TSPSC Assistant Account Officer Notification 2022: Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) released a notification to fill the Telangana TSPSC Assistant Account Officer Grade -II, Assistant Store Officer Grade -II, and Data Processing Assistant Grade -II vacancy posts, the online application can available from July 25th, 2018 onwards, those who are interested to apply for TSPSC Jobs in Telangana State can check Candidate eligibility, Age, Qualification, Location of Post, Job Responsibilities, TSPSC Salary, Bill Collector Salary.
The Number of Vacancies is announced in the month by Telangana TSPSC Authorities and the recruitment to be finished under 3 months as a pilot project level.
TSPSC Assistant Account Officer Notification 2022
- The Total number of vacancy Posts are announced: 76 Vacancy Posts.
- Name of the Posts: Bill Collector.
- Age Assigned for Candidate: 18 – 44 Age and age relaxation can apply for reserved candidates. Minimum 18 years & Maximum 44* years. The age is reckoned as on 01/07/2018
- Telangana TSPSC Scale pay/ Salary/ Pay is Rs.16,400/- to Rs.49,870/–
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Vacancies | Age as on
01/07/2018 Min. Max. | Scale of Pay Rs. |
01 | Assistant Accounts Officer Grade-II | 13 | 18-44* | 16,400-49,870/- |
02 | Assistant Stores Officer Grade-II | 55 | ||
03 | Data Processing Assistant Grade-II | 08 | ||
Total | 76 |
Candidate Qualification
Must possess a Degree from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or an Institution recognized by the UGC. Candidate can pass any degree without any pass percentage limit.
Application Fee
Each applicant must pay Rs. 200/- (RUPEES TWO HUNDRED ONLY) towards Online Application Processing Fee. This apart, the applicants have to pay RS. 80/- (EIGHTY RUPEES ONLY) towards Examination Fee. However, the following category of candidates is exempted from payment of Examination fee.
Telangana TSPSC Exam Centers | Telangana TSPSC Assistant Account Officer
The Written Examination (Objective Type) will be held at the following centers or as may be decided by the Commission. Those who applied for TSPSC Bill Collector can choose the below-listed examination centers as per choice in ascending order.
Important Dates | Telangana TSPSC Assistant Grade-II Posts Dates
- Submission of ONLINE applications from Date: 25/07/2018.
- Last date for submission of ONLINE applications Date: 10/08/2018.
- The Examination is likely to be held on Date: 07/10/2018.
Telangana TSPSC Assistant Grade-II Posts Syllabus
Candidate checks the Telangana TSPSC Bill Collector Syllabus 2018, which is published by the TSPSC officials on July 24th, 2018, the syllabus is available in English and Telugu languages.
Attempt Telangana TSPSC Quiz Tests in Telugu and English
Telangana TSPSC Grade-II Posts Syllabus in English | Telangana TSPSC Assistant Account Officer
Paper | Subject | No.of Questions | Duration | Maximum Marks |
1 | GENERAL KNOWLEDGE | 150 | 150 Minutes | 150 |
2 | SECRETARIAL ABILITIES | 150 | 150 Minutes | 150 |
Total | 300 |
- Current affairs.
- International Relations and Events.
- General Science in everyday life.
- Environmental Issues and Disaster Management.
- Geography and Economy of India and Telangana.
- Indian Constitution: Salient Features.
- Indian Political System and Government.
- Modern Indian History with a focus on Indian National Movement.
- History of Telangana and Telangana Movement.
- Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
- Policies of Telangana State.
- Mental Ability. (Verbal and non-verbal)
- Logical Reasoning.
- Re-arrangement of sentences with a view to improving analysis of a passage.
- Numerical and Arithmetical abilities.
A test in “Proficiency in Office Automation with the usage of computers and associated software” shall be conducted in terms of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.133 and 134, GA (Ser.B) Dept., dt.12.5.2014.
Name of the part | Name of the Question to be answered | Marks |
Part A | Example: Typing a letter/passage/paragraph ( about 100-150 words ) in MS-Word | 20 |
Part B | Example: Preparation of a Table/Graph in MS-Excel | 15 |
Part C | Example: Preparation of PowerPoint Presentations/Slides (Two) on MS-PowerPoint. | 10 |
Part D | Example: Displaying the content of E-mail (Inbox). | 05 |
Total | 50 |
Telangana TSPSC Grade-II Syllabus in Telugu | Telangana TSPSC Assistant Account Officer
Section-1: Syllabus: General Knowledge and Secretarial Abilities General Knowledge/
జనరల్ నాలెడ్జ్ అండ్ సెక్రెరియల్ ఎబిలిటీస్ జనరల్ నాలెడ్జ్ (75 Questions and 75 Marks)
- Telangana Movement / తెలంగాణ ఉద్యమం
- History of Telangana / తెలంగాణ చరిత్ర
- Schemes of Telangana / తెలంగాణా పథకాలు
- Policies of Telangana / తెలంగాణా విధానాలు
- Society of Telangana / తెలంగాణ సొసైటీ
- Culture of Telangana / తెలంగాణ సంస్కృతి
- Heritage of Telangana / తెలంగాణా వారసత్వం
- Arts of Telangana / తెలంగాణా కళలు
- Literature of Telangana / తెలంగాణ సాహిత్యం
- Indian Constitution / భారత రాజ్యాంగం
- Indian Political System / భారతీయ రాజకీయ వ్యవస్థ
- Panchayat Raj System / పంచాయితీ రాజ్ సిస్టం
- Rural Development / గ్రామీణ అభివృద్ధి
- Geography India / భౌగోళిక భారతదేశం
- Geography Telangana. / భూగోళశాస్త్రం తెలంగాణ.
- Economy of Telangana / తెలంగాణ ఆర్థిక వ్యవస్థ
- Economy of India / భారతదేశం యొక్క ఆర్ధికవ్యవస్థ
- General Science / జనరల్ సైన్స్
- Disaster Management / విపత్తు నిర్వహణ.
- Environmental Issues / పర్యావరణ సమస్యలు
- Science in everyday life / రోజువారీ జీవితంలో సైన్స్
- Modern Indian History with a focus on Indian National Movement / ఆధునిక భారత చరిత్ర భారత జాతీయ ఉద్యమంపై దృష్టి పెట్టింది
- Ethics, Sensitivity to Gender and weaker sections, social awareness / ఎథిక్స్, లింగం మరియు బలహీన విభాగాలకు సున్నితత్వం, సామాజిక అవగాహన
- Current affairs: International, National, Regional / ప్రస్తుత వ్యవహారాలు: అంతర్జాతీయ, జాతీయ, ప్రాంతీయ
Section-2: Syllabus: Secretarial Abilities / సెక్రెటరీయల్ సామర్ధ్యాలు (75 Questions and 75 Marks)
- Basic English (8th Standard)
- Mental Ability. (Verbal and non-verbal). / మెంటల్ ఎబిలిటీ. (శబ్ద మరియు అశాబ్దిక).
- Logical Reasoning / లాజికల్ రీజనింగ్
- Numerical abilities / సంఖ్యా సామర్ధ్యాలు
- Arithmetical abilities / ) అంకగణిత సామర్ధ్యాలు.
- Computer Word, PPT, Excel and Content Preparation / కంప్యూటర్ వర్డ్, PPT, ఎక్స్సెల్ అండ్ కాంటెంట్ ప్రెపరేషన్.
ANALYSIS OF Grade -II COMPETITION | Telangana TSPSC Assistant Account Officer
- Number of Posts: 124 Posts
- Applications Received: Pending to Update
- Competition of Each Post: Pending to Update
- Languages Opt: English, Telugu, and Urdu.
- Number of Questions: 300 Questions
- Number of Marks: 300 Marks
- Exam Duration: 300 minutes
- Mode examination: Offline / Online
- Type of Exam: Objective and Descriptive
- Negative Mark: No
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