AP Police Constable Syllabus 2023: Andhra Pradesh State Police Official likely announce AP Police Constable Posts November 2022 Month and same followed by AP SI Posts, all interested candidates have to check the AP Police Constable Syllabus before applying online, these are Police posts under various departments, selection should be based on candidates performance offline or Online examination(Exam mode decided by AP Police Officials after receiving the number of applications from candidates).
AP Police Syllabus 2023 PDF is updated for the exam notification, those who are preparing for the exam schedule, have to download the exam syllabus and prepare for the examination accordingly. Make sure, every candidates should have a physical fitness body for the events after the prelims exam.
AP Police Constable Syllabus 2023
The AP Police 2023 syllabus was given in below for the exam preparation point purpose.
AP పోలీస్ కాన్స్టేబుల్ సిలబస్ 2023
Andhra Pradesh AP Police Constable Syllabus was given below as per candidates’ reference purposes, and the exam will conduct offline mode (preferred/Mostly) and it conducted questions should be in Objective Type. Onetime offline examination followed by the certification/document verification and apply online at slprd.ap.gov.in
READ: AP Police SI vs AP Police Constable
AP Constable Cut off Marks
- AP Police Constable exam maximum marks are 200 Marks.
- The Total Number of Questions is 200.
- Candidates have to use the Pen only for OMR sheet answering (Bubbling with Blue or blank)
- AP Police constable exam was likely conducted offline only (It was not confirmed by AP Police Officials)
- Andhra Pradesh Police Constable Exam will consist of Preliminary Written Test, Physical Measurements Test (PMT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET) & Final Written Examination.
- The Police Question papers in English, Telugu and Urdu Medium as Telangana State (TS) conducted.
- AP పోలీస్ కాన్స్టేబుల్ పరీక్ష గరిష్ఠ మార్కులు 200 మార్కులు, మొత్తం ప్రశ్నలు 200 ఉన్నాయి
- అభ్యర్థులు పెన్ OMR షీట్కు సమాధానం ఇవ్వాలి.
- ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ పోలీస్ కానిస్టేబుల్ పరీక్ష ఆఫ్లైన్లో మాత్రమే నిర్వహించబడుతుంది (ఇది AP పోలీస్ అధికారులచే ధ్రువీకరించబడలేదు).
- ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ పోలీస్ కాన్స్టేబుల్ పరీక్షలో ప్రిలిమినరీ రాసిన టెస్ట్, ఫిజికల్ మెజర్మెంట్ టెస్ట్ (పిఎంటి), ఫిజికల్ ఎఫిషియన్సీ టెస్ట్ (పిటి), ఫైనల్ రిటెన్ ఎగ్జామినేషన్లు ఉంటాయి. తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్రం (TS) గా ఇంగ్లీష్, తెలుగు మరియు ఉర్దూ మాధ్యమంలో పోలీస్ ప్రశ్న పత్రాలు నేర్వహించబడును.
AP Police Constable Selection Procedure
AP police academy recruitment board has the below stages of the selection procedure, candidates should understand the scenarios of the exam preparation as well asper the selection procedure.
- Stage 1 – Preliminary Exam
- Stage 2 – Physical Measurement Test PMT
- Stage 3 – Physical Efficient Test PET
- Stage 4 – Main Exam / Final Written Test
AP Police Constable Syllabus English
1. English
2. Arithmetic
3. General Science
4. History of India, Indian Culture, Indian National Movement
5. Indian Geography, Polity, and Economics
6. Current events of national and international importance
7. Test of Reasoning/ Mental Ability
AP Police Constable Syllabus Telugu
- 1. ఇంగ్లీష్
2. అంకగణితం
3. జనరల్ సైన్స్ - 4.భారతదేశ చరిత్ర, భారతీయ సంస్కృతి, భారత జాతీయ ఉద్యమం
5. ఇండియన్ జియోగ్రఫీ, పాలిటీ అండ్ ఎకనామిక్స్ - 6.జాతీయ మరియు అంతర్జాతీయ ప్రాముఖ్యత యొక్క ప్రస్తుత సంఘటనలు
7. రీజనింగ్ / మెంటల్ ఎబిలిటీ టెస్ట్
AP Police Qualifying Marks
Andhra Pradesh AP Police Constable qualifying marks are required for clearing the Police constable examination but not for getting a Police job in the constable department in Andhra Pradesh State. The below table form provides the complete overview of AP Police Qualifying Marks.
Candidate Reservation Tyre | AP Police Qualifying Marks |
OC Candidates | 40% |
OBC/BC Candidates | 35% |
SC/ST Candidates | 30% |

READ: AP Police SI vs AP Police Constable
AP Constable Cut off Marks
AP Police constable and Si syllabus have been added above, further questions and doubts, use the below comment box for clarifications.
AP Constable Syllabus Books
Download the complete AP Police syllabus for the PC and SI Posts purpose, the complete exam schedule is given for the exam early preparation purpose.
Prelims Exam, Events (Physical tests, Document Verification, Medical Exam), Main Examination (Final Exam),
Exam pattern is completely on Reasoning, Aptitude, English, and GK / GS modes.
Candidates can use the Syllabus PDF link and download the complete examination syllabus.
Ap conistable syallabus and topic wise
We will update the Detailed syllabus soon.
Sir please provide general sciences for ap police
We will upload the “AP Police general sciences” Syllabus on this page.
Hii I am arshiya tabassum please bolo apply ki date kab hai I am 12th pass constable ki date please replay please
Phone numbers 8985791398 replay
For AP Police PC posts notification date, follow the APPSC Calendar 2021 schedule.