AAI ATC Preparation Strategy: Are you looking for the AAI ATC Preparation Strategy with Guidance for the AAI exam, then you are on the right page for the AAI exam preparation support. Team #Examdays has given the basic guidance on “How to prepare for the AAI ATC Exam”. The following details are helpful as a reference for each and every AAI aspirant. We have listed the complete information for the AAI ATC marks with the cutoff score.
AAI ATC Preparation strategy score is important for the ATC preparation and important topics, which play a vital role in the exam preparation.
AAI ATC Preparation Strategy
AAI Preparation strategy is listed as per the subject wise, these details are very important and play a vital role in the AAI ATC exam preparation, Make sure that, note down the following details and plan for the exam preparation accordingly.
AAI ATC Topic Wise Marks Distribution
- Atomic Theory
- Units and their measurements
- Motion and Laws
- Work, Energy, and forces
- Friction
- Waves and Sound
- Diffraction and Light
- Electricity
- Heat and Temperature
- Modern Physics
- Relativity
Application Part
- Electromagnetic Fields
- Magnetism of matter
- Photons and matter waves
- Magnetics Fields
- Optics
Moderate attempt – 30
Expected Attempt 20-22 marks (23-25 marks)
AAI Preparation Books
- NCERT 11th and 12th Physics (Hindi & English)
- Lucent – (Physics – Theoretical Questions)
- Engineering / BSc 1st Sem Physics book
Candidates must and should obtain 23+ marks above in the Physic section to get shortlisted for the AAI ATC Exam.
Preparation will take almost 2 months with dedicated preparation.
Selective Topics – much important
Don’t prepare the 2 marks with lengthy questions
- UR = 95 -100 marks
- EWS = 88 -92 marks
- OBS = 85 -90 marks
- SC = 80 – 85 marks
- ST = 83 -86 marks
AAI ATC Preparation Tips
Part A
- English Language – 20 marks (20 questions)
- General Intelligence / Reasoning – 15 marks (15 questions)
- General Aptitude / Numerical Aptitude – 15 marks (15 questions)
- General Knowledge / Awareness – 10 Marks (10 questions)
Weightage = 50%
Part B
- Basics of Physics and Mathematics = 60 questions
- Application Level for 60 Marks
- Total Questions = 120
- Total Marks = 120
- Duration = 120 minutes ( 2 hours)
- Medium = Hindi / English
Weightage = 50%
Selection Procedure
- The written Score is the final for the selection
- Voice Test is only for Qualifying in nature (no marks)
AAI ATC Preparation Books
- The English assume by “Gopal Verma”
- It was a very good book for English basic learning and an easy explanation is available.
- English by Aman Vashishth
General Intelligence
- How to crack test of reasoning – Arihant Series
- This book helps to crack the reasoning topics and a detailed explanation is available and a total of 442 pages are available.
Quantitative Aptitude
Fast track objective arithmetic – by Arihant
General Awareness
- Lucent’s General Knowledge
- Last year current affairs
- Basic knowledge of Airports / Aeroplanes
- 90% of questions come from Class 11th and 12th Level
- 10% of questions come from (B.Tech / UG – 2 to 4 questions)
- Easy Level = 6 – 8 questions
- Moderate Level = 18 -20 questions
- Difficult Level = 2 -6 questions
Physics Important Topics
- Optics
- Atomic Structure
- Electricity & Magnetism
- Mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Gravitation
- Newtons Law of motion
- Nuclear Physics
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Physics of Gaseous state
- Semiconductor Physics
- Kinematics
- Concepts of Physics – HC Verma’s VOL I and II
- NCERT Physics Class 11th and 12th Books
- Drishti Physics Bits Practice (Easy Level)
- 75% of questions are of Class 11th and 12th Level
- 25th questions from B.Tech / UG Level (5-7 questions)
- Functions
- Differentiation
- Series (Convergent and Divergent)
- Algebraic Extension
- Numerical Methods
- Linear Algebra
- Vector Calculus
- Read NCERT Class XI and XII Basic Concepts
- Dristi Maths Bits Practice
AAI ATC Cutoff Marks
- UR = 100+ marks
- EWS = 95+ marks
- OBC = 95+ marks
- SC = 85+ marks
- ST 85+ marks
AAI ATC Expected Cutoff Marks
- UR = 95 – 100 marks
- EWS = 88 -92 marks
- OBC = 85 – 90 marks
- SC = 80 – 85 marks
- ST = 83 -86 marks
2018 ATC Cutoff Marks
- UR = 82 marks
- EWS – NA
- OBS = 74 marks
- SC = 68 marks
- ST = 64 marks
AAI ATC Topic Wise Marks Distribution
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