Common College Scholarship Requirements


College application season is here. If you haven’t looked into scholarships yet, this is your sign to start now. The US awards over 1.7 million scholarships every year.

Scholarships are a big help for students who may not come from a wealthy background. This can also interest students who want to help or give back to their parents. Fortunately, regardless of what you want to pursue, you’ll find plenty of college scholarships available.

No scholarship is the same, and the amount and for whom it’s rewarded is different. Scholarship requirements also differ depending on the type of award you want to apply for. Most scholarships will require basic information, high school transcripts, and essays.

Applying for the right scholarship for your needs can be daunting, but don’t worry! That’s why we’ve created this guide on what you need to apply for a scholarship. Read on to find out more.

Your College of Choice

Almost all colleges in the US offer scholarships or some form of merit aid. Colleges do this as an incentive for students they believe could make positive contributions to their community. You’ll often find details like scholarship requirements on the college’s website.

This is often found in the admissions and recruitment office or publications like brochures you might receive from recruiters. It also helps to ask your admissions counselor if there are any other opportunities. Colleges also offer transfer scholarships for students who want to try a new school.

Transfer scholarships are often marketed toward students who attended community college and want to get into a 4-year college. Your admissions counselor can help you navigate the process and see if you qualify.

Some schools offer scholarships for athletes in particular. If you’re a sports or art student, you may find options that aren’t even available to first-year applicants.

It doesn’t hurt to look at a more private or expensive college while you’re at it. Private colleges may seem intimidating, especially if you’re budget conscious. However, these schools often offer the best grant programs and scholarships.

Where You Live

Local scholarships are available if you want to attend a college in your home state. You could also get a scholarship based on your school district or even your city or town. Check for scholarships for every denomination of your location to get an idea of every award you could get.

This includes your high school, district, town, city, and of course, your state. If you want to secure a scholarship, county scholarships are your best bet. Local associations typically have smaller applicant pools than national scholarships.

If you’re not sure where to look, start by asking your high school college counselor. Counselors have a network and may be able to direct you to opportunities in our locale. They can also tell you how to qualify for any scholarships or financial grants.

Types of College Scholarships

Scholarships are available regardless of your background, interest, or location. You don’t need to graduate at the top of your class to secure an award. Some scholarships are offered to students for excelling as a performer or an athlete or those who need more help than others.

Here are some ways to qualify for a scholarship:

Demonstrated Skills and Abilities

This type of scholarship has two categories: merit and academic-based achievements.

Organizations that award academic-based achievements usually look at your GPA. They may also assess your performance on standardized tests and the classes you took in high school.

If you were active in extracurricular activities, you may qualify for a merit-based scholarship. Merit-based scholarships are for students who have exceptional artistic, athletic, or musical abilities. This includes students who were athletes, cheerleaders, or part of the school’s band.

You may also be able to get a merit-based scholarship if you are part of a competitive team like debate or math. Some scholarships are also given to applicants who are part of the student government.

However, these scholarships are highly competitive. You must be a top performer in your field to qualify for this kind of scholarship.

Need-Based Scholarships

Need-based scholarships are catered to students from low-income families. Scholarship organizations will collect data about your finances to determine if you qualify. Some organizations may have different levels depending on your financial situation.

Students might be able to get a 100% free ride to college or 75%, and so on. If you’re from a wealthy family, you may not have much luck with a need-based scholarship.

Luck-Based Scholarships

Is it possible to get a scholarship with luck alone? The answer is a resounding yes. Some organizations will choose a winner at random to receive the awards.

These scholarships sometimes have some baseline requirements before students can enter the competition. However, if you meet those requirements, you have a shot at winning a scholarship.

Luck-based scholarships make up a small percentage of all awards offered to students. Due to the limited requirements, there is a higher applicant pool and lower odds of winning. It doesn’t hurt to try, but if this is what you want, try applying to multiple competitions.

You might have more luck with scholarships that aren’t too popular. These competitions will have fewer entries, and you’ll have a higher chance of winning.

Having the Right Scholarship Requirements

Some scholarships or grants only have one specified requirement. However, some schools and organizations may look at a combination of different requirements. Many need-based scholarships have the same requirements as merit or academic-based requirements.

As mentioned, luck-based scholarships have baseline requirements, often academic in nature. You may not need the highest scores, but you must maintain a minimum average.

Some scholarships will look at both your merit and academic achievements. Most will narrow down the list using the student’s GPA or exam scores, then give additional consideration if you have merit accomplishments.

College Scholarship Requirements

Finding a handful of scholarships you want to apply for can make it easier and less time-consuming to collect the needed documents. As mentioned prior, scholarships are unique in every way and will have different requirements.

Some will only require basic information, while others are more extensive.
However, if you want to have all bases covered, here are a few things you need to submit a scholarship application.

Basic Information

Every scholarship will want a copy of your basic information. This form details your complete name, home address, date of birth, and previous education. You will also need to input your contact details, like your phone number or email address.

Some scholarships will also have a required age and grade group. Others need to confirm if you are a citizen of the United States. If a scholarship has an age requirement, ensure you qualify before applying to prevent wasting time.

Test Scores

Many scholarships require you to submit a copy of your ACT or SAT scores, especially if you’re rooting for a merit scholarship. Merit scholarships have a minimum requirement of 1200 on the SAT and 26 on the ACT. However, the organization will specify what minimum score you need to qualify for the award.

Some scholarships may have requirements on gender, major, or ethnicity. Others will take into consideration if you’re in the military or have a disability.

GPA Minimum

Merit scholarships are not the only awards that require your GPA. Many scholarships want students who have a minimum GPA. Often, students who get this type of scholarship must maintain that to keep their scholarships.

The good news is that most GPA requirements are low, especially if you’re applying for a non-merit scholarship. These awards usually only ask for a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher.

If you’re still in high school, it’s crucial to maintain your grade. Merit scholarships are competitive and have a large pool of applicants. If you’re looking to get a merit scholarship, know what GPA you need to qualify.


Essay requirements are common in most scholarships. You don’t need to be a professional writer, but you mustn’t take this part for granted. You may have heard of the college student who went viral for her essay.

A school may award you one based on your essay alone. Invest some time in your essay and present yourself in an authentic way. You can also use these tips to write the best personal statement.

Financial Details

If you want to get a needs-based scholarship, check if you have the right financial requirements. Most scholarships and grants will use FAFSA. This is also known as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Needs-based scholarships have different but specific financial requirements. Even if you’re not sure if you qualify for grants, it doesn’t hurt to fill out the FAFSA as soon as you can. You may have a small surprise waiting for you.

Tips for Winning a Scholarship

Applying for scholarships is a stressful affair. For many students, a scholarship can dictate what their college life will be like. Here are some tips for students when applying for scholarships.

Start Researching Early

If you’re still in high school, there might be a high chance that you’ve decided on a major or college. If so, looking into scholarship requirements while you haven’t graduated is best. This information can give you an advantage when you apply for scholarships in the future.

Even if you haven’t decided on a major or college, it’s still a good idea to look into your options. You may find an opportunity you like. Regardless of your situation, looking into scholarships early can give you a goal to work for.

Don’t Miss the Deadlines

Scholarship applications have strict deadlines, but they often align with college admissions season. It may seem like enough time, but it’s best to set reminders for yourself. Time flies quickly, especially when your personal life gets in the way.

Researching early can give you more time to prepare the necessary documents or forms.

Avoid Scams

Financial aid scams are the easiest to fall for. You’ll find plenty of scholarships online, but keep in mind that not all are legitimate. A scholarship asking for payment is a huge red flag.

You also want to avoid websites that ask for sensitive details like your credit card or Social Security number. Counselors and financial aid representatives can help you differentiate legitimate scholarships from fake ones.

Take Note of the Specifications

If you decide to apply for a scholarship, take careful note of each requirement. Some scholarships have specific parameters, like being a STEM major or a football player. The scholarship isn’t worth applying to if you don’t fit into any of those categories.

Taking Smaller Scholarships for Granted

There’s nothing wrong with aiming high, especially when it concerns your education. However, that doesn’t mean you should ignore smaller scholarships. The awards might be small, but that money could be a huge help.

Applying for smaller scholarships can give you more opportunities. There’s often a smaller pool of applicants, meaning less competition and a higher chance of reward.

Not Proofreading Your Application

Keep in mind that you must not leave any section blank. Organizations disqualify and discard incomplete applications. If you hear back from a scholarship committee, respond or follow up.

If the organization doesn’t hear back from you, they will consider it a withdrawal. Proofreading also helps to ensure that there are no errors in your application. If there is a typo in your contact information, the scholarship will have no way of reaching you.

Apply for a Scholarship Today

Going to college is a huge step, so give yourself a headstart by applying to applications. Scholarship requirements may vary depending on different factors, but these are a few things you’ll need for your application.

Are you looking for tips on surviving college life? We got you! Check out our other blog posts for more great guides.

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