TS Police Edit Application 2023: The candidate can be required for any corrections and modifications in the Telangana Police online application (Telangana Police Corrections and Modifications) form Telangana Police gives a chance to correct or modify the candidate online application information. Candidates have to log in to the tslprb.in the account and go to the candidate profile and change the required details.
The TSLPRB recruitment team has released a notification for TS Police TSLPRB final edit option for TS Police qualified candidates; use this opportunity to correct the mistakes in the online application form.
Three fields are editable: Field -A, Field – B, and Field – C.
Where Study Certificate from Government / Recognized School is not available/possible, Residence Certificate for that duration is enough New.
Latest Update: More than 12 lakhs of online applications have been received for Police posts (PC and SI Posts).
tslprb edit application is available for them to edit or modify online. There is no other mode of service available.
The edit option is available in June (Mostly); candidates who made mistakes in the applications must correct them online after the official date is released.
TS Police Edit Option 2023
Candidates must and should wait for the edit option from the TS police officials, to correct the online application form. Photo and Signature are mostly not applicable, but other fields are available for correction.
Field A Type Edit Option
Service Fee: Rs.3,000 for SC/ST Candidates and Rs.5,000/- for others
- Name of the Candidates (As per SSC Certificate).
- Gender
- Community
- Do you belong to TS State
- Photo and Signature
- Have you served in the Indian Army
- Are you, Ex-Service Man Reservation
Field B Type Edit Option
Service Fee: Rs.2,000 for SC/ST Candidates and Rs.3,000/- for others
- Candidates Surname
- Aadhar Card Number
- Father/Husband Name
- Mother Name
- SSC Roll number
- Identification Marks
- Email ID
- Nearest SP/CP Office
- District of Local Candidates
- BC Creamy Layer
- Are you an employee of TS Govt?
- Are you an NCC instructor
- Study Residency
- Post preferences
- Special Category
- Education Qualifications
- Driving Licence
- Address
Field C Type Edit Option
- Mobile Number
- The medium of the Exam Written
- Age as on 01.07.2023
- Exam Center preference 1
- Exam Center preference 2
TS Police Constable Application Edit Option
- Login into the TSLPRB account and select the modify/change fields; according to the field, a transaction receipt will be generated, make the fee and submit the transaction form at the certificate verification center.
- TSLPRB staff will edit the options in the presence of candidates at TSLPRB offices.
If you find difficulties while changing or modifying the details, contact the tslprb officials for assistance.

TS Police Constable Online Tests in Telugu
TS Police Application Edit Option 2023
- Telangana Police TS Police application edit option is available only.
- Those who make mistakes in the applications and upload the wrong ones can be eligible to correct their applications on the TSLPRB website.
- Candidates need not visit the center; they direct you to correct the edit application online.
Those who require any modification then reach the Telangana Police for Online application correction with below given supporting documents. Candidates can modify or correction of any data in the online filled application; for this, reach the Telangana Police department of the given below details and use it before the last date for corrections and modifications.
1,88,715 Applicants who applied for the Posts of SCT SI Civil and/or equivalent will be administered the Preliminary Written Test on 26th August from 10 am to 1 pm. 13,944 Applicants who applied for the Post of SCT SI (IT & C) will take their PWT from 10 am to 1 pm on 2nd September, and 7,700 Applicants for the Post of SCT ASI FPB – from 2.30 to 5.30 pm on the same day. 4,79,166 Applicants for the Posts of SCT PC Civil and/or equivalent.
Considering the telephonic and e-mail requests of several Candidates who informed that they made erroneous entries while keying in information in the Part-I Application, the TSLPRB has been allowing modification of information in the following Fields (which have a bearing on the conduct of the Preliminary Written Examination) only.
- Date of Birth Corrections
- Community Corrections
- Ex-Servicemen Status (Yes or No) Corrections
- Local Candidature Status (Telangana or Not-Telangana) Corrections
- Gender Corrections
- The medium of Examination Selection Corrections
- Photo & Signature (Uploaded JPEG / JPG File) Corrections and reupload option

TS Police Constable Online Tests in Telugu
TSLPRB Application Edit Option 2023
Check TSLPRB online edit option, to upload the photo and other mistake information online and other important information upload purposes; these details are rectifying is an important role in the selection process. Candidates should not make any mistakes in the reservation process; the selection criteria will be changed.
Most of the candidates are looking for the tslprb edit application 2023 and other things, which are;
Use the tslprb official link for the instant verification of the previously submitted online application form; We have not received the tslprb edit option for the last date and other important dates for the online application from the submission process.
This data is enough for the online application; the tslprb edit option date is soon available for candidates applying with minor mistakes.
- Reservation mistake
- upload photo (missing photo)
- Parent details missing
- Surname mismatch or missing
- Educational details were wrongly uploaded.
- And other important details.
These changes have been made on the specific requests made by the Candidates through e-mail communication given from their respective registered e-mail addresses to [email protected] by providing the details of –
- Registered Mobile Number (User ID)
- Registration Number and
- The field is to be Modified with details of Wrong Information provided earlier.
- Right Information to be entered now, in place of Wrong Information and
Use the above dates for any corrections and modifications from the candidates’ side, and also, no worries about corrections; you can make those corrections with the help of the Telangana Police department TSLPRB official department.
For any corrections in the Application form, Candidates can Mail the TSLPRB officials and Call them for immediate help. Remember, before making a call, you should be ready with all details like the Registration number, the Candidates’ name, Registered Mobile Number, and DOB.
TS Police Application Edit Option
HELPLINE PHONE NUMBERS: Make a call to these numbers in specified timings only; 9393711110, 9391005006 (8:00 AM to 8:00 PM)
For the corrections of the TS police application form, candidates have to wait for the application link from the officials. That link helps to correct the application form.
The application correction and edit the entire application is possible only by modifying the link.
The last date for the online application as per schedule-wise.
Login first -> Navigate to the dashboard, click on the edit option, recheck the application, add or remove the field text, and submit it.
TSLPRB edit option is available after the authority announces the edit option facility.
For SI or PC, any application is available in a single window.
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Sir /madam I want to edit local district but I miss the chance during editing time. is there any possible to edit that during certificate verification I will pay money there.
Contact the TS police officials.
Hlo madam
I made a mistake in part 2 application of TSPLRB
I have choosen Cadre 2 as first priority for TSSP Which is not my local cadre and cadre 2 as 2nd priority which is my own .
So how does the selection process goes on for me
Do I have any chance in edit option to change it
If I don’t have any chance to edit do I have any chance to get a job in my own cadre
Please give reply
Edit application form is available as per the scheduled wise only, always checkt he official link for latest details.
Hi sir /Madam
I had applied for driver operator in fir services department.
And I didn’t got the admit card for the next
Proceeding, help me out and let me know
How to avail/get 2 part
My registration number Is 31669906
If you’re qualified then you will get the admit card.
Code no 33 ki badulu31 echhanu ala set cheyali
Contact the Police officials via mail or phone number and update the application form.
Hi sir,
I applied for sct pc it/co and it came pc mechanic in admit card ,I completed my events also sir now how can I change it to it /co I studied iti electrian
Now it not possible, any you can contact the TSLPRB team for further details.
Now, the edit chance is over, you have to report with TSLPRB recruitment team directly.
My dear sir this Ramesh mistaked TSLPRB in iam wrong post applied post code 31 communications SI dut iam applied post code 32 transport SI can a change to edit option in post Sir tq
No, post edit is not possible.
Sir I did mistake in my language. I want to correct it. Is there any option to change language
Sir i have mistake my father name please help me how to edit my application
I had a mistake in my application that is name i didn’t got any email r sms from tslprb team
I had a mistake in my application that is name
I have done a mistake abt study residence, when will be the date for edit option, pls kindly help me
If you received a SMS / Email from TSLPRB team, then you are able to edit the application form.
dear sir/medam my appiction one small mistek sir district mestek sir yela edit cheyali sir plz help me sir plz
If you received a email or SMS from TSLPRB team, then you are able to edit the application.
Dear sir login problem how to login re upload photos sig plz updated
I have applied for 2posts is there service charges applied for 2posts or else for only 1??
Where I have done mistake at local dist.
Please suggest me mam..its my request.
You have to pay single service charges for single application. Login account and make changes accordingly.
Is there any official link to edit n what is the last date of edit option mam?
No, Only choosen candidates can edit the online application form.
Hi sir I made mistake of part 1 tsplrb study residency and name I wrote in small letters how change it sir is there any edit option
Mistakely TSLPRB in I’m wrong Post applied..my post is SCT PC driver but I’m applied transport constable post..can a chance to edit option,in post.. date of birth 16-05-1989
Yes, you can edit the in some post field wise.
Please check the edit in the dashboard.
Madam where is show dashboard?
Madam where is show dashboard………..?
Edit option for Photo given till 09-06-2022. But it is showing for few people only who got the message from TSLPRB..
Every one can edit the online application before the last date.
Login first and then upload the photo and sinature.
How can i change the uploaded photo from the online application form
Mostly this month or next month, there is an option called edit for the complete application. No need to worry about it.
Edit option is available for the edit, check the post and login the TSLPRB dashboard and then upload and modify the application.
Madam where is show dashboard?
Inside the login account.
Madam I can’t show ……
Only selected candidates are able to edit the online application form
My dear sir this Ramesh mistaked TSLPRB in iam wrong post applied post code 31 communications SI dut iam applied post code 32 transport SI can a change to edit option in post Sir tq
Post edit option is not available.
Login problem how to login re upload photos sig plz updated
reupload the photo and signature, which is more than enough but check the quality of both images
Sir my freind was completed SSC in 2008 but she passed 2009 ,so in application. the year of passed, she mentioned 2008 .sir plz any give suggestions sir..
Hi Parvathi,
edit option available till 22nd June 2019. Utilize that option.
Examdays blog Dept.
I not receive edit option message sir
Pls check the login dashboard option and let me know
Plz give us one chance for edit option
Is there any option to edit application plz suggest meee sirr
Yes edit option available till 22nd June 2019.
Sir, I lost my application. It was not appearing in TSLPRB site. Please guide me to re-download my application
Hi Surender,
Contact the above email ID and Phone number immediately for the assistance.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
My friend edited bc b caste to bc e and uploaded certificate is there any problem
Hi Riyazuddin,
No issues, it was an edit for the correction and modification.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Sir i didnt tick the special category block… THat is the mistake ake i hv done please kindly correct it thankyou sir
Hi Niharikha,
It’s almost late from your end, kindly contact the TSLPRB officials via email or contact mobile.
pls send my event marks list
Events marks list evvaru andarivi, account loki vello login cheskoni evarivi valle chuskovali.
where is the edit option TSLPRB website don’t showing , what is this but my photo and sign re-upload asked but not showing edit option
Those who received SMS / Email for edit, they only have option to re upload.
I mistake my name ..Only one alphabet.i did not see that.
What can I do sir
They will correct once you are in merit list.
How to change my identification marks
Hi Vijay,
The links are activated for edit option, do it asap.
How to make mail tslprb
Instead of emails, just call them and escalate the problem
hello sir, I selected wrong district in educational qualifications in part 2 application for si telangana. How to correct it ?
Apply with the new district in Part-2, if not possible escalate to TSLPRB Official over the phone and Mail and request them to change.
Sir my registration mobile number was blocked sir how can i login into tslprb part 2 edit option sir please tell me any solution sir
Contact the TSLPRB officials first
Sir my registration mobile number blocked sir how i can edit second edit option sir please tell me any solution sir
Answered above.
Sir i have to correct the ex service man option sir i have enterd yes but i am not ex srevice man where we must. Correct sir
Sir plss give reply sir
Make a call to TSLP Officials and request them to change and you can apply as per your category in Part-2 and continue the process.
I am P.Shekar Reddy, actually I did one mistake in ex servicemen status, I want to apply for 2nd examination how can I do that. Please help me how can I do that.
Thanking you,
P.shekar Reddy
Write an online request to officials for a change of status and submit the document for review purpose. and the same upload to the second stage… Move on to the process.. All the best
Hi Sir,
i have made mistake in TS constable part-1 application form, but i could not modify the correction. please suggest me how i do the correction.
Hello Lachya,
Contact the TSLPRB Support for modification name or you can enter the corrected details in part-2 application.
Team Examdays
thanks for this great article.. I can know many things from this article..
Thanks Raghav, you can apply corrections before last date.
Sir I mistakes to date of birth.im not seeing that..my hallticket is not found now ….what I do sir….plz help me sir
Hi Lalitha,
Please mail us, your registration number and complete name to [email protected] for further help.