FYJC Merit List
FYJC Merit List 2019: School Education and Sports Department SESD Pune has scheduled to release the Bifocal merit list for First Year Junior College FYJC merit is 2019 on official website mumbai.11thadmission.net
Updated on 22nd July 2019
SSED Pune FYJC Second Round Merit List
The SESD Pune FYJC second round merit list scheduled to release on 22nd July 2019 at 06:00 PM, the student can get the complete notification and second-round merit list at 11th mumbai.11thadmission.net
Students can aware of the second round of the merit list is available today by evening, verify the second merit list in the official website and download the second merit list 2019.
The SSED is controlled by the Department of Education, Government of Maharashtra is soon to release the merit list for the admissions into 11th Standard course.
Bifocal Allocated Round 1 Live Now
FYJC Merit list 2018 Mumbai commerce admissions are available in all SSED colleges, Pune college for fjyc admissions. Candidates can check the complete Bifocal list round 1 is live now details. All the details are given below, candidates make use of them.
fyjc admission 2019
Candidate can download the allocation list for round 1 admissions. The complete admissions information was available in the official website for the result note 2019. Those who have attended the examination can download the complete results 2019.
FYJC Merit List
Name of the Authority | School Education and Sports Department, Pune |
Exam Name | 10th (High School) |
Exam Conducted by | Centralized Admission Procedure |
Application Process Date | 19th June to 23rd June |
Academic Year | 2019-2020 |
State | Maharashtra |
Admissions For | Class 11th |
Merit Lists Date | 25th June 06:00 PM |
Official Website | mumbai.11thadmission.net |
FYJC Second Merit List
The FYJC merit list 2019 is scheduled to release on 25th June 2019, students who are waiting for the FYJC merit list have to download the complete merit list. the round 1 allocation is activated and available now, Check the allocation admission details in below listed.
Download the FYJC round 1 merit list for the admission, and check the status of the admission selection in respected college / University.
FYJC merit list round 1
- For Arts, Commerce, Science streams, Bifocal subject & HSVC streams the application process conducted from 19th June to 23rd June.
- For management, In-house, and minority seats the application process to be conducted from 19th June to 29th June.
- Admissions for Bifocal subject scheduled on 26th and 27th June from 11 to 5 PM.
- Bifocal allocation round 1 activated on 26th June 2019 onwards. Candidates make use of this round 1 allocation admission details.
FYJC second merit list date and time
FYJC second merit list has scheduled to release on 22nd July and Time at 06:00 PM,
SSED Pune FYJC Second Round Merit List
FYJC Merit List 2019 
Bifocal Allocation Round1
FYJC Merit List 2019 Dates
The Bifocal merit list for First Year Junior College FYJC scheduled to released on 25th June 2019. The admission into the 11th class is as per the round 1 and round 2 procedure.
FYJC Merit list 2019 round 2
The FYJC bifocal merit list is available for round 1 and round 2 admissions procedure. the admissions for various courses like Commerce, Arts, Science in Pune colleges.
Bifocal Allocation Round 2 Activated Soon
FYJC merit list 2018 Pune
Check the merit list for the Pune location college for various course admissions.
FYJC merit list 2018 Thakur college
Check the merit list for the Thakur location college for various course admissions.
- Merit List displayed for the corrections on 1st July 2019
- Merit List Corrections can do on 2nd July 2019
- Final FYJC Merit List 2019 will be released on 3rd July 2019.
- The First Phase of admissions will be started from 1st phase admission process will be held on 8th, 9th, and 10th July 2019.
pune11th admission.net
FYJC second round seat allotment
Students can download the FYJC second round seat allotment 2019 from the official website only.
If candidates have any further questions on the allotment, comment in below comment box for clarifications
genral list date
Once official date is released we will update
Sir i had been alloted for sspms rto clg in first round bt i didnt take admission in it….so i waited for the 2nd round …bt i didint get admission in 2nd round in any clg….i hv 78 % in 10th ..my friend also has 78% …..he got admission in Abasaheb Garware clg….bt i didnt get admisiion in that clg….why is it so…..and what should i do next…
Contact the FYJC admission department and ask the same, they will help in that.
Examdays Admissions Dept.