
Many candidates as told, they ready to extend, If officials receive more than 100+ applications (request letters).
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Ohh….tq for the information mam…but could you plssssssss share the email I’d to which you have sent the mail mam….plssssssss
Hi Swetha,
Please check mail Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Fugstt5vWBC2zJkv1Yv-FwMVV_MvD4Xa
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP
Oh really mam!!!! So they replied to you saying that if they receive 100 request letters then they will extend the date ….anthena mam crt eh na mam ee information???plssssssss reply mam….
maximum requests, they vl consider.
Mam vallu reply echina mail di screenshot pettara plssssssss….bcz nenu try chestunna kani mail povatlee okasari vallu pettina reply di screenshot shot pampanfi plssssssss
Sure, vachina ventene pampisthanu.
Mam postmatric scholarship for fresh date will extend or not. Plz Inform us
& also for renewal will they extend or not mam…..plssssssss reply mam plssssssss plssssssss ….our exams are approaching mam…if they declare during that period means it will difficult know mam….plssssssss mam tell us whether to have hope of getting extension of dates or not mam…..eagerly waiting for the positive reply mam…..plssssssss help usss
Nenu morning masab tank ki vellanu..80 persentage date extend chese chanses unnayani chepparu…inka wait cheyali…
V Kavita,
Good, inform same to those who have not submitted an application in ur friendslist. They also request for the same.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Kavitha…miru submit chesara request letter??
& ekkada chesaru pmu office ah leda 6th floor Lona??
Mam any updates regarding extension of postmatric renewal dates…??
Not yet.
I went to masab tank today.the guy at the counter told me that they may extend date in ten days but he was not sure about it. But there were 200 students who came to solve their problem regarding biometric and their welfare of their BC hostels.
They solved the issue on the spot.
So it’s better we unite and meet them and explain our problem so that they consider it.
It’s better to create a WhatsApp group and decide it over there.
What do you say guys.
Iam creating a WhatsApp group.
Here is the link for the group. Join in it.
Srikanth…with the link you shared ,iam unable to join the group…it’s displaying that “it seems you have not installed WhatsApp ” inspite of I having WhatsApp broo…..soo could check it once and share it again so that I can join.
this link is not working
you can directly create whatsapp group in your phone na .,providing your number
we all will join
Its working…try it by going to examdays.com in google
I went to masab tank, main office today. The guy at the counter told me that they may extend the date in next ten days but he was not sure about it. But there were 200 students who came to solve their problem regarding biometric and welfare of their BC hostels. So officers solved it on the spot. So it’s better we unite together and meet them at masab tank so that they may consider our problem.
I’m creating a WhatsApp group so that we can decide.
Here’s the link for the group..
Hi Srikant.
I saw you comment just now.
I think it’s a great idea
They may solve it if we go together to meet them.
Arey guys….see as mam also said that if the request letters are more than 100 they will consider same as I said….so think abt it…don’t make any delay….as I said who ever visit masab tank submit min of 10 request letters (diff persons ) then only we can solve this…as one of our frd srikanth said if we can’t go together atleast those who visit can submit 10 letters each then the problem will be solved….so don’t delay guys let’s do it….let’s achieve it guys…..
can you please tell clearly what we can actually do
Maybe scholarship applying date extend cheyaru so mi college admission ni cancel cheskondi
What bro!!??…m antunav I didn’t get you man…..!!
NO…they can’t do this to us
Madam meeku scholarship podiginpu gurinchi eadaina samacharam telisinda…
Hello kavitha….nuvvu pmu lo echava leda 6th floor scholarship vallu vuntaru gaa akkada echava request letter???
And adigava enni vachayo letters ???
Kani 80% chances annar anav kada….but I don’t think so that’s crt bcz 2018 di kuda elage avte 47 request letters echaranta ayina vallu extend cheyale anta….ante min 100 vuntene vallu accept chestar…
Sare could u pls reply to my question…..
Guys listen.. Today i went to Dss bavan. And gave my requesting letter…. They r not sure abt extension of date… Indirectly they said we shd pay our fee
reimbursment….. There is no other option…..
A person frm outside said that its a decision of government and u better go secreteriate and request there becoz every govt issues wiil passed only from secreteriate……..
Going to Dss bavan is of no use,,,,they said nothing is in our hands….
Ohh….so did u go there ???
but mam told that it will extend……
even last year the extension date was up to jan 31st…
how can govt do this to us…
Hello mam.,all the students are confused with this issue., can we all please expect a positive reply mam.,please respond mam… please….
mam can you please reply mam…govt is for the people,of the people,by the people…please mam govt cannot take a wrong decision.,please help us .,do justice to us.,
please tell us what to do.,we will do all the possible things mam.,please kindly don’t ruin our lives.,you all will also have kids na mam.,please think about us mam…
you can see na mam how many students are texting you daily.,you really can’t be sooo rude at our lives mam.,please do reply mam…
mam please extend the scholarship date …please mam we all want us to extend the date mam
hello mam.,can we have any update mam.,please give us a positive reply mam
hello mam.,we are all waitng for the extension date mam please help us mam
hello mam.,
this is saikrishna.,since our college people didnot informed in prior.,we are unaware of this mam.,please help us extending date mam.,please…
hello mam.,
this is balaji.,we are all waiting for the extension date.,please help us in extending the date mam,please give us a positive reply mam
HELLO MAM.,I’m also the one who have not applied for scholarship .,we have no info about this in our colleg mam.,please help us in extending the date mam please,,,
hello mam., this is harisha ., is there any update about scholar ship extension date mam.,please help us mam
hello mam.,
this is suhasini.,please…please ..please,,,help us in extending the date mam..please make it posisble and give us a positive reply mam.,please,……………..
hello mam.,i’m also the one who is waiting for scholarship extension date .,please mam extend the date.,i have not applied due to health issue.,please mam ..please extend the date.,atleast extend it for a week…
hello mam.,
this is Asha., i have not applied since my college people have not informed about it before mam.,and in the last moment i didn’t get all the certificates…please mam ..please extend the date mam
Everyone join the following what’s app link….
hello mam.,
this is manvitha,mam actually we didn’t even had correct information about the date from our college mam.,please help us in extending the date mam.,please ..please …please..
hello mam.,
I’m neha., i was actually unaware of this date mam.by the i and my friends came to know it.,server was busy.,please extend the date mam.,please make it possible
hello mam.,this is divya .,mam our college staff has not informed about the date earlier mam., please extend the date mam ., please make it possible
This is sri krishna priya., i have not applied for scholarship due to health issue.,please mam extend the date as many students are waiting for the date
hello mam., this is sayali.,i’m unaware of notification dates mam., please mam like me many students are waiting for the extension date ,., please kindly help us in extending the date .,
Let us all join the following grp guys…..otherwise we cant communicate in a proper way…..so I request all to join the grp…..
Extend cheyandi mam date
Mam could you plssssssss give some reply…..we are in a big confusion mam…..plssssssss suggest any way mam…..help us mam….1st plssssssss reply us mam plssssssss
Make a Whatsapp group and add the all the students who not applied. Visit TS epass as group and ask them, then it works.
Hello mam ,could you please reply us with a positive result,please mam
You people have to visit the TS epass as a group and ask them. Make a WhatsApp group.
Eeveryone listen….we all will go to pmu office masab tank on this friday(as per decided in WhatsApp grp)..be there at 11am with your request letters also….each 10 atleast.
Till then we will mail to [email protected]
As many as possible do mails….ask your frds also to cm with you on friday so that we can have a gd number.Everyone try to cm don’t delay….otherwise we won’t get our scholarship. Remember that.And dont forget to bring letters also.Be in time guys.
If the above email address is wrong anyone can keep the crt one.
Good initiate, also use telegram link: https://t.me/joinchat/G2apFg8DzxiNpuWINU73gQ
Try to cm with your parents ….it will be more stronge.
Mam miru malli pampara mail??? Plssssssss miru kuda try cheyandi kada mam…..
Amaina reply estunnara vallu???
Chepindi mam…..
No reply.
Mam please kindly extend the date mam,please man., many students are literally waiting for that,plz give us a positive reply mam,please…..
Mam is there any update mam about extension of date,plzz man let us know
I have posted a received email Screenshot. pls check once.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Pleasee extend scholarship application date please please
Hi Pradeepthi,
You people have to gather and visit the TS ePass office as a group, then they will consider for date extend. check their email, what we received today – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dZHIAML5gZmnkviQW5MKxE_LwzZmJR1c
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Mam the link you shared for telegram does it work mam???
Bcz we joined and telling our reasons till now no one is responding on that….who are there in that grp mam may I know who they are??
Are they are the ppl belong to examsday??
They y are they not responding???
We already responded and given instructions to visit the PMU office and also we shared a received email screenshot for reference. I suggest try to visit the PMU office and submit the applications in bulk.
Last year also something happens, officials extended the date to Jan 31.
So, be positive and request at the PMU office.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
I’m BTech third year I failed to renewal my scholarship because of some health problems and other reasons
Not only me there are thousands of people failed to do that
So I’m requesting you to extend the date My future completely depends on this otherwise i quit my education
Please help us
Join in Telegram group and gather with other students, those who already facing the same.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Hello mam…mam we are trying our best for extension, I request you also to help us by sending mail once again to ts epass .
Plssssssss mam help us….bcz sm students are very sensitive and serious regarding their scholarship…..their lives are dependent on the fee reimbursement money itself….so plssssssss help us mam by as much as you can do for extension of date.
you can expect after pongal.
Oh tq mam for your positive words…..may I know what % of chances for extension as per the information you have…??
And did they replied anything again mam??
Mam plssssssss give reply…..plssssssss man plssssssss
Link may available after this holidays.
Oh really mam….tq mam…tqsm
Holidays tarvata website open autunada mam..
Please extend the sir
There are so many students are waiting for this issue please take it into consideration
We are not getting any updates regarding this
Madam it’s been so long yet we didn’t get any reply from the authorities
Please it’s a kind request ask the officials to extend the date for the one last time
Mam please help us by sending mails to the ts ePass
We are waiting for the good news from so many days we really can’t pay that much of fee
So please help us mam
There are nearly two lakhs of students facing this problem
Ts ePass ki request letter pampandi madam nearly two lakhs people renewal or apply cheskoledu
Date extend cheyamani cheppandi madam
Memu Masab Tank ki velli nearly nearly 50 letters submitt cheshamu
After holidays consider chesthamu ani chepparu but still no update
Please help cheyandi mam
Maku antha fee pay chese sthomatha ledu madam
Please help us
Hello mam, please tell us the extension date mam,please…….
Waiting for the dates mounika. Let see tomorrow.
Hello mam , waiting for the extension of date ?
Please tell us the date mam ?????
Please tell us the extension date mam
Big request mam please
Mam please consider our issue and send mails to the higher officials
Please extend the date mam……
we already received a response, they waiting for PMU office orders.
Mam again you have received a response ah???
May we know what it is mam….plssssssss
No, we try to escalate again.
Mam plssssssss help cheyandi mam maaku….lekapote chala kashtam avtadi madam
Chala mandi students mi positive reply kosam eduruchustunar madam…..
Ee dabulu lekapote maa chadvu agipotundi madam….chala mandi wait chestunar ….plssssssss madam maakosam enkosari adagandi madam……plssssssss
We escalated email today once again for the same to officials.
People are submitting lot of letters in PMU office
And we people submitted twice and they told we give an update after festival
But no update till now ???
So please take this issue serious and help us madam
We escalated email after several attempts of pone calls.
Please extend the sir
There are so many students are waiting for this issue please take it into consideration
We are not getting any updates regarding this
We are waiting for the reply from the PMU office.
mam ippudu reimbursement undi ani college ki vachan ippudu anta fee katali ante chala impossible mam ma Father kuda just private employee mam so, please mam idi oka sari extended cheyandi mam
Join in Telegram group and touch with other students who not applied OR renewal.
I’m Pavan pursuing B pharmacy in Siddhartha college, I’ve didn’t renewed my scholarship this year due to my health issues and server! I beg you to extend the date of renewal!
Hi Pavan,
Wait for the two days, the notification will come from PMU office for the extension date info.
Mam I’m Aditya from NMREC COLLEGE, Request you to extend the date of renewal
We’ve already visited PMU OFFICE in masab tank and submitted our request letter and we are desperate for your positive response and we are from middle class family,so that we can’t really afford to pay the whole tution fee we may have to waste the academic year if the dalll
Mam I’m SANTOSH rajput singh from NNRG CLG,Request you to extend the dates for renewal please……
We’ve already visited the PMU office in MASAB TANK and submitted the letters and I’m from poor family i can’t effort this fee because I’m studying under this scholarships so mam please extend this renewal date mam …..
And there are lots of thousands of students who are suffering from this problems
We may have to waste the academic year if the dall
Thanking you sir….!!
Please grant me sir please please please ……thank you sir
We bulk of students visited PMU office, Masab Tank and they told that there may be a chance of extension but we have to wait till end of this month
Later we may get update..!
So please send a notification to the higher officials and make this happen sure mam
Big respect ✊
I did already via email.
Thanks mam !!
And what they replied
They still waiting for orders from the PMU office to activate the link.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Hello mam….plssssssss understand our situation mam….help us to get our scholarship mam
Plssssssss once again u send a mail & show our comments to ts epass mam
Plssssssss mam help us mam
Hello mam , is there any chances of extension ???
Hello mam,please kindly consider our request,we are all waiting for the announcement of extension date mam,please….
Hi Mounika,
PMU office is not responded yet for the link activation.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Hello mam, Is there any chances of extension ?? Days are passing but no update
Yes, I agree with you. PMU office not yet informed any dates yet. We will expect the update this week.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
What the heck!! Why PMU office is not responding and why they are not giving order despite all students are going there and giving bulk of letters to them
What the heck !! Why PMU office is not responding despite we submitted bulk of letters to them and thousands of students going to the office
What’s wrong with PMU office??
If possible please write a letter to PMU office mam
Big request
Sir, we did not get the correct information of inter 2nd year scorral ship renewal date of 2019-20 .we like to apply for the inter 2nd year scorral ship .so please extend the 2nd year scorral ship reannual time pireod.
Visit the PMU office for the Same with documents.
Mam can we expect extension of dates???
As the time passes it seems the answer to be NO….
But if it is NO many students life will be spoiled mam….many are in a breathholding situation for the announcement mam…..
Plssssssss alagaina help cheyandi mam maaku plssssssss plssssssss…..
Mam plssssssss help us …..chala mandi vunnam mam….enduku mam ala patinchukovatledu PMU vallu mamalni….nen 3 times vellanu mam enka naku epudu exams degarlo vunnai,enka vellali ante chala kashtam avtundi ….maku enka hall ticket raledu kani nak bhayam vestundi mam…nenu fees kattale scholarship thine chadvanu enni rojulu….epudu naku hallticket varnado ledo ani tension ga vundi madam….
Eelopee link activation chestaru ani anukunna,kani ela enni rojulaina chestam – cheyam ani aa reply kuda raledu….enduku mam ela chestunaru….maakosame kada mam ee scholarship lu reimbursement lu epudu maake use cheyakapote enduku mam enka ee pathakam petti…..kanisam miraina miku sadyamainantha varaku maku sahayam cheyandi plssssssss….
Wait for the update from the PMU office.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Can u please send the link of telegram group
Hello mam, I’m getting scared
I may commit suicide if they won’t extend I’m out of situation now
Please help us mam
Inform to PMU office
Please madam
I’m requesting you
Good evening mam,please consider our request and extend the date mam,please mam,we are requesting as there is no other option for us,kindly consider mam,please
Hello mam , Please put a request letter to the PMU office and chala mandi students life e scholarship midane depends ayi undii
If they won’t extend then valla life sudden ga change avuthundii madam
So many are poor people antha fee pay cheyaleru mam
Please give an update mam
Mam we are requesting since a month,plzz understand our mental conditions and economical status mam,,please kindly think about us and extend the date mam
Plssssssss give reply mam…..miru elavunte asap amoutundo telustale….enka pichilestundi….konchem artam cheskondi mam,maa paristithi…..picholavtunnaru students entha entha varku nyayam chepandi miree…..???
Ela miru kuda reply evakapote etla mam….plssssssss dayachesi edooka reply evvandi maku respond avandi….plssssssss
I’m doing follow-up my end and I created a telegram group for you guys to discuss this. Don’t get any tension.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Mam 35k is lot more for middle class people we can’t afford that much plz extend the date, my college haven’t gave me bonafide of my engineering graduation that is the reason I haven’t applied , fee reimbursement is not issued by the government to my engineering college ,now am pursuing MBA plz extend the date
Join in telegram grp and discuss the same.
We already touch with PMU office officials.
Plz extend the date, sir
The fear is motivating me to commit suicide , plz extend sir
Sir/ mam please extend the date……
This is killing us daily , without our mistake date is over and govt is the reason for it ,
Why don’t you concern
Mam, once please write a request mail to the PMU office and many students are waiting for this
Please mam
I wil escalate today again.
Madam it’s been so long yet we didn’t get any reply from the authorities
Please it’s a kind request ask the officials to extend the date for the one last time
Today I escalated email for the date at least up to 31.01.2020. If I receive any response then I will intimate on this page.
Sir my family can’t afford that much money please sir, extend the date
Check today received email, I uploaded.
mam we are all waiting for the announcement of extension date.,even in news it as given that many students are waiting na mam,.,please kindlly the date mam
have you seen na today I posted. The response was same, waiting.
please kindly extend the mam.,
Madam can u send the link of telegram
Hello mam , why they are taking this much of time to activate the link ??
Can they extend it or not ??
Ones I went to PMU office mam, they said ” we can’t apply here, you have to apply in roads portal, we don’t know whether the applications reopen have to wait and see”. It seems like they are not bothering at all, if is there any other way please let us know mam. Please
I’m getting scared
Mam please escalate an email to PMU office ?? Many students are waiting for it
Please help us mam and give an update ???????
Finally they extend it or not ??
Please give an information mam
Mam we have also tweeted our problem to ktr,kcr & harish rao sirs in twitter….but there is no reply.
As we are only the students they are not responding may be…..from examdays plssssssss tweet to ktr sir regarding our issue of extension of scholarship renewal date plssssssss mam….plssssssss do this help for us mam….plssssssss plssssssss
We hope definitely they will consider your tweet and retweet to you for sure….plssssssss man help us mam
Sure, We will do tweet our end.
Mam have u tweeted??
Hello mam , Please write a mail to the PMU office
If you did , please inform that what they replied
Please give an update mam
Posted already, pls check above.
Group of students visit the PMU office and Make tweets to KTR then it works.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Madam as in the previous mail they asked us to enquire about it in their office
Did they come to a decision if so what is it madam ??
Madam even if their decision is NO when are they gonna inform in 2021 ??
Mam, what PMU office informed finally ??
Check in Telegram grp mail screenshot.
I have applied for other state scholarship.I have contacted district officer and he said do biometric registation in meeseva………….when I went to meeseva centre it is coming error like……. ” Application not at aadhar authentication level telangana”. …why this error coming please respond
Maybe your Aadhar card is locked for security purpose. If lock, then unlock here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.gov.uidai.mAadhaarPlus After unlock, go to the Meeseva and try again.
I have tried this and Went to meeseva
but it was coming same error mam please solve this issue
Mam, Any updates about extension of scholarship ?
Hello mam, why PMU office is not giving an order on extension of scholarship dates ? Are they busy with elections or any other reasons ??
I visited PMU office five time and they are telling wait till 1st Feb and there may be a chance of extension but they are not 100% about it
So please help us mam
Give an update on it ??
Madam today I visited pmu office and asked about the extension they were like we don’t know what government does and even they are not even giving any response on whether there is a chance of extension or not
But why are they giving different replies
KTR Twitter required almost 1000 retweets. pls check the Telegram group.
Koncham aina chance vundha madam asalu
Right now, Only the KTR twitter handle can help more.
Madam nenu telegram group lo lenu so please update in this page also
Hiii mam ds S swetha i have also not applied scholarship from 6mnths I’m not in local I went other state due to my father health issue please mam can u extend the renewel date please we are requsting to extend the renewel dateee
I visited PMU office yesterday and they told that wait till 1st February!!
I’m not understanding why they are telling to wait till 1st February
And I visited PMU office 3 times they repeated same
Any reasons behind this ????????
Please help us mam.!
Maybe there are busy in elections.
Madam i tweeted about this issue yesterday to ktr sir in almost all the post related to him but yet I couldn’t see any response but y r other students not tweeting about it
I have seen only an another girl tweeting about it
What happened in the telegram group madam ??
I’ve seen the same in the Group, They posting messages like “pls extend date” then leaving. I already told, If you people not interested in Scholarship and fee reimbursement then leave the group immediately.
If you people are not serious, then it waste of time. KTR twitter handle required 1000 retweets from students then it works, otherwise nobody will help.
Take seriously and act accordingly. Talk with friends and well-wishers for retweets.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Please guys everybody do tweet
There’s nothing wrong in giving an attempt
It’s not for someone others it’s for our own sake and for our own family
Madam how many people are there in telegram group ??
58 students.
Nearly 2 lakhs of people are waiting for the extension and still no update till now ??
We visited couple of times to the PMU office still they are saying wait till 1st feb
Why PMU office not taking a decision on it can they extend it or not ??
Mam please tell one thing that the extension chances are more or less ??????
As per your experience situations like this never happened??
I’m really scared
Please give an update mam
If they won’t extend literally its a career ending moment of many students and I’m one of those mam
So please pass a mail to the higher officials mam
Please and please do your best mam
I am also one of the student mam.plz extend the date of post metric scholarship.. If not extend date I have to bear more money to my education.iam not capable of paying huge amount to my education.. On that time I have to stop my education.My career will spoil. Plz extend plz extend the date sir. I missed date because of my health problems. Plz respond sir..
Join in Telegram Group for the discussion.
Send the link to join madam
posted in already in this page.
Madam please send the link
Use this link: https://t.me/joinchat/G2apFg8DzxiNpuWINU73gQ
Brother I was unaware of the scholarship since I was going through the exam time bro I missed the last date of the scholarship.Please help me go through this bro we cannot afford the fee and pls help us extend the date brother
Mam. My degree application status is showing aadhaar authentication pending.. N my admission no is also incorrect… So plz suggest me how to rectify…..
take application print and write letter and submit the in PMU office.
Mam. My degree application status is showing aadhaar authentication pending.. N my admission no is also incorrect… So plz suggest me how to rectify…..
submit the application and request letter in PMU office Masab Tank.
Madam they won’t extend right
Hello mam, Is there any chances of extension
So please write a mail to the PMU office
Please mam we request you to the ton
Your the only hope lest
Please mam
Wait until Feb 1st week.
When is the correction date ?
We are not getting any updates mam please try to pass mail to the PMU office
wait until FEB 1st week
It’s 31st jan today and we are waited till date still they are not giving any update
Madam please can you put a email once again to remind them
Please give an update mam your the only hope
As they said, recently…”WAIT FEB 1st WEEK”.
Hello mam , today it’s feb 1st and we waited till today still there is no update
Please please please write a letter to the PMU office
I think they forgotten this issue
Please do help mam
We can expect the date extension from Monday onwards.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
It’s already February 1st
PMU office told that wait till feb 1st
Any updates mam ??
Waiting for response me also.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Hello mam….the date was extended
Thank you soooooooo much mam…..for your help and support
That means a lot for us
This website is so helpful
Once again thank much you mam on behalf of everyone of us
Thank u so much mam…u really helped us.. Dont knw how to thank u….. But am so happy,,, thank u sooooo much….indirectly u helped a lot… Keep supporting mam….
Welcome Rushitha, apply asap and avoid last-minute rush.
Welcome, Apply asap to avoid the last-minute rush.
This is the last chance for 2019 students, inform to other students who are not applied/renewal.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Hello mam.. thank you so much.. February 15 varaki date extend chesaru..
Welcome, Apply Fast and avoid last-minute server loading issues.
Ma’am we are thankful to you for your support towards extension of the scholarship date
Thank you somuch Ma’am!!
You Welcome, Srikanth.
Many thanks
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Thank you so much madam
Finally they extended
Thanks for your response madam
You welcome, Our users are first priority.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
They extended Only for freshers Or renewals too ???
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Thanks so much mam you helped lot in scholarship extension
Thanks ton
You welcome. Apply Fast and stay relax.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
I am very thankful to you madam
Can’t thank you enough in words
You welcome and apply asap and stay relax.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Thank u soooo much madam for supporting us….. Ones again thank u so much
You welcome and apply asap and stay relax.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Thank you
Hello ma’am.
My Income certificate is of 3/1/2020,am I eligible for fresh postmatric scholarship?
Madam i recently wrote pg meet exam I got 7000 air I belong to OC caste I want to know do I have any chance of getting seat ?? I can’t find last year cut off ranks of Telangana
So please help me out
Refer this link for PG NEET Exam Cutoff Marks https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TpzXI9NLB-Nq-y09V6nCjV_3BliiTOXf
Madam I wrote neet pg recently I got 7000 air and I don’t have any reservations can I get a seat ?
Mdm biometric thumb pettaka receipt emmana clglo evala
Inquiry in College Siri, Some colleges need ack statement.
Mam please extend scholarship last date for 1 day, please
For MBA fresh application, please mam
Closed applications for 2019-2020 Post matric.
Not possible, already finished. I already intimated before 3 days of closing date also. PMU officials will not agree for 3rd time extension.
Hi Mam.I have not applied for 2019-20 tspeass scholorship..Could you please tell me Is there any chance of applying fresh epass scholorship for 2019-20.
I can not pay college fee in this Corona time mam.Please help me
It already reopened once upon time.
Sir/madam the renewal link provided for postmatric scholarship 2020-2021 is not working….pls look into it
Hi Lavanya,
We will fix the link issue. Please check the link after 1 hour.
Hii mam.I am Sreelatha studying mpharmacy in osmania university.I didn’t apply for scholar ship as it was mentioned OC candidates can’t apply.So I thought the college itself applies for student reumbersement as I submitted them my income and ebc certificates but later I got to know that student oneself should apply for reimbursement .So due to lack of clarity I didn’t apply 2019-2020 Postmatric scholarship.If I go to epass office will they accept my request.please help me mam I didn’t have an idea of reumbersement as I completed my graduation in management quota so don’t I have an idea of it.please mam help me.if I visit the epass office can I get a chance to apply for fresh post matric scholarship.
Sir any idea if 2020-2021 renewal date extension. I missed the deadline . Is there any other option that I can try to renew my post matric scholarship for 2nd year. Please help
No, as of now, no information on last date extension.
yes, ma’am please request them to extend the date for renewal of 2020-21. many students misses the deadline
Hello Ami,
Last year they extended date, after many requests from students, if any students come forward and request in the office then it works for the last date extension.
Many poor students have missed out the last date Mam,
Please represent all of us and try for extension.
Thank you in advance for allowing us to share our issues and guiding us.
Good News Mam,
I wrote a request mail to [email protected] (which is available on the site in contacts)
So we can hope for the best……….
Hi Praveena,
Yes, they do extend the last date, if the maximum number of students missed or not registered or not renewed. Otherwise, they kept close the academic year.
Site is open for renewals…………….
I am so happy
Hi Praveena,
Good to hear, the site is now working.
How can I apply for the TS ePass?
Use the above links and follow the screen instructions, and make sure that, you have to give the exact details for the scholarship and fee reimbursement.
When will released 1st year mba scholarship release. Mba 1st year స్కాలర్ షిప్ ఎప్పుడు వస్తది. శాతవాహన యూనివర్సిటీ.
Hi Sandeep,
Enquiry same in the College Exam Department for the Scholarship and Fee reimbursement info.
Mam nenu degree 1 st scholarship apply chesanu second year cheyaledhu malli final year cheyadam ala process chepandhi plzzzz
Hi Saritha,
renewal చేయండి, లేదా ఒక్కసారి కాలేజీ managament లో అడిగి ఫామ్ సబ్మిట్ చేయండి. కాలేజీ magt decision is final.
Last date 31.12.2020
Please extend the date of postmetric scholarship
If you people are comes together for questions on the extension of date then dept will consider it, AAsking one person is not works.
Please extend the date of postmetric scholarship
Ask them directly for the extension OR Join in Telegram and make a decision as per group people https://t.me/examdaystsap2
Sir/Mam, I’m pursuing btech 3rd yr, I haven’t received college Bonafide yet, and today is the last date for Postmatric renewal scholarship 2021-2022, Can you let me know whether the date is likely to be extended or not?? If not, is there any alternative way to apply?
Hi Swetha,
If you’re only alone facing such a problem then there is no way to extend the date. But If many students are facing the same issue then the last date might be extended till December 2021.
Note: Last year it was extended to December month on the basis of any students requested to TS ePass department at MasabTank area. Contact the TS ePass department for the same.
When the ts epass 2021-22 edit option ?
Can we re-upload bonafide and memo?
Hi Navya,
Login and check the edit option inside the dashbaord.
Mam, I’m kavya.
I couldn’t renewal my ts epass post matric scholarship as the previous one got rejected because of improper bank account front page scanning. Now I reuploaded it.
When will I be able to apply for renewal scholarship again?
Also the last date for application is going to end soon.
Can we extend the date of application?
Hi Kavya,
Extending of application form is not easy, If many students face the same issue or any other technical issues, then the team will extend it accordingly.
Once visit the Masabtask office for submitting the letter along with the issue you are facing.
Please madam degree scholarship renewal date extend cheyyandi .chaala students covid valana renewal cheskoledhu please .sir or madam
Send a mail or call to the TS ePass department for the same.