JEE is one of the main competitive exams where the competition levels are high. With hardly a few months left for the exam students are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to exam preparation. By clearing the exam, you can obtain admission to the top criteria educational institutes of the country. A tip to follow is to study from NCERT book class 11 biology as most of the questions are asked from the book.
An ideal method of preparation is to revise all the concepts and attempt numerous mock papers. This will give you a definite edge when it comes to your exam preparation. Below are mentioned a set of dos along with don’ts when it comes to cracking JEE main exams
A feasible timetable for JEE main exam is necessary
With the time approaching for the exam, it is suggested that you devote maximum time to your preparation. It is imperative that you formulate a timetable and give equal importance to each and every subject.
- Plan out a timetable, and note down the important points. Give sufficient time to yourself for dealing with the weak areas. Make sure that you include mock tests in your timetable which is of utmost importance at all times.
- There need to be proper breaks in between when you are developing a timetable. It would be of enormous help to enhance your concentration levels.
Focus on your strong and weak areas
This is the right time for assessing your preparation for JEE main and allocate time to those areas that you may find difficult. By this time you are going to have a concise idea about the type of questions that are asked in the JEE main exams.
- Proper attention to the weak areas is necessary and make sure that you solve as many mock tests for addressing those areas
- No point in neglecting the strong areas as you can score big if you revise those areas.
Join mock test series
It goes on to include a variety of problems that students are exposed to before the real exams. By going through NCERT 11 biology book you do have an idea of the questions being asked. Mock tests turn out to be the strongest and one of the unavoidable things during the course of exam preparation. Doing well in these tests will give you self-confidence and provide you with the feeling that you are ready for the big day. Even the students will be able to analyze their question papers and reduce the possibility of silly errors. They are in a position to evaluate the time that they would be spending on each section.
Time for physical and mental exercises is a necessity
Exams are something that causes a lot of stress along with anxiety among the students. More the levels of stress there is a strong possibility that the students may be demotivated. If the levels of stress in students are high a degree of fear tends to develop in the students. Hence it is suggested that every student should spend some amount of time on their mental and physical exercise in the form of yoga and meditation. Doing these exercises will improve their concentration levels and keep a tab on stress.
No point to procrastinate
Procrastination can be the biggest enemy to your success. Make it a point that you follow the schedule which is mentioned in your timetable. Putting off your preparation for the future can develop a sense of guilt in an individual and is bound to increase stress levels. Hence it is voiced that you do not waste your valuable time and postpone the necessary preparation. For fruitful results abide by a time schedule.
There is no point in learning new shortcuts or techniques at the last moment. By doing so you develop a degree of confusion at the last minute. This time you can spend on developing techniques to enhance your levels of preparation. In some cases due to poor scores on the mock tests students end up losing their confidence. But it is better that the students do not panic. This could have a major impact on their preparation and confidence levels. It is suggested that the students give the best shot without worrying about other things
In this digital era, the concept of teaching has undergone a major change. Gone are the days when education was something restricted to the traditional classrooms and now it has taken the digital route. The emergence of platforms like Infinity Learn can be of immense help in such cases. They have qualified subject matter experts who guide the students at each and every step of their education journey and address all doubts.
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