AP Ward Sachivalayam Hall Ticket: Andhra Pradesh State has released a separate notification for the Ward Sachivalayam along with Grama Sachivalayam posts, Total six (6) notifications are released under the Ward Sachivalayam for various posts.
Those who have applied for the Administrative Secretary, Amenities Secretary, Sanitation Environment Secretary, Education Data Processing Secretary, Secretary, Welfare Development Secretary posts can download the Ward hall ticket.

AP Ward Administrative Secretary Hall Ticket
Use the OTPR, Date of Birth, and Security Code (displayed on the screen). And follow the screen instructions for Ward Sachivalayam Hall Ticket. Once downloaded, then take the black and white print out.
AP Ward Amenities Secretary Hall Ticket
Use the OTPR, Date of Birth, and Security Code (displayed on the screen). And follow the screen instructions for Ward Sachivalayam Hall Ticket. Once downloaded, then take the black and white print out.
AP Ward Sanitation Environment Secretary Hall Ticket
Use the OTPR, Date of Birth, and Security Code (displayed on the screen). And follow the screen instructions for Ward Sachivalayam Hall Ticket. Once downloaded, then take the black and white print out.
AP Ward Education Data Processing Secretary Hall Ticket
Use the OTPR, Date of Birth, and Security Code (displayed on the screen). And follow the screen instructions for Ward Sachivalayam Hall Ticket. Once downloaded, then take the black and white print out.
AP Ward Planning Regulation Secretary Hall Ticket
Use the OTPR, Date of Birth, and Security Code (displayed on the screen). And follow the screen instructions for Ward Sachivalayam Hall Ticket. Once downloaded, then take the black and white print out.
AP Ward welfare Development secretary Hall Ticket
Use the OTPR, Date of Birth, and Security Code (displayed on the screen). And follow the screen instructions for Ward Sachivalayam Hall Ticket. Once downloaded, then take the black and white print out.
Ward Sachivalayam Hall Ticket Instructions
- Those who have applied for the AP Ward Sachivalayam posts in earlier, they can download the hall ticket from August (Last Week) onwards. Visit the Wardsachivalayam.ap.gov.in official website and click on the Ward Sachivalayam post wise hall ticket /admit card & follow the below instructions.
- Use the OTPR ID, date of birth, and security code (displayed on the screen).
- Click on the submit button and once the hall ticket displayed on the screen, verify the following details;
- Candidates Name
- Date of birth
- Photo & Signature
- Post Applied
- Exam centre name & address
- Exam Date & time
- If any photo/signature errors, then you have followed the instructions (printed on the hall ticket) how to fix the Photo/sign missing errors.

సచివాలయం హాల్ టికెట్ మీద కొందరికి ఫోటో లేదా సిగ్నేచర్ లో errors జరిగే అవకాశం ఉంది, ఒకవేళ మీకు కూడా అలా వస్తే, అప్లోడ్ చేసిన ఫోటో నో హాల్ టికెట్ మీద అతక పెట్టి గెజిట్టెడ్ ఆఫీసర్ తో sign తీస్కోని ఎక్సామ్ సెంటర్ కి హాజరు కావాలి.
మరింత సమాచారం కోసం హాల్ టిక్కెట్ లో ఇచ్చిన instructions / నింబందనలు ఒక్కసారి సారి చూచు కొండి.
- Take the print out of hall ticket (black & white only) and attach any Govt ID card and attend the examination.
AP Ward Sachivalayam Hall Ticket
ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ సచివాలయం హాల్ టిక్కెట్ డౌన్లోడ్ లో ఏమైనా ఇబ్బందులు ఉంటీ కింద కామెంట్ బాక్స్ లో ప్రశ్నలు అడగండి. పూర్తి సమాచారం మేకు అందుబాటులో ఉంచడానికి మేము ప్రయత్నం చేస్తాం.