Percentage Calculator: Online Free Marks Percentage


Percentage Calculator: The percentage can be said to be the relative comparison of any value to 100. Remember always that any word of percentage is one word of one hundred. For instance, when you hear 50%, do not fight it. It is 50 out of 100 in simplified form. 75% is also 75 students divided by 100. In this case, it makes it easy to comprehend. So, students have to remember that 100 is the symbol of the percentage calculator.

Percentage Calculator

  • A percentage is a way to express a number as a part of 100.
  • The symbol for percentage is %.
  • The formula for Percentage in Simple Words:
  • The simple percentage formula is
  • Percentage= PartTotal×100

The Part is the figure under discussion. For instance, how many marks did you get in that particular test.

The Total is the highest possible value in terms of the previous example (the total marks in the test.

One can calculate the percentage by:

Finding the ratio of the Part to the Total.

Applying a simple equation and multiplying it by 100.

Percentage calculator of marks


In a test you have scored 40 out of 50 marks, what would be your percentage?

Find the ratio of the score (40) to the total marks which are (50):

[ 40 ÷ 50 = 0.80 ]

Take this number and multiply it with 100:

[ 0.80 \times 100 = 80% ]

In total, you have scored 80%.

Key Points to Remember in Percentage:

  • 50% means half.
  • 25% means one-fourth.
  • 75% means three-fourths.
  • 100% means everything or full.

By remembering these common percentages, you can quickly estimate answers during exams.

Percentage calculator formula

  1. Divide your number (Part) by the total (Total).
  2. Multiply by 100 to get the percentage.
  3. Use common percentage ideas like 50%, 25%, and 75% to make it faster.

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