TSPSC ASO Question Paper: The Telangana State Public Service Commission TSPSC has conducted Mandal Planning And Statistical Officer / Assistant Statistical Officer In Director, Directorate Of Economics And Statistics Subordinate Services Department Telangana TSPSC ASO Question Paper in one shift offline mode, the examination went moderate level. The offline examination was conducted in Telugu and English Languages for all Telugu and English candidates.
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TSPSC ASO Previous Year Question Papers
TSPSC ASO Question Paper was moderate level. the complete offline examination was going normally without any disturbances.
TSPSC ASO Schedule for Online Applications Schedule
TSPSC ASO Syllabus
The TSPSC ASO Examination paper was conducted in two sections I and II. Which are given below, Candidatehave s have to go through the below TSPSC ASO Syllabus,
1. Current Affairs – Regional, National and International
2. International Relations and Events.
3. General Science; India’s achievements in Science and Technology
4. Environmental Issues and Disaster Management
5. Economy of India and Telangana
6. Geography of India with a focus on Telangana
7. Indian Constitution and Polity with a focus on local self Government
8. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana
9. Policies of Telangana State
10. History of Modern India with a focus on the Indian National Movement
11. History of Telangana with special emphasis on the Movement for Telangana Statehood
12. Logical Reasoning, Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation
13. Basic English
Paper-II: STATISTICS (Common for All – Any degree candidates)
TSPSC ASO Syllabus and exam pattern
I. Introduction to Statistics
Meaning, importance and limitations of statistics – Collection of data – Primary and Secondary data. Sampling (Random, Non Random) – Census – Schedule and questionnaire – Frequency distribution – Tabulation – Diagrammatic and graphic presentation of data.
II. Measures of Central Tendency
Dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis Meaning, objectives and characteristics of measures of central tendency – Types of Averages: Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean, Median, Mode, Deciles, Percentiles – Properties of averages and their applications.
Dispersion: Meaning and properties – Types: Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation.
Skewness: Meaning – Karl Pearson’s and Bowley’s Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis.
III. Probability
Random experiment, sample space, event, algebra of events, probability on a discrete sample space, basic theorems of probability and simple examples based on theorems, conditional, probability of an event, independent events, Baye’s theorem and its applications.
IV. Concept of Random variable
Discrete and Continuous, Bernouli, Binominal and Poisson distributions, Normal distribution and its applications and uses. Concept of Un biased estimator, consistency, efficiency and sufficiency, large and small sample tests. Concept of null and alternative hypothesis,
V. Correlation and Regression:
Correlation: Meaning and uses – Types of correlation – Karlpearson’s correlation coefficient – Spearman’s Rank correlation – Probable error.
Regression analysis: Meaning and utility – Comparison between Correlation and Regression – Regression Equations – Interpretation of Regression Coefficient.
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VI. Analysis of Time Series and Index Numbers:
Time Series Analysis: Meaning and utility – Components of time series – Measurement of trend and seasonal variations – Utility of decomposition of time series – Decentralization of data.
Index Numbers: Meaning and importance – Methods of construction of index numbers: Price Index Numbers, Quantity Index Numbers – Tests of Adequacy of Index Numbers – Deflating Index Numbers – Cost of living Index Numbers – Limitation of Index Numbers .
Complete enumeration vs. Sampling, estimation of Sample size and Simple, Stratified and Systematic Random Sampling.
VIII. Basics of Computers:
Binary system, Octal and Hexadecimal systems. Conversion to and from Decimal systems. Codes, Bits, Bytes and Words. Memory of a computer, Arithmetic and Logical operations on numbers. Precision. AND, OR, XOR, NOT and Shit/Rotate operators, Algorithms and Flow charts, MS Office.
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TSPSC ASO Cut off Marks
Telangana State Public Service Commission TSPSC has Conducteducted Mandal Planning And Statistical Officer TSPSC ASO Cut off marks for 2018 varies between 90 to 120. The Telangana TSPSC ASO Cut off Marks may vary be based on candidates strengths and reservation criteria. the expected cut off marks are 90 marks to 120 marks out 150 marks, The competition little bit low but the candidates’ answers accuracy is more than the competition’s. so candidates have to follow the next reservation level as per their caste criteria.
TSPSC ASO Expected Cutoff
- OC Cutoff Score – 100 to 140 Marks
- BC/OBC Cut off Score – 90 to 120 Marks
- SC Cut off Score – 70 to 100 Marks
- ST Cutoff Score 70 to 90 Marks
Note: The cutoff score is the only expectation, which is not final. the final cutoff score is finalized by the TSPSC official team.
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Sir aso 2018 paper2 2018 pettandi
150 v male bc b
what about paper 2, pls upload paper-2 statistics question paper also sir/madam