AAI Junior Executive Syllabus 2025: Download Airport Authority of India AAI Air Traffic control syllabus year vacancy for Managers, Junior Executive, and Junior Assistant Posts, those who are preparing for Junior Assistant and Junior Executive post have to download the Free syllabus copy in the below links. The complete details for the latest examination syllabus along with sections of each exam slot is given below for candidates quick reference process.
For AAI Junior Executive Syllabus 2025, candidates can check the detailed information for aai je atc syllabus and AAI ATC exam pattern details are uploaded on this page for the candidates’ reference purpose. AAI Junior executive syllabus were added as per the latest syllabus wise.
AAI Junior Executive Syllabus 2025
The Syllabus has given in the below sections for AAI Syllabi posts like Junior Assistant and Junior Executive posts, If you already applied for the above-given posts and then able to find the exact syllabus and take a note on the Important AAI Syllabus.
AAI Junior Executive Syllabus
AAI JE Mathematics Syllabus –
- Calculus
- Differential equations
- Probability and Statistics
- Numerical Methods
AAI Previous Year Question Papers
Syllabus of AAI JE General Knowledge
- Current Events – National, International.
- History of India.
- Geography of India.
- General Politics.
- Indian Constitution.
- Science & Technology.
- Culture & Heritage of India.
- Social Events related to India etc.
Syllabus of AAI JE General Intelligence
- Arithmetic Number Series.
- Spatial Orientation.
- Observation.
- Coding and Decoding etc.
- Figures Classification.
- Non-verbal series.
- Analogies.
- Similarities and Differences.
- Relationship concepts.
- Arithmetical Reasoning.
- Spatial Visualization.
- Discrimination.
- Visual Memory.
AAI Exam Syllabus – General Aptitude
- Time and Work.
- Problems with Trains.
- Profit and Loss.
- Averages.
- Percentages.
- Ratios & Proportions.
- Interest.
- Partnership.
- Time & Distance etc.
AAI Syllabi for English Syllabus
- Grammar.
- Vocabulary.
- Parts of Speech.
- Comprehension.
- Cloze test.
- Direct/Indirect Speech.
- Active & Passive voice.
- Antonyms & Synonyms etc.
AAI Books Download
AAI ATC Syllabus
The AAI ATC syllabus is based on vacancy post wise, if you have applied these posts have to note down the complete syllabus and important sections of AAI Posts. take a note on this posts.
- General Knowledge.
- General Intelligence.
- Quantitative Aptitude.
- English.
- Electrical.
- Civil.
- IT.
Syllabus of AAI – General Knowledge
- Science & Technology.
- Culture & Heritage of India.
- Geography of India.
- General Politics.
- Indian Constitution.
- Current Events – National, International.
- History of India.
- Social Events related to India etc.
AAI Syllabus – General Intelligence
- Similarities and Differences.
- Spatial Orientation.
- Discrimination.
- Coding and Decoding etc.
- Figures Classification.
- Non-verbal series.
- Arithmetical Reasoning.
- Arithmetic Number Series.
- Relationship concepts.
- Analogies.
- Spatial Visualization.
- Observation.
- Visual Memory.
Syllabus of AAI – General Aptitude
- Interest.
- Averages.
- Profit and Loss.
- Problems on Trains.
- Percentages.
- Ratios & Proportions.
- Time and Work.
- Partnership.
- Time & Distance etc.
AAI Syllabus – General English
- Comprehension.
- Vocabulary.
- Parts of Speech.
- Grammar.
- Cloze test.
- Direct/Indirect Speech.
- Active & Passive voice.
- Antonyms & Synonyms etc.
- Atomic Structure
- Nuclear Physics
- Laws of Thermodynamics
- Newton Law of motion
- Wave optics
- Kinematics
- Gravitation
- Simple Harmonic motion
- Physics of Gaseous state
- Fluid mechanics
- Probability
- Matrices
- Limits
- Differentiation
- Definite & Indefinite Integrals
- Diffraction Equations
- Straight Lines
- Quadratic Equations
- Binomial Theorems
The complete Syllabus of AAI is given above, all AAI candidates have to check out the important sections of the syllabus and notes and download a copy in your records. Also, the candidate has to understand the important sections, The AAI important sections have given above. so, take the complete PDF note above. If you have any doubts and questions comment below for a quick revert from us.
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