TSNPDCL Sub Engineer Notification 2024: The Northern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (Telangana TSNPDCL 497 Sub-Engineer ) is inviting online applications from eligible candidates, who fulfilling vacancy posts criteria under Telangana TSNPDCL qualification eligibility, Age Limit, and other post related desired experience. Candidates can check the important factors about the TSNPDCL Sub Engineer Notification and recruitment process.
For TSNPDCL Sub Engineer Notification 2024, Candidates have to check the eligibility, age limit, online application fee, latest Telangana TSNPDCL 497 Sub-Engineer syllabus, selection criteria, number of selection stages, mode of selections, and Job posting locations with salary perks.
TSNPDCL Sub Engineer Notification 2024
నార్తర్న్ పవర్ డిస్ట్రిబ్యూషన్ కంపెనీ ఆఫ్ తెలంగాణ లిమిటెడ్ (తెలంగాణ TSNPDCL 497 సబ్-ఇంజనీర్) తెలంగాణ TSNPDCL అర్హత అర్హత, వయో పరిమితి మరియు ఇతర పోస్ట్ సంబంధిత కావలసిన అనుభవం క్రింద ఖాళీ పోస్టుల ప్రమాణాలను నెరవేర్చే అర్హతగల అభ్యర్థుల నుండి ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తులను ఆహ్వానిస్తోంది. అభ్యర్థులు TSNPDCL సబ్ ఇంజనీర్ నోటిఫికేషన్ మరియు రిక్రూట్మెంట్ ప్రక్రియ గురించి ముఖ్యమైన అంశాలను తనిఖీ చేయవచ్చు.
TSNPDCL సబ్ ఇంజనీర్ నోటిఫికేషన్ 2024 కోసం, అభ్యర్థులు అర్హత, వయోపరిమితి, ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తు రుసుము, తాజా తెలంగాణ TSNPDCL 497 సబ్-ఇంజనీర్ సిలబస్, ఎంపిక ప్రమాణాలు, ఎంపిక దశల సంఖ్య, ఎంపికల విధానం మరియు జీతం పెర్క్లతో ఉద్యోగ పోస్టింగ్ స్థానాలను తనిఖీ చేయాలి.
Name of the Authority | TSNPDCL Recruitment Board |
Post Name | Sub Engineer Posts |
Number of Posts | 500+ Vacancies |
Qualification | Diploma |
Age Limit | 18 to 44 years |
Last Date of Apply | Available Soon |
Selection Procedure | Written Test & Document Verification |
Official Website | tsnpdcl.cgg.gov.in |
Telangana TSNPDCL 497 Sub-Engineer Vacancy Report
Post Name | Vacancies | Age Limit | Scale Pay |
Sub-Engineer (Electrical) | 497 * | 18 yrs. – 44 yrs. | 20535-865-23130- 1160-28930-1425-36055-1700-41155 |
Must have a Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEE) (or a diploma in Electrical & Electronics
Engineering(DEEE) or Graduation in Electrical Engineering in addition to a Diploma in ElectricalEngineering (or) Electrical & Electronics Engineering or any other equivalent qualification recognized by the Board/University of United Govt. of A.P./T.S/India/ UGC/DEC/AICTE.
ఎలక్ట్రికల్ ఇంజనీరింగ్ (DEE)లో డిప్లొమా (లేదా ఎలక్ట్రికల్ & ఎలక్ట్రానిక్స్లో డిప్లొమా) కలిగి ఉండాలి
ఇంజినీరింగ్(DEEE) లేదా ఎలక్ట్రికల్ ఇంజనీరింగ్లో గ్రాడ్యుయేషన్తో పాటు ఎలక్ట్రికల్ ఇంజినీరింగ్ (లేదా) ఎలక్ట్రికల్ & ఎలక్ట్రానిక్స్ ఇంజనీరింగ్ లేదా యునైటెడ్ గవర్నమెంట్ బోర్డ్/యూనివర్శిటీ ద్వారా గుర్తింపు పొందిన ఏదైనా ఇతర సమానమైన అర్హత. A.P./T.S/India/ UGC/DEC/AICTE.
All eligible candidates must have a Minimum of 18 years and a maximum of 44 years. The age is reckoned as on 01.01.2024.
Each applicant must pay Rs.100/- towards the Online Application Processing Fee. Apart from this, the applicants have to pay Rs.120/- towards the Examination Fee. However, the applicants belonging to SC/ST/BC Communities are exempted from paying the examination fee.
TSNPDCL Notification 2024 Apply Online
- Before filling the application form, the candidate must pay the application fee first in online only http://tsnpdcl.cgg.gov.in
- Once online payment is done, upload the details including the Photo signature as per notification format.
- If you have any payment issues or application filling issues, you can dial the numbers below.
- For any problems related to Online submission and downloading of Hall-Tickets please contact Help Desk No. 0870-2461501 (Call Time:10:30 A.M to 1:00 P.M & 2:00 P.M to 5:00 P.M) or logon to http://tsnpdcl.cgg.gov.in and click on to complaint box.
The selection of a candidate for appointment will be made 100% on written examination only. There will be no interview.
Sub Engineer Scale of Pay:
tsnpdcl sub engineer syllabus pdf
Section-A 80 Marks.
Diploma in Electrical Engineering.
TRANSFORMERS: Emf equation of single phase transformer, operation of transformer on load, equivalent circuit, vector diagram, open-circuit and short-circuit tests, voltage regulation, losses and efficiency, all-day efficiency, parallel operation of single-phase transformers with equal voltage ratios. Voltage and current relations for three-phase transformer connections. Principle of operation of auto-transformer. Cooling of power transformer, Operation of Buchholz’s relay.
D.C. GENERATORS AND MOTORS: Expression for emf equation of D.C.Generator, armature windings, armature reaction, types of generators, characteristics. Torque equation of D.C.Motor, characteristics, speed control, starters, losses and efficiency. Testing of D.C. Machines.
THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS: Constructional aspects of cage and wound rotor types of induction motors, expression for torque, torque-slip characteristics, full load torque, starting torque and maximum torque, effects of variation of rotor resistance; losses and efficiency; different starting methods; speed control methods.
Constructional features and operation of single-phase induction motors: split phase, capacitor and shaded pole types. Principle of operation of A.C. series motor, universal motor, Schrage motor.
FAULTS AND SWITCHING APPARATUS: Short-circuit calculations; fuses and isolators; circuit breakers: theory of arc interruption and different types of oil circuit breakers; lightning arresters and their selection and location.
PROTECTIVE RELAYING: Basic requirements of protective relaying, primary and back-up protection; classification of electromagnetic relays and their principles of operation; time current characteristic curves; induction type over-current relay, distance relays; Merz price protection, differential protection of transformers, bus bar protection.
LINE CONDUCTORS, LINE SUPPORTS AND SAG CALCULATIONS: Different types of line conductors, conductor sizes commonly used for different voltage levels, Types of line supports, factors influencing the selection, cross-arms; spans, conductor spacings and ground clearances. Sag calculations and stringing charts.
TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS: Determination of inductance and capacitance of round and parallel conductors in single phase and three-phase symmetrically spaced lines.
PERFORMANCE OF LINES: Choice of voltage; short, medium and long lines; calculation of sending-end voltage, regulation and efficiency for short lines; nominal and nominal-T methods; Ferranti effect; corona: critical voltages and factors affecting corona.
INSULATORS AND SUBSTATIONS: Different types of insulators: Pin type, strain type, suspension type and relative merits; voltage distribution across string of suspension insulators, string efficiency and methods of improving arcing horns. Equipment used in substations, bus-bar arrangements.
CABLE AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS : Comparison between overhead lines and under ground cable. Types of cables, insulation resistance; localization of cable faults. Primary and secondary distribution; Feeders and service mains; radial and ring systems of distribution.
MEASURING INSTRUMENTS: Indicating instruments: deflecting, controlling and
damping torques, pointers and scales; ammeters and voltmeters: moving coil, moving iron, dynamometer, induction types; instrument transformers: C.T and P.T., Wattmeters and measurement of power in three phase systems by two-wattmeter method; measurement of energy: Energy meters; M.D. indicators; trivector meter.
ELECTRIC CIRCUITS: Fundamentals of alternating current quantities, sinusoidal waveform; average and effective values; J-notation for A.C quantities; polar form; single phase series and parallel circuits; impedance triangle, phase, power factor. Active and reactive components of power; series and parallel resonance. Three-phase star and delta balanced systems.
ELECTRIC DRIVES: Factors governing selection of motors; matching of motors with given loads; electric braking; rating of motor; types of enclosures; motors for particular drive.
ILLUMINATION: Definitions of commonly used terms and units; types of lamps; requirements of good lighting; laws of illumination; terms like : depreciation factor, utilization factor, waste light factor, luminous efficiency, specific energy consumption, space height ratio.
ELECTRIC HEATING AND WELDING: Requirements of good heating materials, materials generally employed, resistance heating; electric furnace; induction heating; dielectric heating welding generator and transformers.
Section-B: 20 Marks.
General Awareness and Numerical Ability :
- Analytical & Numerical Ability
- General Awareness
- English
- Related to Telangana Culture & Movement
- Computer Knowledge.
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