AP Sachivalayam OTPR Edit Option
AP Sachivalayam OTPR Edit Option: Andhra Pradesh State various departments have released Grama and Ward Sachivalayam posts to fill the 16,207 Vacancies and those who have applied for the Grama and Ward three category posts can submit the online application form before the last date.
If anyone submitted Sachivalayam OTPR application form with mistakes and wants to edit the application form, then candidates have to wait for them until the application date is completed. For mistake correction, candidates have to pay Rs.100/- per complete application or ZERO rupees (fee is not yet decided by Sachivalayam yet, it was expected application fee).
[su_box title=”AP Grama Sachivalayam Edit Option” style=”default” box_color=”#F73F43″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”0″]
- 2022 Edit Update: Candidates can edit the minor mistakes in the application form by using edit option from today onwards.
- Upload service details for selection preference. Details are given below.
- Those who are done common mistakes in the OTPR application at the time of job application submission, they may get an official link to modify their minor or major mistakes soon. Candidates have to wait certain days for the link active process. Right now, the link not yet activated.
- Sachivalayam edit option is NOT official announced this year (2020), it was availed in 2019 year.
- It was not confirmed by the Sachivalayam official sources.
- If No edit optionis available then NO NEED WORRY about, because, the candidates details correction / modify available at the time of certificate verification time.
ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ సచివాలయం ఎడిట్ ఆప్షన్ విడుదల
- సచివాలయం గ్రామా మరియు వార్డ్ అభ్యర్థులు ఎప్పుడు అప్లికేషన్ ఫారం తప్పులను సవరించుకోవచ్చును. మరొక్కసారి అప్లికేషన్ పూర్తి గ చెక్ చేసి మరల సబ్మిట్ చేయండి.
- ఈ అవకాశాన్ని ఉపయోగించుకోండి, మరల మరల తప్పులతో అప్లికేషన్ సబ్మిట్ చేస్తే రిజెక్ట్ అవుతుంది.
- జాగ్రత్తగా అప్లికేషన్ ఫారం ని రెండు మూడు సార్లు చెక్ చేసి అప్పుడు నెమ్మదిగా సబ్మిట్ చేయండి, తొందర వద్దు.
- తొందర పటు మీ అప్లికేషన్ రిజెక్ట్ అయ్యే అవకాశాలు ఉన్నాయ్.
- మరింత సహాయానికి మమల్ని సంప్రదించండి.
AP Sachivalayam Edit Option
Available after completion of Last Date
AP Sachivalayam OTPR Edit Option
Name of the Authority | Andhra Pradesh Sachivalayam |
Name of the Posts | Grama and Ward Posts |
Number of Posts | 16,207 Vacancies |
Qualification | 10th/Intermediate/Degree/Engg/Pharmacy /B.Sc/BZC/Civil/Mech/ Polytechnic/Diploma/Agriculture |
Age Limit | 18to 42 Years |
Selection Procedure | Written Exam |
Official Website | gramasachivalayam.ap.gov.in wardsachivalayam.ap.gov.in |
AP Sachivalayam OTPR Edit Option
To edit the Sachivalayam Grama OR Ward online application form, his/her must and should have Sachivalayam OTPR ready to modify the application form. The Sachivalayam edit option is available now.
Both Grama and Ward Sachivalayam candidates can use the below Same link for both online application forms edit, make sure that, you have to resubmit the application form without any error, further questions write to us for clarifications.

Candidates can make use of the AP Sachivalayam edit option for edit / modify the complete details as in the Sachivalayam Website.
AP Sachivalayam OTPR Edit Option
Upload Qualification Certificates Who Applied for Multiple Posts
Those who are applied for the multiple posts, can edit and upload the qualification certificates here – Upload/Modify Here
Update Local GO 104: If you have issues with Local and Non-local category options, update here, further details candidates can update here.
AP Sachivalayam Complains OR Query
Use the below complaints form to ask the eligible questions and application submission-related questions in the below listed official link.
AP Sachivalayam Edit Application Form

AP Sachivalayam has activated the application form edit as per the category wise, now candidates can edit the completed application form for their minor and major mistakes in the application form.

AP Sachivalayam Edit Application Form
Category – I Posts
- 1. Panchayat Secretary (Grade-V)
- 2. Mahila Police and Women & Child Welfare Assistant / Ward Women & Weaker SectionsProtection Secretary (Female)
- 3. Welfare & Education Assistant
- 4. Ward Administrative Secretary
Category – II Posts
Group – A (Common Examination with preference)
- 1. Engineering Assistant (Grade-II)
- 2. Ward Amenities Secretary (Grade-II)
Group – B (Common Examination)
- 1. Village Revenue Officer (Grade-II)
- 2. Village Surveyor (Grade-III)
Category – III
- 1. Village Agriculture Assistant (Grade-II)
- 2. Village Horticulture Assistant
- 3. Village Fisheries Assistant
- 4. Village Sericulture Assistant
- 5. Panchayat Secretary (Grade-VI) Digital Assistant
- 6. Animal Husbandry Assistant
- 7. ANM/Ward Health Secretary (Grade-III) (Female)
- 8. Ward Planning & Regulation Secretary (Grade-II)
- 9. Ward welfare & Development secretary (Grade-II)
- 10. Ward Education & Data Processing Secretary (Grade-II)
- 11. Ward Sanitation & Environment Secretary (Grade-II)
If any complaints about AP Sachivalayam, use the below link for that.
There was a payment error, candidates who are facing these issues, have to refresh the pages and do it again. If already payment deducted but the application, not a success, then payment will be refunded in 7 days.

Mobile OTP Errors
We already tested with application OTP but unable to receive the MObile OTP for edit purposes, as per information, there is a lot of traffic on servers and it crashed and there will be a technical issue as of now.
Upload Service details on the Sachivalayam Website on or before the link expire – Upload Here
AP Sachivalayam Complains Form
If candidates have any further questions and doubts, use the below comment box for clarifications.
Login and proceed with screen instructions.
Follow the above screen instructions.
Yes, it is required for the application registration.
After submission of the application, click on the printout option and take the system print.
I didn’t mention the option of non-local districts is there any option for that to edit and is it mandatory to select that option incase we select that there is any priority for us
Non local should apply non local category only, edit the application after 10th August
Caste edit problem
You can edit any field in the application form with help of edit option. If difficulty in modifying data then write to us [email protected] for assistance.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Hi mam,
Today I have been submitted application with wrong mobile no… Now the edit option is not opening please advise is there is any way to change contact details in the application form
I Seen thoroughly , the EDIT option is given for Qualification details & Address purpose only. Personally i contacted to Help desk also, they said it won’t be change. If you know tell us by Experienced.
So please ensure all details before you submit your application by step wise.
As per past experience, Sachivalayam opened a field wise edit by paying amount after last date.
What happened?
Madam my degree qualifying year is 2019 but i kept 2013 can i correct those details in application form ,plz. Tell me
Yes, use the edit option-> login-> go to educational field => change the details and last submit the application.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
hlo the edit otpr option ot takig dob to proceed?
Sister ,university name change cheyyatam ayyinda??
can I change my centre
try once in edit option.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Sister can i change my exam district preference
No, you have to call the assistance team for the support.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I don’t have CMM I have only OD, because I have done my graduation from other state, and how can I edit uploaded certificates, I have certificates for each year. Plz give me rply as soon as possible
good afternoon madam, is it possible to make non local districts after completion of application and payment with local districts category.
ma’am i think I entered incorrect aadhar number, and it is uneditable. I am very much worried, please suggest me some solution. Thank u in advance
Aadhar number edit link available after some time.
As i applied for VRO AND VS for qualification mistakenly i kept board of intermediate (vocational) instted of ssc how can i change it
How many times to edit apgrama sachivalayam OTPR
My name is asmath bee my name is a praved me
Please mention the exact query??
Mam i submitted my otpr form with mistake. My photo is not clear. Across my photo there is old signature. Is this leads to reject my application.? Mam please help me
Yes, it gonna be rejection due to invalid photo/sign. Use the edit option and make it clear.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I have done mistake in submitted application in address field, I want to make some changes . so please suggest me
Check available edit options.
how should i change my photo and sign please assist me
Possible with edit option, once it is available, we will inform you.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Thankyou very much for your reply
I did a mistake in ssc details actually I had passed in the month March 2013 but I had typed may 2013. How can I change my details?
Make a call to 1100 for assistance, OR wait for the edit option (Available after 10th August 2019).
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Please confirm same issue here too i completed ssc 2006 but unfortunatly i selcted 2016 now i am unable to apply for the post since its showing gradution completed year option is coming from 2016 but i completed in 2012.
suggest please
Edit the OTPR application first and then apply. Edit option link activated and we posted also.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
how to edit the details
Edit link is not available yet. Possible with edit option only.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Application modification option vuntunda sir? I am choose non local .Eppudu local pedathm anukuntunna? Off any chance?
Yes, edit option available after application date completed, We will inform you after 10th August 2019.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Tqq Madem
Sir my name is dhana lakshmi na application lo signature ledu plz help me sir
Know not available a madem
ఎడిట్ ఆప్షన్ ఇప్పుడు తీసేశారు. సిగ్నేచర్ ని అప్లోడ్ చేయడం కుదరదు ఇప్పుడు. హాల్ టికెట్ వస్తే అప్పుడు ఏమైనా చేయడానికి వీలు ఉంట్టుంది. 22 ఆగష్టు నా హాల్ టిక్కెట్స్ వస్తాయి.
ఎందుకైనా మంచిది, ఒక్కసారి అప్లికేషన్ లాగిన్ అయ్యి అప్లోడ్ వీలు ఉందో లేదు చెక్ చేయండి మీ అప్లికేషన్ లో.
sir i want to change my reservation category from category 1 to category 2
Wait for the edit option from Sachivalayam team, for clarification, make a call to 1100.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
sir i want to change my application job from category 1 to category 2
Wait for the edit option from Sachivalayam team, for clarification, make a call to 1100.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
How to edit date of birth in sachivalayam posts
Via edit option (Currently it not available).
Examdays TSAP Dept.
how can i change my university name in the application form
via edit option
Actually I am applied with ssc but i am completed degree bsc I have to change bsc in application it is possible to edit now
And please help me how to check my application status
S lokesh,
Entire OTPR application is available for edit, you can change the complete application form. Application Status: https://apgsvam197573reports.apcfss.in/knowYourOtprDetails1985478963.apgs
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Actually I forgot to mention My Signature without signature I was Submitted how can i mention Now?
Palleti shilpa,
See, OTPR Edit option is available to change the complete application form, you can edit OTPR application once again, resubmit the Photo OR Signature.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Exam English medium or Telugu medium plz reply me
i have enter my date of birth as 18 instead of 19 … how can i change it
Change the DOB with help of edit option (link already given in this post, use that).
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Actually the edit option is available now. But it is not having the edit option of ssc details,how should I change my ssc details i.e month and year.it doesn’t showing any details about ssc month and year.( I.e in the OTPR edit application form)
Call them for assistance before the last date of the application form.
But the number is not reachable.what should I have to do
You have to call between the 10 AM to 5 PM only, after that calls not allowed.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Sir i had completed my schooling in spsr nellore but by mistake i entered 10 th class prakasham..how can i edit that pls rply
Call the assistance team to modify the application form SSC field.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mam r u telling abt 1100…i called but they told that their is no uptade abt application editing
Use these numbers: 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Madam actually my degree qualifying year is 2019 but i kept 2013 ,can i change my details in the application form?
Use the edit option once, if not possible then call them for assistance before 5 PM.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mam what is the solution ??? When i can get the edit option for application form ( step -3) pls reply me
There is no solution, you have to call them assistance team and escalate the same for solution.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mam is their any chance of releasing an edit option for application form
Mam i didnt understand what is assiatance num calling for every num but no response at any tym….can u suggest any number mam pls to modify application
We don’t have any specific numbers.
check these links: https://gramasvlmotredit.apcfss.in/EditAPGS19VROPS29072019.apgs AND https://payments.apcfss.in/PAYMENTFORMS17/editAPGSMOTRDetailsPayment201963762.do
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Can I change non local districs in edit option (job preferance)
Madam my degree qualifying year is 2019 instead of 2019 i kept 2013 ,there is any chance to correct my info.
Go to edit option and enter ur old otpr and edit degree year of passing
Sir edit option for application is not released then how can i ???? I had my schooling in spsr nlr but bymistake i entered 8&10 prakasham how can i edit that???
in the process of application my date of birth is not correct it is actually (1998) but mistakenly i put (1988) can i able to change it .if yes can u tell me the process , please
Try with edit option, if not able to change then call the assistance team.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I didn’t mention a signature with the photograph. I have completed application with payment also. How can I edit now. please let me know.
reupload the sign once again under edit option.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
under the edit option change it and resubmit.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
One of my friend wants to edit district name in educational details.But in OTPR edit section that education field is not appearing please give a solution for how to edit district name in education details section
You have to call them for assistance in working days.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
How to edit education details in OTPR section give solution to that one one of my friend wants to edit education qualification details
Make a call and escalate the same for changes.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mam..I have uploaded my signature with blue ink pen..is there any problem for that..??
Yes, it causes problem and chances to reject the application form, resubmit the sign with black colour only.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
My category is oc and the application is showing bc d. How do I change my category??
In option edition link, go to the category field and modify it, if not possible, call the assistance team and escalate the same for a fix.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Present I am working on contact basic in fisheries department.in online application one
option appeared “are you existing in contract employee / Outsourcing employee” Yes or No by mistake click on the No option. How to edit Yes option and enter the experience.
Please suggestions I have 15 marks weightage.
You’ve done mistake in the application as per the statement is given, use the edit option for changes. If not appear then make a call and escalate the same.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I forget my otpr id, i filled the appilication but didnt payed amount now,how can i know my otpr id
Use this link for OTPR ID details: https://apgsvam197573reports.apcfss.in/knowYourOtprDetails1985478963.apgs
Examdays TSAP Dept.
how to change university name
Use OTPR Edit option
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Hiii I didn’t sign my name near photograph as its showing that it is more than 50kb but I submitted my details,can u guide me that any problem by doing this
Edit the application once again.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Sir I want to change my category. How can I do it please tell me
Use edit option for certain filed changes in OTPR application form.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
How can I change my caste
Edit the application once.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
through edit link i am not able to edit caste ….can u plz tell me a way to change it
my degree passing year is 2019 but I have entered 2016 in application , so please suggest a solution to edit this
You can edit this, use the qualification field option, if not. the make call to us 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Try in edit option, otherwise, call to us for assistance 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Madam i entered University jntu instead of jntu-k how to change University information
Brother exactly I have done that by mistake what to do now
You can modify the educational detail in OTPR form. OR make call 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055
Examdays TSAP Dept.
hii mam i had made a mistake in entering into my date of brith. made can you please make a suggestion for me
Use the edit option and modify the mistake again.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Edit for caste.. no option is showing to edit caste please help me with it
Call us for assistance.
9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Hi…Sir/Madam This is om prakash i did’nt upload my signature in the OTPR application form.
i want to upload my signature in application form it possible or not.
Follow the sign instructions before uploading.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Cast is wrong madam
Call for assistance: 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055
Examdays TSAP Dept.
how can i change my basic education details from 4th to 10th.i have kept my residence District instead of studied district. Please let me know how can i change it.
Use: https://gramasvlmotredit.apcfss.in/EditAPGS19VROPS29072019.apgs if this link does not work then use https://payments.apcfss.in/PAYMENTFORMS17/editAPGSMOTRDetailsPayment201963762.do
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Edit option page is not open
It working fine: https://gramasvlmotredit.apcfss.in/EditAPGS19VROPS29072019.apgs
Examdays TSAP Dept.
How to edit the basic education qualification details
Call us 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Call us 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055
Examdays TSAP Dept.
how can i edit my date of birth with 08/10/1993 to 10/08/1993
how to edit univercity details medam
Have you seen the fields in edit option?
Call us 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I had applied otpr for wardsachivalayam but i want to apply it for gramasachivalayam please tell me how to change this
then apply for AP Sachivalayam too, no issues there.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Madam i had applied for wardsachivalayam instead of gramasachivalayam how can I change this please tell me
Mam BASIC EDUCATION DETAILS is not appearing in OTPR details to edit what can i do mam
Use this link: https://payments.apcfss.in/PAYMENTFORMS17/editAPGSMOTRDetailsPayment201963762.do
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Sir application online lo submitted chesanu andulu mistake ayyendi degree year of passing tappuga vesanu yela sir edit option yemaia unda unte cheppandi
Link1: https://gramasvlmotredit.apcfss.in/EditAPGS19VROPS29072019.apgs
Link 2: https://payments.apcfss.in/PAYMENTFORMS17/editAPGSMOTRDetailsPayment201963762.do
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Not showing degree qualification details
Contact the support team.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Mam I didn’t uploaded signature below the photo…. Can I edit or not mam.
update OTPR application form.
Sir replay ivvandi
answered above comment.
Mam na candidate name tappu vachindi nenu exam rayagalana chance undha
So many candidates has facing this issue. You have to carry the application form print, any govt id card (original &xerox), hall ticket.
how can i change exam center preference in otpr
by edit option
Examdays TSAP Dept.
hi bro, Have you resolved this issue?
ward number wrongly entered how can i change it? as in edit option drop down option in ward number block was not coming. i can see all the details except ward number option in edit otpr details
Use this link: https://payments.apcfss.in/PAYMENTFORMS17/editAPGSMOTRDetailsPayment201963762.do
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Madam, i have applied for Engineering assistant grade 2 category in EASTGODAVARI district..I wrongly selected willing to apply for non local districts option..intead i select no option..I wanted to change it to yes option…Is there any possibility to change it??
1st time edit: https://gramasvlmotredit.apcfss.in/EditAPGS19VROPS29072019.apgs
2nd time edit: https://payments.apcfss.in/PAYMENTFORMS17/editAPGSMOTRDetailsPayment201963762.do
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Madam, provided links are only for OTPR modification form…But am asking for how can i change, willing to apply for non local district option in APPLICATION form not in OTPR form….There is only OTPR modification link but i want to edit application form.
Madam I want to change my exam centre preference can you suggest me what can I do to change this
1st time edit: https://gramasvlmotredit.apcfss.in/EditAPGS19VROPS29072019.apgs
2nd time edit: https://payments.apcfss.in/PAYMENTFORMS17/editAPGSMOTRDetailsPayment201963762.do
Examdays TSAP Dept.
How to change community.?please help me.
1st time edit: https://gramasvlmotredit.apcfss.in/EditAPGS19VROPS29072019.apgs
2nd time edit: https://payments.apcfss.in/PAYMENTFORMS17/editAPGSMOTRDetailsPayment201963762.do
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Sir I have given wrong university sir by mistake… Iam from Kakinada and I have given jntu Hyderabad sir
On main official site, 2 edit links are given, use that.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I m mistake the university is any option to change the university
Use edit options for modifying.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I tryid to edit date of birth but there is no option to edit, how can I edit my date of birth
AP Sachivalayam clearly gave instruction, edit the application with Rs.100/- payment, try to check the official website for more details on this.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Hi Madam,
I have applied as a non local but i am local, is there any possibility to edit my submitted application.
No, you have to contact the support team.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Madam nenu jntuk ki badhulu ,university name jntu petta. OTPR edit ki velthe university name change cheyyataniki chupinchadam ledhu madam
Once check the gramasachivalayam.ap.gov.in website for 2nd time edit procedure.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I HV mention wrong ward number so how to correction..Plzz
resubmit the application with help of edit option.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
madam, Good Afternoon, I entered my university details incorrect, can i edit the application mam
Use the OTPR edit options, available on the official page: http://gramasachivalayam.ap.gov.in/.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Can i change my exam district preference
No, you have to contact the Support team.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Use this link: https://payments.apcfss.in/PAYMENTFORMS17/editAPGSMOTRDetailsPayment201963762.do
Examdays TSAP Dept.
helo mam my btech qualifyng yr is 2018 instd of that i kept 2015 how to rectify it? after augst 1oth is their any edit option for application
Edit option is not available to fix all the fields, even I tried for support team via call, none of them answered. You’ve to check manually in edit option and verify. Option not available for all.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
mam is there any rejection of application by mistake keeping the year of graduation wrong?
Yes, invalid and incomplete applications are rejected.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
How should I change my photo and sign. If their any possible to change
Hello, madam this is harish there is no editing of my basic education details…… I previously asked u to edit my application form but u told me that first time editing is free and second time u will pay hundred and edit my application but after i payed 100 to edit my application form there is no visibility of basic education details….what can i do now?
Just make the call to support team and escalate the same, they will help you.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
They are not lifting the call madam i am trying all the numbers provided by you…. Plss verify my problem there is no editing option and even not responding for calls also madam
same problem here harsih
Then what we can do is there any other option vivek……. I am continously trying to call them but i dont found any response………
links updated check once.
Mam i need to edit basic education details.
I had completed my 10th in spsr nellore but by mistake i kept prakasam. how can i edit it pls reply
No details available yet, once call support available with sachivalayam team.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
HOW TO EDIT CASTE in the application
please help me to edit caste it is not available in edit option
Hi sir,
I belongs to BC-e creamy layer.while filling I kept Bc-e.is it possible to change my caste preference to OC
How can i change educational details i have studied in one district but mistakely submitted another district from 6 to 10
edit link updated, pls check once
How to edit cast?
links updated check post.
How to edit cast…..
Mam application edit option is also released mam but basic esucation details is not editing mam…..what can i u …..i called to the numbera those r not working mam….how can i change pls rply….assistance team is not lifting and switchoff….
Submit the query here / do complaint here: https://apgsvam197573reports.apcfss.in/apgscoplaints2807190331.apgs
We don’t have any other option except above. Sometimes feeling low of their hate support. all calls not responded and no use of their numbers.
I didn’t mention the signature with photo.i has submitted the application. is there any possibility to edit. please let me know
pls use the available 3 edit options
Hi , I’m unable to enter dob in the edit otpr registration form. please help me.
you have to select the DOB instead of entering.
Good Morning Sir,
This is Hari, I have registered OTPR with wrong date of Birth, Kindly please tell how to change date of Birth.
call to 9121148061, 9121148062, 9121148063
Mam both submit application and otpr edit option is released but basic education details is not editing….help desk numbers are not working…links that u sent are not working….what can i do now…is their any chance of giving the edit option for basic education details?? Or is their any for rejecting bcoz 8 and 10 dist were changed by mistakenly
I didint understand what is the use of helpline numbers if they r not working….
I want to cancel the PSY under category 1
And I need to apply ENG Assisistant under category 2
is their any refund if it is possible can you please give me steps.
Edit option is available but am unable to get otpr edit option sir?? Please help me can I change exam center??
It not possible from our end. you have clear the browser cache n history and try once again.
I think otpr edit option only for grama ward and sachivalam posts not for remaining posts
clearly given in the post, check posts which are under edit option.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Can i edit my date of birth
I want to edit my local dist to non locàl dist
Hai madam in basic education details only for class 7th instead of visakhapatnam it was printed as east godavari how to change it please help me i have pad 100 also
But still we unable to do please helpus
check my previous comment once and confirm me.
I understood your pain, I wanna confirm that, did you tried these four(4) edit links, check Screenshot here: http://tiny.cc/0lgxaz
Please confirm me
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Hi thank you for the response mam. Ya I have tried all the first 3 options but basic education details it is showing only Board, hall ticket , and year of pass but it is not showing the details which I have got errorin class 4-10 and furthermore option 4 I did not try bcz it belongs to visual and hearing imapired candidate
As of now, there is no option to edit online yet (in this case). I already escalated the same issue to 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055 but after 2 days they are not responding on this. You do one thing now, just raise the query here https://apgsvam197573reports.apcfss.in/apgscoplaints2807190331.apgs and wait for a further update from Sachivalayam team. If I receive any update then I keep updating this post.
You’re not alone to face such issue and there are many candidates in row, don’t worry about this.
You concentrate on Preparation.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Hello Madam,
Previously i applied for local district(East Godavari). I want to apply for NON LOCAL DISTIRCT as well including my local district by changing the willing to apply for non local district option as yes, But there is no edit option for this in EDIT APPLICATION FORM, Can you suggest me to change this??
no edit for this.
no option yet for this filed.
mam,i entered wrong mobile numbe.no option for editing my details because Otp is not available so please suggest how to solve.
You can log in with Aadhar Card number -> then->Login with OTPR ID -> Change the Details.
Check Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LouAlGyPMIv37G7wBEC_hIsNw0zlBY4D/view
I kept wrong phone number, that number not working. How can I change phone number.
Use these Screenshot instructions: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LouAlGyPMIv37G7wBEC_hIsNw0zlBY4D
I tried to change my photo. After entering otp and edit photo, it is showing 500 Internal Server Error
it server busy error, try early morning.
Can I change exam center preference
Can I change exam center preference
Not yet
My community is Bc’D’.
But application is showing Bc’B’.
I was try to change my community through Edit option. But personal details editing are not given in Edit option. So how can i change my community in my application
Hello Madam,
I have done my graduation in ARTS only….am i eligible for Ward Welfare & Development secretary (Grade -2) post???
Essential qualification for this post is A Degree in arts and humanities, I am unable to understand whether am eligible or not, Can u suggest me??
If you have subject humanities then apply it
My community is Bc’D’, but in application it is shown as a Bc’B’. Personal details changing option is not given in Edit option.
How can i change correct my community in my application
if option not available, then make the call and ask them same. OR wait for the next update from Sachivalayam team. We don’t have any other option yet.
My community is Bc’D’.
But in application it is shown as a Bc ‘B’.
How can ichange
use the available edit options.
For updating OTPR, DOB is required to login..but calendar to select DOB is not displaying.
Now how to update OTPR?
The calendar is working, try to clear the browser cache.
How to change in my one time profile pic
Say some thing to me pls
Use OTPR edit option and reupload the pic and submit…last download OTPR and Submitted Applications
sir I’m getting wrong names in hall ticket but what can i do for
can you send me the edit link
Hi sir,
My First letter is missing in my name even my mother is appeared in place of dad name . suggest me how can i edit my name
IF Possible send Edit link
Edit link deactivated already.
There is alot of candidates name misprinted in the hall ticket. You just write a letter and take any Gazetted sign with stamp and carry any govt id proof to the examination centre and explain the same.
Carry documents to exam centre:
Written Letter with Gazetted sign and stamp.
Application form
Hall Ticket with Gazetted sign and stamp.
Hall Ticket without Gazetted sign and stamp.
Original Govt ID proof
Examdays TSAP Dept.
We received many requests on name misplaced, it seems to be some technical glitz in sachivalayam systems, btw you can carry following documents for safe side.
Carry documents to exam centre:
Written Letter with Gazetted sign and stamp.
Application form
Hall Ticket with Gazetted sign and stamp.
Hall Ticket without Gazetted sign and stamp.
Original Govt ID proof
Examdays TSAP Dept.
In editing process does not open dob why wat happened in my otpr
It’s working fine our end, just now verified.
Mam can i send my complaint in queiry for not editable BASIC EDUCATION DETAILS COLUMN but it is asking about and post…..and for what catogery should i choose to enter queiry….SYLLABUS , EXAM PATTERN, EXAM DATE AND TIME , APPLICATION SUBMISSION , AGE RELAXATION, RESERVATION CATOGERY
Again, no need to worry on this, Sachivalayam team try to provide an option for education edit soon. If not provided, u can change it later while reporting time of document verification.
There are many candidates had a mistake on education details submission. You’re not alone.
Prepare for the exam, if any option available, we intimate on this website.
Mam tq so much mam for responding on every ones problem…..
Thanks for your kind words Haseena.
Examdays Team will try to give our best
I mistakenly kept my tenth class district wrong how can I change that in edit otpr it is not showing that option
Education details not available for edit. Wait for update
mdm,actually i am not upload sign with photo and i paied money after i am editing my photo with signature it is not shown payment i am submit without payment.whether it is conformed or not please tell me mdm
amt failed how to apply again
already paid antundi malli pay chestunte…..
check bank statement, if already deducted then no need to pay. if not refresh the page and make payment again.
I want to edit my local preference
Please help me to edit the option
field not available yet
i want change my date of birth can you help me with that
i want to change my dob how can i
I want to change my DOB how can I change???
No edit for this, right now.
hi this is Ramesh Reddy,
how to chenge examination centers please reply fastb.Because i dont hvae time
No option is available. Any ho last date of application form 11th August 2019.
You can pay today, no issues.
when the last date of payement is any possible to extended the date
11th August 2019 (1 day extended)
payment not processed
Pay as on 11th August 2019 online
I have entered incorrect aadhar number, does it cause any problem ? Now the server is not working. I am worried, please clear my doubt
You can edit later, right now server heavy load.
Please update the digital assistant exam model papers as soon as possible
Dear Mastan,
we will update the paper as soon as possible.
Unfortunately we have submitted the application with only photograph not having signature. is there any chance to modify it.
Pls extend last date to 12th aug due to some technical problems I think server is busy so, my application is not submitted pls give us one last chance… Plsss
Hi sir/Madam, I was submitted my application with Gender wrong, can i edit it, plz tell me
How to change name in otpr
Want to edit DOB, but it is not getting open.
medam i have a mistake apply wrong study qualification ..how to edit my study qualification plzzzz replay me medam plzz
Sir hindu religion aite by mistake Christianity padindi edit chesukovacha chepandi
mam… I entered wrong post name… can I have any source to correct dat? Pls tell me
Mam what abt basic education details edit option mam??? Wrong districts entered for 10 th class by my friend pls help
sir .. in OTPR Application .. i forgot to my signature below photo. can u help me.. how to edit… sir can you tell me signature is mandatory for OTPR application?
I want to edit my name in OTPR but the it was closed by 10 August, is there any chance to edit my name in OTPR, please answer me
Pg complete chess Kane degree tho apply chesanu problem eam radhu kadha
No Issues.
sir nenu signature application form lo enter cheyaledu naku hall ticket vastuda sir…
ravadaniki emaina solution vunda sir please reply sir,.,…
Use the edit options (available still on the official website). All hall tickets are scheduled to release from 22nd August 2019.
Hi Hanuma,
As of now, it very difficult to change the exam centre. Hall Tickets are ready to release on 22nd August onwards.
Examdays TSAP Dept
Earlier, I suggested to check with application login and check is there any possibility of application edit. If not available, there is no way to edit or modify.
You’re responded after the last date. Just wait for the hall ticket.
This link will help you to know OTPR number: https://apgsvam197573reports.apcfss.in/knowYourOtprDetails1985478963.apgs
Examdays TSAP Dept.
I have one mistake in my Hall ticket. My fathers name in one letter has to be missed. Pls give any sagisa to to rectify the problem. Is it any problem. Plss find my problem
This is not a problem at this time, you can change/rectify/modify name at the time of Document verification.
No issues now.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Hai madam my mistake is very big my name is wrong in my application iam just found now please tell me solution Actually my name DIVYA SREE but application in my name HARISH KUMAR
Carry documents to exam centre:
Written Letter with Gazetted sign and stamp.
Application form
Hall Ticket
Original Govt ID proof
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Sir na name wrong padindhi hall ticket lo correct chesukovadam kudurthundha
If your name misprinted on hall ticket, First make a call to 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055.
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Carry documents to exam centre:
Written Letter with Gazetted sign and stamp.
Application form
Hall Ticket
Original Govt ID proof
Examdays TSAP Dept.
Hello Madam,
I am unable to download my Hall ticket second time…1st time i downloaded but unfortunatly, it was deleted from my files…now i am unable to download it from site..please give me your suggestion?
mail us at [email protected] with your OTPR ID and DOB. We will try for you from our end.
Madam my caste mistake in hall ticket and application form how can I change please give me the solution, actually caste is BC-B but in application form and hall ticket BC-D si how can I correct that please give me the solution
No Changes right now, you can opt the official via call (numbers are available on mail official site). OR you can change on Certificate verification time.
If there is any chance to change the examination center
Madam my name is wrong in the application what to do now
Carry documents to exam centre:
Written Letter with Gazetted sign and stamp.
Application form
Hall Ticket with Gazetted sign and stamp.
Hall Ticket without Gazetted sign and stamp.
Original Govt ID proof
Examdays TSAP Dept.
My name is wrong in the application what to do
Sir I forgot my OTPR ID….How can I get my details
use the know otpr details link, available on the sachivalayam website.
I mentioned ncc certificate as NO by mistake but i have ncc certificate.What to do? Can i change it now on 27/8/19
Is there any solution!?
no edit option available. It’s ur blind mistake. submit the NCC at the time of Certificate Verification (no reservation applicable after merit list released).
i have Ncc c certificate but iam not mentioned in the application..is there any chance to edit
Hallticktet is not download
send an email to [email protected] with OTPR & DOB
Please help me. I have edit my name.please guide the way to adit my name
no need to worry about name edit, first attend DV and at same center they will correct ur details as per SSC certificate.
Mam, I have not opted for Non local districts. I did not got job now. If I would have opted for Non local I would have definately get job. Is there any chance for me to re-apply for Non local districts?
I thought that If I dont get job in local with reservation, How can I get it in Non local open category. After applying I saw that in Non local category also posts were distributed category wise.
I felt very bad that I did not appplied for Non local districts.
Even for those who are behind my rank can get job now.
please help me.
My document verification was completed and I got acceptance request but in my application I have provided my btech passed out year wrong ..I didn’t notice then is there any problem regarding job..I’m super nervous can I change year …Please give me some advice
no issue, ask them to correct it.. that’s all. it just minor mistake.
I have entered my category as Bc-B but i belongs to Category Bc-A… Yesterday i got message that i have selected for Panchayat Raj secretary ..Now how can i change my Caste Category .
you should visit sachivalayam center
Hi, I wanted to edit Are you willing to work in Non Local to YES. I have already edited the form for 1st time.
There are no vacancies in my local. So if I give the exam also it is of no use.
Can u pls help me with this.
Hi Akida,
Edit available as per the documentation, pls refer the edit option as per instructions.
I don’t see edit for setting non local to local. I only see edit for educational, address details,.
And i also used edit for 1st time. It’s allowing me to edit for second time.
Can u pls provide me the link for 2nd time edit for editing posting preference location.
For the complete sachivalayam edit application form, edit link will be available later.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
How can I be notified?
And you have any idea like will it be available after Jan 31st or before??
Last year it available after deadline, this year. We know the exact rule for this. You just contact them and enquiry same.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Hi mam, na cast bc my husband cast different ite nenu husband cast pettanu mam ayana cast pi naku certificate avvadu antunnaru Eppudu em cheyali madam pls reply madam
Do one thing, Apply for the new caste certificate by attaching xerox copy of the husband caste document in Meeseva center and get the same caste certificate. Don’t say to officials my caste and my husband caste is different., keep in mind.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
I don’t see edit for setting non local to local. I only see edit for educational, address details,.
And i also used edit for 1st time. It’s allowing me to edit for second time.
Can u pls provide me the link for 2nd time edit for editing posting preference location.
What link mam
What link mam
Hi, can i change my post preference in category 1? If yes , please let me know.
not possible.
Hii, I have already utilised the edit OTPR option in that I forget to update the signature when I am trying to edit once again it is showing that edit can be allowed once.What should I do now?? Please help me how can I solve this problem..
Sir! I applied to the surveyor post and I did payment also for local! I want to edit non local but there is no option is there for editing! Pls tell the details of how to edit non local after payment! In site edit option is shown only for without payment !
only basic details are available for edit. Other detail edit purpose, wait for the edit option from sachivalayam team.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Can I change non local districs in edit option (job preferance
Mam how to change to local to non local
Not possible as of now, wait for the next special edit option from sachivalayam.
I had already used one time edit could I use second time if no tell me another alternative choice
No, you should for the complete edit option (which is likely releases after 31.01.2020).
Madam how to edit mobile number ???
I applied for Ward data processing Sectry
But later came to know there is no vacancy in OC category I had submitted and paid for the application. Please let me know is there any chance to go through.can I edit the post applied for. Please let me know
Hi Jyothi,
Use edit option and change it at http://gramasachivalayam.ap.gov.in/EditApplications20.html
Confirm to me once after edit.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Nope there is no option over there for changing the post applied for
Either you have to escalate the problem to Sachivalayam team via phone contact OR you’ve wait until they allow an option to edit specific fields.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
I did not receive an email or sms about my application. I checked my email and phone number and it was correct but still I didn’t get any email or sms about successful allocation or fee payment. Y is that ?
And I have to edit a minute detail about me . I used otpr option once. Wen I try again it says only once it is allowed to edit. How to edit details now ? Wen r they going to allow us to edit details ? Please answer for all the questions.
Escalate the mail with application attachment and write the issue in mail clearly.
[email protected] & [email protected]
local and nonlocal edit options will be after the last date (last year it opened after the closed date).
I did not upload signature below the photo how can I do it now
Mam I forgot to upload signature below photo, submitted the application and payment is also completed . now how can I upload the signature
Is this mistake a major problem mam
Yes, it chances of application rejection. Write en email to [email protected] & [email protected]
I have submitted my Online Application today but i didnt get any confirmation mail or any message. In That application i have entered wrong year for 10th pass out (entered 2011 behalf of 2003), i used edit option also but i forgot to change.. when i was tried once again it doesnt accept for 2nd time. could you please help me, what should i do now.
Edit option is available only 1 time.
Escalate the email to [email protected] & [email protected] with application attachment.
You can wait for another paid edit option from Sachivalayam team.
I forgot to upload signature but i my photo.i thought that it was photo option only.
i used edit option also for examination centres.
Now, how can i upload photo to my application.please tell me madam.
Already I said the, mail them with application attachment and upload signature and photo too.
[email protected] & [email protected]
i forgot to upload signature but i upload my photo.i thought that it was photo option only.I have used edit option also for examination centres.
Now,how can i upload signature to my application form.please tell me madam
mam,please tell me the solution
how to upload madam. i have already used edit option.
how to upload photo madam, i have already used edit option.
with our mail id with have to mail to the mailid’s which you have given madam and we have to attach application and signature with photo.
And. again i didn’t get confirmation mail to my phone number and email about successfull allotment of my application.
Hi Srilakshmi,
Please submit the email to sachivalayam (application form print, photo, signature) with detailed explanation.
Next: You have to check the application form status while downloading the application form.
Note: Sachivalayam team will provide another edit option for rectification of all error after last date.
Whatever, you just submit the mail and also use the contact number.
Mam, i mailed the application and scanned photo with signature to the mail id’s which you have given to me. Is it ok madam or i have to do anything else for that.
please, give me the reply madam.
No wait for the response. If not get don’t worry. They will give another edit option for complete form edit. Last year they given, So I’m saying.
I want to edit my personal details. I had typed my father’s name in the candidate name column in a hurry
Use edit option (applicable only 1 time).
I forgot to upload my photo and signature and i used edit application already once.But it’s not coming What should i do.If i apply without photo and signature is there any problem.Please do tell me.
Yes Leela,
The application will be rejected. Why you people submitting an application with errors/mistakes. Send an email to [email protected] & [email protected] with application form print, photo, sign.
If they not done till 31.01.2020. Then wait for the paid edit option from Sachivalayam team.
How to check the application status and we are dailing to the helpline numbers they are not answering to our calls madam
Calls are not lifting by the sachivalayam team. Download the application form and check out payment status there.
Madam I forget my otpr plzzz tell me
Use this link to retrieve your OTPR details/ number http://apgsvam20reports.apcfss.in/knowYourOtprDetails202045544544.apgs
Madam I am traying more then 30 time to register my profile for otpr. But everyone said server is not working. What can I do now. Today is last date. Help me !.
Last day of registration, so the server in peak mode for all.
I need one information madam the applicant name should be there as per ssc madam
Hi Sai Lakshmi,
Yes, Applicant name as same as SSC Certificate only.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Madam,yesterday you have told me to send application form with scanned photo with signature to the mail id’s.I send, but the application is not updated with signature and photo.My payment status shown fee paid.Now.what i have to do madam.
If sachivalayam people not updated means, they may take the time or, they may be scheduled for next paid edit option (Last year they released paid edit option for entire application edit, this year maybe chances)
Madam.i did not get any confirmation message to my phone number or email about my application.
It will cause any problem madam.Because today is the last date.
You can apply once again with a new payment.
I applied grade 2 post today. But I didn’t get any confirmation message or mail after completing my payment done.. Please reply my message..
Check payment status in the application form (download it).
Mam in submitted application now it is showing both photo and signature.Then No need to forward that sign and photo to that mail id.please tell me.
Yes, no need in that case. Just relax…also check the payment field in the application form once for safety purpose.
Mam now in submitted application it is showing both sign and photo.Then no need to forward photo and sign to that you mentioned email.please tell me.
Mam now in submitted applications it is showing mail and sign.Then no need to send that sign and photo to you mentioned email.please tell me.
MAM.In payment status it shown the payment is already done.how i can make new payment for that?
Hi Sailakshmi,
Photo and Signature should edit in OTPR edit option.
If payment already made status, then no need to submit again.
Hope you got clarifications.
Nenu OTPR option use cheyaledu kani nenu use chesinantu chupistondi.photo upload ayindi kani signature upload avaledu.emi cheyali madam payment kuda ayipoyindi.kani confirmation message raledu payment status already paid ani vachindi.epudu emi cheyali madam nenu. ee roje last date kada madam.
Hi Bhavani,
Last date is extended to 07.02.2020.
Are you following Photo and Signature Measurements correctly right: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1O4xgGcm4rpNkecktt0eBD5dmHXWQbK7-
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Mam I have paid fees for application but there is a problem you have not paid fees.and the have been cut in bank then what should we do mam pls give me rply
If the payment status is showing “Not paid” then Pay again. And Enquiry in the bank for the refund status.
We have only one option as of now with Sachivalayam team.
Sachivalayam team not working up to the mark and none of them responding for the payment failures.
So many candidates are facing such payment issues but none of them answers this type errors.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
Mam I need to change my exam centers how can i change can u please tell me
Right now, no edit option for Change of exam centers, let see later for it.
Keerthana, Author.
Examdays TSAP.
How to upload madam.OTPR edit option is showing you have already used.How to upload in that.And any confirmation message not came to my email madam
edit is Only one-time opportunity. No confirmation SMS/Mail, just check the download application and payment status.
When will be the paid edit option date madam? Truely, It will be there madam.
Last year, it was available. But this year, I don’t know exactly if they release or not.
After completion of payment but I saw my name is mistake…how can I edit my name please tell.
Use edit service option
Madam,nenu engineering assistant ki apply chesanu local lo..notification lo chusthe local lo job emi levu madam..non local option pettukovadaniki edit option istara madam..plz cheppandi
Try once in edit option. If not possible wait for next local and non local edit option.
madam,paid edit option istara ee year.chepandi madam please.
చెప్పలేం మదురి, కానీ ఎడిట్ ఆప్షన్ ఇచ్చే ఆకాశం ఉంది, చాలా మంది candidates mistakes చేశారు.
Can I change non local districs in edit option (job preferance)
Not Yet
Paid edit option eechara madam
Apply chesina taruvatha application istharu ga adhi miss aythe otpr ela telusu kovadam
Download the submitted application form, there you can get the all the details of OTPR and application form.
Download the submitted application form, there you can get the all the details of OTPR and application form.
When be the paid edit option will give madam? Is there any particular dates for that?
Hi Samvrutha,
The Sachivalayam Paid edit option is before 10-15 days of exam date. No need to worry about that, Just concentrate on exams.
Nonlocal change chesukune option eppudu istaru madam…particular date emaina unda madam
hi Lavanya,
Istharu, kani eppudu estharu annadi inka confirm kaledu.
Examdays TSAP
Sir, I uploaded the pic with out sign below in the edit option optr after that I noticed it and I want to rectify it but it was showing only one time edit is possible in the optr edit option… then what should it do plz guide me sir…….
I mam I entered candidate name is my fathers name how can edit the name with fine ….mam pls tell me
Hi Prathyusha,
Wait for the next edit update from Sachivalayam.
Ok mam edit option confirm ga untunda mam vasthe inform cheyandi pls mam
Hi,mam I only uploaded the pic but not the sign mam how can I rectify it…… plz tell me mam.. i am very scared about that…
Mam sachivalayam customer service ki call chesthe paid edit option kuda ledu ani ayipoyay antunaru mam
Hi Prathyusha,
Let me verify my end for the paid edit option.
K tq mam
mam nijamga paid edit option kuda leda mam chepandi plz…
Hi Samvrutha,
Sachivalayam -2019 (last year) they enabled the paid edit option.
For this year, as same expectation, none of sachivalayam guys responding for the calls and mails for the confirmation on this.
Mam… plz tell me is there pay edit option for sachivalayam 2020…..
Mam pls tell me is there pay edit option for sachivalayam
So many candidates are waiting for the Paid edit option, we are also escalated a request via call, let wait for the next update from Sachivalayam team.
Mam sachivalayam paid edit option e year untunda Nadi candidate name tapu vachindi
Mam please help me I have edit my name…please guide the way to edit my name ..please mam help me
Hey Sushma,
already all the steps given above . please follow the same procedure.
Which steps mam
Last year icharu kada mam e year untunda paid edit option help line services ki call chesthe valu ivem levu antunaru …
Mam pls tell me e year sachivalayam edit option vasthunda mam hopes petukokunda veredi prepare avadam better aaa
Don’t wait for single Govt Job, prepare for another alternative/Suitable jobs. And regarding the Sachivalayam edit option, we have already escalated to get the confirmation on this. Once we get info. we will update the same.
Ok mam
Mam exam eppudu untundi mam
As of now, no information is given.
Hi mam, i did mistake in my application, actually am choosing different category post by mistakely selected another one, will get any edit option in before exam…?
No. Only Sachivalayam team can do edit, but as of now. No team is available.
Mam edit option e year untunda mam pls tell me
The chances of the Sachivalayam Edit option is NO. But we are expecting further edit option beacasue so many candidates are did minor mistakes in the online application form.
Hope we get positive response from Sachivalayam team on edit option.
Hii mam e year edit option untunda mam pls tell me
I replied earlier comment.
Hii mam sachivalayam exams eppudu untay mam
July / August 2020 chances but official note/info not available yet. I will update once the official note released.
Madam next month exam antunaru e year paid edit option Rada mam pls tell me
As of now, no official update on the Sachivalayam edit option due to the COVID19 pandemic. And one more thing, this time 2020-21, No one gave information on edit option but those who are shortlisted for the certificate verification, at that time, candidates can modify the details in presence of team (mean at certificate verification center).
So, no need to worry about it, prepare for the exam.
Mam application lo ichina phne number poyindhi madam ippudu ela madam number marchalanteee plz madam rply ivvandi
As of now, NOT possible to change the application details.
Use the Aadhar Card number and download the application form again. If you’re shortlisted then change the number at the time of the Certificate verification process.
Madam Chala Mandi edit option vachindi antunaru Kani website matram chuinchatledu njmga release chesara mam edit option please help me
Edit option is available only for the exam center change, ti available due to the COVID19 pandemic.
If you’re looking for the Candidate registration details modification, then wait it will be available soon. If they not released then don’t worry, candidates details will be modified at the time of certificate verification time.
Madam Chala Mandi edit option vachindi antunaru Kani website matram chuinchatledu njmga release chesara mam edit option please help me
Replied previous comment (due to repeated questions).
Actually my DOB is 8-11-1998
But accidentally I mentioned as 11-8-1998
Is there is option to rectify this mistake…
Right, no edit option is available for the modification of candidates’ details. Wait for some time OR If you’re shortlisted for the Certificate Verification CV then you can change it at the time of CV. No need to worry.
Madam candidate name mistake unte Hall ticket vachida mam edina problem aaa
Madam gramasachivalyam I did a mistake in year of passing degree details actually my degree qualifying year is 2019 but I kept 2018 can I correct those details in application form edit option was unavailable mam pls help me
If you’re selected for the CV then, you can modify at CV time.
Hall ticket will generate as per the application form details. If you did mistakes then no need to worry, you can modify at the time of CV (Certificate Verification) if you’re shortlisted for CV.
Madam I did a mistake in year of passing degree details actually my degree qualifying year is 2019 but I kept 2018 can I correct those details in application form edit option unavailable mam pls tell me
Hi Pavi,
As of now, there is no edit option for the candidate’s details change, no need to worry about “year” mistake. You can change at the time of CV time.
Madam gramasachivalyam I did a mistake in year of passing degree details actually my degree qualifying year is 2019 but I kept 2018 can I correct those details in application form edit option was unavailable mam pls help me
Madam gramasachivalyam I did a mistake in my year of passing degree details actually my degree qualifying year is 2019 but I kept 2018 can I Corry those details in application form edit option unavailable madam pls help me
Madam gramasachivalyam I did a mistake in year of passing details actually my degree qualifying year is 2019 but I kept 2018 can I correct those details in application form edit option unavailable pls helpe madam
Mam please help me my dad name is misplaced in candidate name there is problem in hall ticket how to solve this problem please help me
sir / madam ,
i applied sachivalayam postings in online my email id wrongly entered my email id actual [email protected] pls help me how to change.
Cast problem
It is effect on the selection, contact the sachivalayam team and modify it.
My community is BC-D
But application is showing BC-B I was try to change my community through edit option. But personal details editing are not given edit option.
So how can I change my community in my application.
Please reply sir
Hi Kalyani,
Caste is not editable as of now, no problem for now, you can prepare for the exam. Edit option will be available in this recruitment. So, no need to worry about it.
You can change it later from BC-B to BCD (no issue), not only you many of them are facing.
Mam pls reply candidate name mistake unte hall ticket vachida any problem in exam Hall please hlp me mam
No issues now, u can modify when you’re attend CV
Mam pls reply candidate name mistake unte hall ticket vachida any problem in exam Hall please hlp me mam
Can we edit post option,got net issue n other one he did because ANM/Pharma not related to my subject.
Instead of Ward sanitation & environment he kept ward health secretary/ANM
Hi Glory Kasarapu,
Yes, you can edit the online Sachivalayam application form but as of now, the link is not yet activated for edit. Many of candidates are waiting for the Sachivalayam edit option. Wait a few more days.
Myself Glory Kasarapu, now am in dilemma that which course subject shall I study for exam,if it can be edited for sure then I will study my course related one only I.e ward sanitation & environment secretary or the wrong one ward health secretary which I did a mistake,time is running out and no confirmation,there is no point of studying the wrong subject I.e ward health secretary
Hi Glory Kasarapu,
Pls call 9121296051, 9121296052, 9121296053, 9121296054, 9121296055 and try ti fix it.
Mam I want to my change my exam center and preferences also is the link available now and how to change the details now mam plz reply mam
Hi Sravani,
for AP Sachivalayam exam center change link is not available yet, We’re expecting the link will be in 2/4 days, If available then we will immediately intimate on this post and also we intimate in our telegram group.
Mam Is the link available for job preferences also
Not expecting this time.
Mam Is the link available for change of job preferences also plz reply mam
Not expecting this time, pls wait few days, all info will out.
Mam this year paid edit option leda msm
We’re waiting for the same official note from Sachivalayam team for the minor and major changes. But We have got some info that, If candidates need changes or modification in their applications, no need to worry, selected candidates can change the same at the time of Certificate Verification (CV).
Mam this yearpaid edit option leda mam
Hi Prathyusha,
I replied earlier comment asked by you, pls check once,
paid edit option ivvara madam ee year.please tell madam.
Hi Samvrutha,
If not available edit option, then no problem, if you’re selected then u can change or modify ur application at the time of CV.
Hi Mam,
I have noticed that gender is wrong now(After hallticket is released)..What can be done ?……will it affect my exam ?….will they allow to write exam
No issue.
My otpr id checked my application payment already payed cut the money in my bank account but application will not paid was the problem hallticket not open
Contact the Sachivalayam team asap.
Same problem sister
How to change gender details.
Hi Vijay,
If you’re selected, you can modify at the time of CV. no worries about that now.
Gazetate Officer Sign ekkada ee form meda pettinchali.please chepandi madam.
Hi Samvrutha,
Read the instructions, Where you that document for the signature.
Madam name mistake unte gazetted officer sign petinchala
Better attempt that.
Ekada cheyinchali mam sign application form lo
below the photo. The signature person will aware of all those.
Photo and signature correct ga unai mam oka candidate name e mistake undi
ఏదైనా గవర్నమెంట్ ఐడి జిరాక్స్ తీసి దాని పైన Gazzatted officer signature మరియు stamp తీసుకోండి.
instructions lo 3 passport sigh phts meda pattinchali ani vundi madam.antena madam
Avi photo clarity ga lekapoina mana photo krinda signature upload cheyapoina cheyinchali
Don’t think much on this, just follow instructions.
instead of my nam my mother name gt printed in hallticket
Hi Rajesh,
No Issues, You can follow the below method for the exam.
Take any Govt ID card, take xerox of the document and take the Gazzaatted Signature with stamp and attend the exam accordingly.
all details are upload correctly but only one mistake is happen, what should i do
Already replied., pls check previous answer.
Hi Sarada,
Upload Experience Certificates Official Link.
Hi Pavan
Try to use the Sachivalayam edit option and check out the additional certificate upload option, if available then upload before the certificate verification process.