Constable Salary in Telangana: Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board TSLPRB Payscale is updated from TSLPRB officials and there is an official note that has been released and the original links are listed below. The candidate has to check the TSLPRB SI Constable Pay Scale 2023 and TSLPRB Salary, also check the TSLPRB pay scale and the average salary for the constable post.
Telangana TS police salary payslip for both Constant and Sub Inspector SI is given as per the latest salary norms, the details were listed for reference, check the detailed constable salary in Telangana. The Latest TS Police pay scale has been declared in the 2023 year only, those who are selected for SI posts and Constable posts can check the complete pay scale list below.
Constable Salary in Telangana
తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్ర స్థాయి పోలీస్ రిక్రూట్మెంట్ బోర్డ్ TSLPRB పేస్కేల్ TSLPRB అధికారుల నుండి నవీకరించబడింది మరియు అధికారిక నోట్ విడుదల చేయబడింది మరియు అసలు లింక్లు క్రింద ఇవ్వబడ్డాయి. అభ్యర్థి TSLPRB SI కానిస్టేబుల్ పే స్కేల్ 2023 మరియు TSLPRB వేతనాన్ని తనిఖీ చేయాలి, TSLPRB పే స్కేల్ మరియు కానిస్టేబుల్ పోస్ట్కి సగటు జీతం కూడా తనిఖీ చేయాలి.
తాజా జీతం నిబంధనల ప్రకారం స్థిర మరియు సబ్ ఇన్స్పెక్టర్ SI ఇద్దరికీ తెలంగాణ TS పోలీసు జీతం పేస్లిప్ ఇవ్వబడింది, వివరాలు సూచన కోసం జాబితా చేయబడ్డాయి, తెలంగాణలో వివరణాత్మక కానిస్టేబుల్ జీతం తనిఖీ చేయండి. తాజా TS పోలీస్ పే స్కేల్ 2023 సంవత్సరంలో మాత్రమే ప్రకటించబడింది, SI పోస్ట్లు మరియు కానిస్టేబుల్ పోస్ట్లలో ఎంపికైన వారు దిగువ పూర్తి పే స్కేల్ జాబితాను తనిఖీ చేయవచ్చు.
The Detailed information on the TS Police salary is given in below for the candidate’s reference, TS police salary payslip is listed below and the salary details will be revised as per the earlier TS state salary payment norms and conditions.
Name of the Authority | Telangana Police Recruitment Board |
Post Name | Police Constable Posts |
State | Telangana State |
Qualification | 10th Class |
Salary | As per Designation |
Selection Procedure | Written Test & Events |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Official Website | www.tslprb.in |
Telangana State TS constable salary details are available on this page for the candidate’s reference purposes. Telangana police constable’s salary is important for the various limitations and benefits from the Telangana state government.
Constable Salary in Telangana 2023
Telangana State constable salary in Telangana. Both police constable salaries per month in Telangana are available online for the salary verification process. constable salary in Telangana per month is available for the candidate’s reference purpose. The details are Telangana police ranks and salary.
Check the police constable’s salary per month in Telangana for detailed information. Telangana Police Constable PC and Sub Inspector of Police SI Salaries are revised based on the TS Police norms and regulations. Those who are in service, have to check out the complete Salary details which are listed below. Also, check the revised TS Salary for both SI and PC services.
TS Police Constable Recruitment Notice
TS Police Salary Slip
The upper age limit prescribed for appointment by direct recruitment by TS Level Police Recruitment is raised for all the Posts in each of these Notifications by 3 (three) years. TS Police Cutoff Marks
TS police salary pay scale
Telangana Level Police (TSLPRB Payscale) Notifications issued dated notified Recruitment to various posts in Police Department, Disaster Response & Fire Services Department, Prisons & Correctional Services Department, and Special Protection Force – aggregating to 1,271 Vacancies of SCT SI Civil and/or equivalent, 29 Vacancies of SCT SI of Police (Info Tech & Communications), 26 Vacancies of SCT Asst SI of Police, Finger Print Bureau, 16,925 Vacancies of SCT PC Civil and/or equivalent and 231 Vacancies of SCT Police Constable (Info Tech & Communications) / Driver / Mechanic.
TSLPRB Pay Scale
The TSLPRB scale pay is listed as per the notification wise, candidates should check the complete list in the given tabular form, If candidates have any questions and doubts can refer to the below comment box for further clarification on T’s police salary payslip.
Pay Scale as per the Latest 2023-24 Year
Post Name | Pay Scale | By Hand Salary |
TS Police Constable Civil Salary | Rs.24,280 /- Rs.72, 850/- | Rs.30,000 to 35,000/- per month |
TS Police Constable AR Salary | Rs.24,280 /- Rs.72, 850/- | Rs.30,000 to 35,000/- per month |
TS Police Constable SAR CPL Salary | Rs.24,280 /- Rs.72, 850/- | Rs.30,000 to 35,000/- per month |
TS Police Constable TSSP Salary | Rs.24,280 /- Rs.72, 850/- | Rs.30,000 to 35,000/- per month |
TS Police Constable Special Protection Salary | Rs.24,280 /- Rs.72, 850/- | Rs.30,000 to 35,000/- per month |
TS Police Constable Disaster Response & Fire Services Salary | Rs.24,280 /- Rs.72, 850/- | Rs.30,000 to 35,000/- per month |
Warder Male Salary | Rs.24,280 /- Rs.72, 850/- | Rs.30,000 to 35,000/- per month |
Warder Female Salary | Rs.24,280 /- Rs.72, 850/- | Rs.30,000 to 35,000/- per month |
SI Salary in Telangana
Telangana State TS Police salary details are listed below as per the post wise, refer these details for the; Communication constable salary in Telangana
Pay Scale as per the Previous Recruitment
Post Name | Salary Range From | TO |
SI Civil and/or equivalent in Police Dept. | Rs.28,940 | 78,910 |
SI of Police (Info Tech & Commons). | Rs.28,940 | 78,910 |
Posts equivalent to SI Civil in Other Dept. | Rs.26,600 | 77,030 |
Asst SI of Police, Finger Print Bureau | Rs.23,100 | 67,990 |
PC Civil and/or equivalent | Rs.16,400 | 49,870 |
PC (Info Tech & Commons) / Driver / Mechanic | Rs.16,400 | 49,870 |
TSLPRB Salary Perks
Including, there are several perquisites including allowances and loans elements given below;
- Medical Treatment to the Employee and Dependent Family Members,
- Welfare Loans for House Building / Education of Children / Marriages of Children,
- Risk Allowances (up to 50-60% of Salary in High-Risk Units),
- Compensations for Job-Related Injury / Damage, to which the Employees of Telangana State Government are entitled to.).
TS police salary payslip information is given in the below pdf form, candidates can download the complete payment as per the post wise and download and save the TS police salary payslip in your records.
ts police Official salary payslip
SI Salary In Telangana
In Telangana State, the minimum salary is Rs.28,940 to highest salary is 78,910/-, and the average salary the Rs.35,000/- to Rs.40,000/- per month. Candidates can check the detailed information.
Apart from the TS SI Salary and Telangana police constable salary, TS Govt provides the below benefits;
- Travel allowances
- Medical allowances
- Dearness allowances
- Rent allowances
- Other HRA, and gratuity are applicable.
Pay Scale as per the Latest SI 2023-24 Year
Post Name | Pay Scale | By Hand Salary |
TS Police SI Civil Salary | Rs.42,300/- to Rs.1,15,280/- | Rs.53,000 to 76,000/- per month |
TS Police SI AR Salary | Rs.42,300/- to Rs.1,15,280/- | Rs.53,000 to 76,000/- per month |
TS Police SI SAR CPL Salary | Rs.42,300/- to Rs.1,15,280/- | Rs.53,000 to 76,000/- per month |
TS Police SI TSSP Salary | Rs.42,300/- to Rs.1,15,280/- | Rs.53,000 to 76,000/- per month |
TS Police SI Special Protection Salary | Rs.42,300/- to Rs.1,15,280/- | Rs.53,000 to 76,000/- per month |
TS Police SI Disaster Response & Fire Services Salary | Rs.38,890/- to Rs.1,25,510/- | Rs.42,000 to 87,000/- per month |
Jailor Male Salary | Rs.38,890/- to Rs.1,25,510/- | Rs.42,000 to 87,000/- per month |
Telangana Police Ranks and Salary
Telangana state police ranks are varied as per the post and experience factors, the detailed information was available on the departmental wise, the quality of work in the police jobs and name secured while servicing in the police jobs they are eligible for the police ranks in Telangana and they also get the salary and promotions.
TS Police Constable Syllabus Latest
Use the above pdf link and download the TS Police Salary slip.
TS Police post wise salary information was listed in the above tabular form
The TS CI salary range from Rs. 15,600 – Rs. 39,100
It is based on the post category.
It is around Rs.15,000/- per month.
The average salary for the constable is around Rs.25,000/-
The average salary for the constable is 30 to 35k per month.
Yes, TS police authority will provides the salary slip.
30 to 35k salary per month.
SI salary is average of 30 to 45k per month.
Police officer salary is 30 to 35k per month.
We have listed complete information about TS Police Salary and monthly payslip. Candidates have to check out all these carefully in detailed information. If still have any questions regarding TS Police Salary and its payscale procedure, use the below comment section and ask Exam days team, the team will respond accordingly.
మేము TS పోలీస్ జీతం మరియు నెలవారీ పేస్లిప్ గురించి పూర్తి సమాచారాన్ని జాబితా చేసాము. అభ్యర్థులు సమగ్ర సమాచారంలో వీటన్నింటిని జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించాలి. TS పోలీస్ జీతం మరియు దాని పేస్కేల్ విధానానికి సంబంధించి ఇంకా ఏవైనా ప్రశ్నలు ఉంటే, దిగువ వ్యాఖ్య విభాగాన్ని ఉపయోగించండి మరియు పరీక్ష రోజుల బృందాన్ని అడగండి, బృందం తదనుగుణంగా ప్రతిస్పందిస్తుంది.
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